Chapter 32 ~ Picture

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After Alex had found everyone we went back to the porch. I stood there and leaned against the railing.

"What'd you do to your arm?" Tyler asked.

I looked down and saw there were scratches all over it. I chuckled a little. "I guess running into a rose bush wasn't the smartest idea."

"Come on. Let's get your arm cleaned up," Tyler said.

"No, I'll be fine," I said.

"I didn't ask," Tyler raised an eyebrow. "You don't want it to get infected or anything. Plus, I can literally see thorns in your arm."

"Fine," I groaned. As me and Tyler walked inside I could feel everyone watching us. They had a very small amount of trust. But I guess I couldn't blame them. After everything that's happened. They were just trying to look out for me.

Me and Tyler walked over to the sink in the kitchen. I grabbed a cloth from one of the drawers and ran it under the water to help clean off my arm. Tyler grabbed the cloth and began to gently clean my arm. He pulled out a few thorns too.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No problem," he said. "So, what was what was that little act in the tree before you ran away?" He smirked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said innocently. Then Alex walked in. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't think this conversation is over," Tyler whispered. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled a little. Then I walked over to Alex.

"What're you doing?" I asked him.

"I was just making sure you guys found everything. How's your arm?" Alex questioned.

"It's fine. Tyler cleaned it up and got the thorns out," I said.

"Thanks," Alex turned to Tyler and said simply.

"No problem," Tyler smiled.

"Uh, actually, Tyler, could I talk to you for a moment?" Alex asked nervously.

I gave Alex a weird look. His gaze didn't move from Tyler. "Sure," Tyler spoke.

"Violet, you can go wait outside," Alex said.

I gave him another weird look as I walked towards the door. Tyler looked just as confused as I was. I went outside and walked over to the others. "Do any of you know what Alex wants to talk to Tyler for?" I asked.

"No idea," Michael replied. "All he said was he wanted to talk to Tyler about something."

"Hmm, weird," I frowned.

"You're brother scares me," Josh said in a small, childish voice.

"Good," I chuckled. Then I got an idea. "Can all of you guys stand together for a picture?" I asked.

Mary shrugged. "Sure."

They all stood up and moved together. Mary and Michael stood in the back since they were the tallest. It was perfect. Michael put his arm around Mary and pulled her closer while Josh did the same to Misty. I took several pictures. Then I set up my phone to take a photo in ten seconds. I quickly raced over and sat in front of them all. I made a pouty face and crossed my arms and sat criss crossed. Once my phone took the picture I ran back over to it. The others were just laughing at me.

I showed them the picture with me in it. "Look! I'm the third wheel," I chuckled. "That is my new phone background."

"Hey, I didn't sign up to be your phone's background," Misty pouted.

"Too late, the deed is done," I grinned.

"What if I made an embarrassing photo of you my phones new background?" Michael teased.

"You don't have any embarrassing photos of me," I stuck my tongue out. Then I froze. "Wait, you don't still have that picture do you?"

"Of course I still have it," Michael winked. "I still haven't showed your brother either."

"No, no, no," I said frantically. "Don't show anyone that picture. I won't use the picture of you guys as my background. I won't show anyone it either."

Michael smirked at his victory. "Okay. Deal."

"I hate you," I pouted.

"What's that? You want me to show them the picture?" Michael teased.

"No! I didn't say anything," I said innocently. Then I got down on my knees and bowed down. "What do you want me to do, oh master."

"That's more like it," he chuckled.

"What's the picture anyways?" Josh asked curiously.

"It's a christmas photo of her," Michael explained. "She's wearing a reindeer sweater with her hair tied back in a pony tail. It was also taken when she still had braces," Michael grinned.

"Man, now I wanna see it," Josh complained.

"No," I said, turning towards Michael. "No."

"Hmm," Michael thought. "Go fetch me water peasent."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled a little. I spun around and ran into the house. I quickly grabbed a water bottle. I heard laughter coming from where Alex and Tyler were and I couldn't help but smile. I ran back outside towards Michael. He was talking to Josh while Misty was talking to Mary. It was good to see them all getting along.

"Here you go your majesty," I said, kneeling down in front of Michael with the water bottle.

"What's going on here?" I heard Alex's voice behind me.

I stood up and chuckled a little. "Michael's blackmailing me."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Is he still using the christmas photo?"

"You said you didn't show him!" I exclaimed.

Michael laughed. "I didn't show him the picture. But I told him a lot about it."

"Do I get to see the picture?" Tyler teased.

"Nope. No one gets to see it," I glared at Michael.

"I think it's a cute picture," Mary shrugged.

"It's terrible," I pouted. "I looked like a troll."

"You did not!" Mary exclaimed.

"I'm ending this coversation before someone else sees the picture," I groan.

"In the mean time, you will be my personal servant," Michael teased.

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