Chapter 30 ~ Barbecue

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Soon, a car came down the driveway. I saw the driver was Misty and there were two others with her. Another car was right behind them. This could not have happened at a worse timing. They both parked their cars and I quickly raced towards Michael and Mary as they stepped out of the car. They both saw Tyler step out of the other car.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Michael shouted. I reached him and grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "What's going on here?" Michael demanded.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you guys," I looked at Michael and Mary. "But don't tell the police. They're here as friends."

"Friends?" Mary questioned. "Didn't you say they kidnapped you?"

I sighed. "Yes. But as I told you before, they saved me more than once. And the only reason I'm here right now is because of them. My dad kidnapped me and they told Alex. They were willing to go to jail to keep me safe. Please, just give them a chance. If anything goes wrong, you can call the police."

Michael sighed. "This is insane. Okay. But if they show any sign of trouble they're out." I looked over at Mary, who nodded her head in agreement.

"Thank you," I smiled. "Keep quiet about that though. The girl over there doesn't know. I don't want to freak her out."

"Okay," Mary said.

"It's great to see you guys though! I'll meet you guys up on the porch. You need to tell me anything interesting I missed," I grinned.

"Deal," Mary smiled. Her and Michael both ran off. I couldn't help but notice how close they were to each other. It was cute.

Finally, I made my way over to Tyler, Misty, and Josh. "What was that about?" Misty asked as I approached.

"Just a misunderstanding," I reassured. I gave her and Josh a quick hug. Then I looked at Tyler.

"What, no hug for me?" He pouted.

"I'm not sure if you're worthy," I teased.

"Fine, I'll just leave then," Tyler fake cried. He spun around and went back towards the car.

"No, don't go," I whined playfully. "Besides, you can't steal Misty's car." Then, without warning, Tyler raced towards me and pulled me into a hug. "Help," I teased. "He's holding me hostage." Then I felt my feet lift off the ground. I wrapped my arms tightly around Tyler as he held me bridal style. "Hey, hey, hey, put me down!" I demanded. "I prefer my feet on the ground."

"No can do sweetheart," Tyler grinned. "You must pay the price of not hugging me."

"I'm sorry, I'll give you a hug," I pouted.

"Too late now," he smirked.

Then I lifted my head up and kissed his cheek. "Does that make up for it?" I winked.

A huge smile spread across Tyler's face. "But now I don't want to let you go."

Then I began to sing loudly. "If you love me let me gooooo!"

"Looks like this one is defective," Tyler laughs. I fake gasp. Then he threw me over his shoulder.

"Josh, Misty, would you guys mind helping?" I chuckle.

"Nope. You're on your own," Misy giggled. I groaned as I faced Tyler's back. He carried me over to the porch where everyone else was at and I felt my face heat up.

"Can you put me down now?" I questioned.

"Sure thing sweetheart," he said. My face turned a darker shade. He gently set me down. I looked over at Michael, Mary, and Alex. They were all watching Tyler like a hawk.

"I'm going to talk to Michael and Mary," I told Tyler.

"Aw, okay. I see how it is, you're leaving me all alone," Tyler teased.

"No, you can talk to Josh," I smirked. We looked over at Josh and saw he was talking to Misty. Tyler fake gagged and I rolled my eyes as I walked over to Michael and Mary. "So, what have I missed?" I asked them.

"What have we missed?" Mary responded. "You clearly have a thing for your kidnapper."

I rolled my eyes. "It's nothing like that. Besides, if you actually took the time to get to know them, they're not that bad."

"It sounds like you have stalkholm syndrome," Michael raised an eyebrow.

"No. Like I said, it's not like that," I said. "So, anyways, I noticed you two have been awfully close," I grinned.

I saw Mary's face turn a light shade of pink. Then Michael spoke up. "Oh, uh, yeah, we started dating," he said nervously.

A huge smile spread across my face. "It's about time! I knew this would happen someday. Man, I missed all the good stuff."

"That's about all that's happened," Misty shrugged.

"I still can't believe I missed it," I pouted. "The only thing that's happened recently with me was my dad. That was terrible," I sighed.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. I wish there was some way we could've helped," Michael frowned.

"There was nothing anyone could do," I said.

"Food's ready!" Alex suddenly called, interrupting our conversation. We all raced over to the chairs where everyone sat.

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