Chapter 26 ~ Walk

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I woke up for the first time feeling happy. Tyler had told me I would eventually get to see Alex again. Even if it's not soon, it will happen eventually. And that gave me a surge of hope and joy. I raced down the stairs where Tyler and Josh were. They were both in the kitchen making breakfast so I went over to the couch and sat down. After another moment Josh ran in and handed me a plate with eggs and hash browns.

"Thanks," I smiled. Josh just nodded his head and ran back to the kitchen. Then him and Josh came over with their food. We all sat along the couch. "Is Misty coming over today?" I asked.

"I can text her," Josh said. "So what do you guys want to do today?"

"Adventure!" I exclaimed.

"Where would we adventure?" Josh chuckled.

"Good point," I frowned. "We could all go on a walk in the woods."

"We could do that," Tyler nodded. "Get ready. We can wait to see if Misty wants to come too."

"Yay!" I exclaimed, making them both laugh. I raced up the stairs to get a different pair of clothes. I changed into a Pierce The Veil shirt and black skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and made sure to put on the necklace and bracelet from Misty. I also grabbed my mp3 player. I put one earbud in and started listening to Black Veil Brides. Then I went back downstairs. We all sat there as we waited for Misty. Not too long after there was a knock on the door.

"Let's go," Tyler said. He jumped over the side of the couch and we all raced towards the door. Misty stood on the other side waiting. "To the woods we go!" Tyler declared.

"Woo hoo!" I cheered. Misty laughed as me and Tyler raced to the woods. I was in front of him for a second before he quickly picked up his pace. He beat me to the woods with flying colors. "I tried," I chuckled, out of breath. We sat there as we waited for Josh and Misty. Finally, they caught up and we headed into the woods. It was peaceful. It was dark, but light enough to see everything in the way. We all walked in a group. "This is kinda neat," I commented.

"This looks like a place a horror movie would take place," Misty frowned. She moved slightly closer to Josh.

"Don't say that," I groaned. "I don't want to get freaked out too."

Tyler chuckled. "How about we all have a race?" He suggested. "There's a river not to far from here. We race to the river, but stop at least ten feet away so you don't fall in."

"You're on," I challenged, getting ready in a running position.

"I think I'll walk," Misty said shyly.

"I'll walk with Misty," Josh said.

"Just me and you sweetheart," Tyler grinned. "On your mark, get set, go!" He shouted. We both started running full speed. I jumped over roots and weaved my way around trees. I could see his outline as he raced through the trees. He was winning for sure. I moved farther to the right so there was a larger distance between us. Then I saw a person. But it wasn't Tyler. Or Josh. Or Misty. I started to panic as I saw the tall figure running. It looked like he was running straight towards me. I picked up my speed even more. But the figure did too.

"Hey!" I shouted for Tyler, but the second the sound left my mouth I was tackled go the ground. Someone pinned me to the ground and a hand covered my mouth.

"Hello darling," I heard a low, raspy voice. I squirmed under their grasp but it was no use. They looked older. Maybe 50. And something in his eyes was different. Almost like insanity. Someone driven from years of loneliness and sorrow. Then it hit me like I rock. I knew him. From many years ago.

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