Chapter 23 ~ Birthday

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I woke up and realized I was alone. Then a thought hit me. Today was July 23rd. My birthday. Great. That meant I was now 20. I slowly sat up. I didn't want to leave the room. Maybe I got lucky and they forgot about my birthday.

I decided to take my time getting ready. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up. Once I got in I took my time. Then I got out and slowly got dressed. I brushed my hair, dried it, and curled it. I also put on some make-up.

While getting ready, a thought hit me. I wondered if my phone was still in Tyler's bathroom. How had I not thought of that? I went down the stairs and looked around. I didn't see Tyler or Josh anywhere.

"Hello?" I called. No one responded. I slowly walked to Tyler's room and peaked in the door. "Hello?" I repeated. Still no response. I walked into Tyler's room cautiously. When I saw it was empty I raced in and grabbed my phone from the bathroom. I quickly raced out and ran to my room upstairs. I put my phone under the dresser my clothes were in. I would text Alex tonight.

I went back downstairs and flopped down on the couch. I began to flip through the channels. I finally stopped on 'Switched at Birth.' I still hadn't seen any sign of Tyler or Josh. Then I heard a knock at the door. I frowned as I slowly got up. I slowly crept towards the window and peeked out. I saw Misty standing by the door. I smiled as I opened the door.

"Hey Violet!" Misty exclaimed. She pulled me into a hug. "Happy birthday!"

I groaned. "No, you were supposed to forget about that."

"How could I forget?! I even bought you something," she smiled.

"What?! No," I whined. "I don't accept gifts."

"Too late. It would be bad for you to reject it now since I've already paid for it," she grinned.

I pouted. "Fine. Come inside. I'm not sure where Tyler and Josh are though."

"They're outside. They'll be in in a few minutes," Misty informed.

"Okay," I frowned, wondering what they were up to. "I've just been watching tv."

"Well now that I'm here you get to open your present," Misty smiled. She handed me a neatly wrapped box.

"It better not be expensive," I glared playfully. I tore at the wrapping paper. There was a box. I proceeded to open the box. I smiled when I saw what was inside. On the top of everything was a Black Veil Brides bracelet. Then there was a Sleeping With Sirens shirt. And finally, a Twenty One Pilots necklace. "Hold on, I'll be right back," I smiled. I raced up the stairs. I quickly changed into my new shirt and put on the bracelet. I reluctantly put on the necklace too, but I hid it in my shirt.

I raced back down the stairs and Misty smiled when she saw me. I ran over and hugged Misty. "Thank you," I said.

"See, presents aren't bad," she teased.

I stood back and glared at her. "So that's how you wanna play. You're evil," I chuckled.

We were interrupted by Josh running in. "Come on guys. We're waiting outside." Before I could reply he ran back outside again. I rolled my eyes as me and Misty headed outside.

We went out on the porch where Tyler and Josh were. They had a table set up. There was a vase full of flowers on the center of the table. I saw some stuff off to the side too, but I didn't pay attention to what it was.

"Happy birthday!" Josh and Tyler both said.

"I already got my presents. My birthdays over," I said.

"Sorry, it doesn't work like that," Josh chuckled. "What'd you get?"

"I'm wearing it all. Can you spot the three things?" I chuckled.

"Um, lets see, your bracelet for sure. I think the shirt. And you're wearing a necklace. What's on the necklace?" Tyler questioned.

Then I saw Misty walking over to Josh and whispering something in his ear. "Hey, what are you two talking about over there?" I called.

"Oh, uh, nothing," Misty said quickly.

"Come on, spill," I pressed.

"Okay, but you're not gonna like me," Misty warned. "I was pointing out to Josh how that's another sign that Tyler likes you. He was able to notice everything different about what you're wearing. He pays attention to all the small details."

When she finished talking I felt my face flush red. There was a long moment of silence before Misty spoke again. "You still have to show Tyler the necklace," she grinned.

"No, it's fine. He doesn't need to see," I said shyly.

"But I want to see," Tyler smirked. I was about to turn and walk away but he grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Come on. You know I'll win."

"I think I'll win," I winked.

"Is that a challenge?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe, maybe not," I stuck my tongue out.

Then Tyler spun me around, making me face him. He reached towards the necklace and looked at it. "That's adorable," he smirked.

My face went red. Finally, he moved away. "Sit down at the table," he instructed. I groaned as I reluctlantly sat down. "Close your eyes," Tyler said. I rolled my eyes. Then I closed them and covered them with my hands. After a moment he spoke again. "Okay, open your eyes now."

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