Chapter 11 ~ Morning

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I woke up the same way I had fallen asleep. I tensed up a little at the fact that Tyler was still there. I was trying to find a way to move or get up but Tyler had a tight grip and the wall was right there. So I finally gave up. I rested my head back down on the pillow and waited. After what felt like hours I felt Tyler begin to stir.

"Are you awake?" He whispered.

"Yeah," I said. I felt Tyler remove his arms from around me. He slowly sat up and I did too.

"Come on. Lets go see if there's anything we can have for breakfast," Tyler said. We both stood up and walked down the stairs. As soon as we reached the bottom the smell of eggs and bacon filled the room.


After breakfast I sat on the couch in front of the tv. The news was on so I started watching it. I was on the news. I watched intentally as my face appeared on the tv screen.

Local girl by the name of Violet Wite went missing for the second time. She had been kidnapped for three weeks before escaping and calling the police. She claimed that Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun from the band  Twenty One Pilots kidnapped her. Two look alikes were imprisoned shortly after. But Violet has gone missing once again. Here's a word from her brother.

My name is Alex Wite. I'm Violets older brother. Violet, if you can hear this, I know you're in trouble. You would never fake something like this. Just stay strong. I promise you'll be safe. I'll find you. And I promise, the people who did this to you will not get away this time. I love you.

Tears blurred my vision and I quickly tried to blink them away. Josh came over and flipped to another channel. I kept my face covered between my legs. I started shaking. I had just got my brother back. Now I was taken away again. I wanted to go back. I wanted my life to return to the way it was. I wanted to just build a time machine. I wanted to go back to when my grandpa was still alive and I was never kidnapped. I wanted to go back to my parents. But some things were impossible.

I glanced up and saw Tyler and Josh giving me sympathetic looks. I didn't want their sympathy. I hated getting sympathy. After awhile both Tyler and Josh came over and sat next to me. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and I immidiately tensed up. I had to fight the urge to slap them then and there. Instead I didn't move. I just stayed the same way.

"What should we do today?" Josh asked.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I finally snapped. I glared at them both. "You both kidnap me and then act like nothing's wrong! I just watched my brother crying on the news, promising me something that's never going to happen!"

"Look," Josh said sympathetically. "We're not going to hurt you. I promise. We're trying to make this be at least a little better than it is."

"Don't!" I screamed. "Don't ever promise me anything ever again! Promises are made to be broken. I promised my parents they'd be okay. I was only eight. I held my mothers hand as she died. The last thing I said to her was she'd be okay. I promised! Just like she promised she'd always be there for me!" I started sobbing and shaking violently. This time someone pulled me into a hug. I didn't protest. I began crying into there chest. They had well defined muscles. I quickly pushed away the thoughts about that.

"I-I just want to s-see my parents a-and my grandparents again," I sniffled. "And m-my brother and friends."

"Shh, it's okay," Tyler whispered. He began stroking my hair and swaying side to side.

"This is all your fault," I yelled. "I shouldn't be here! I should be with my brother!" I balled my hand into a fist and began punching his chest. His arms were still wrapped around me and he didn't let go. I continued punching his chest until I finally gave up. I melted back into his arms and continued crying. I hated being seen like this. I was an emotional mess.

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