Chapter 24 ~ Birthday Part Two

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I removed my hands from my eyes. My eyes widened and I fought against a smile. There was a box of assorted chocolates and a banana shake. There was also a large brownie on the table with lit candles on it. I looked up at Tyler, Josh, and Misty.

"Uh, um, I, what, er," I stammered.

"Happy birthday to you," they all started singing. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Violet. Happy birthday to you!" I felt my face go red as I leaned forward and blew out the candles.

"So why did Tyler keep insisting we got you the chocolates and banana shake?" Josh questioned.

I looked at Tyler and smiled a little. "I told him I liked it," I said simply and shrugged. There was actually a lot of sentimental value behind it, but I didn't tell any of them that.

"Hurry up, I want some brownies," Tyler teased.

I chuckled. "Have at it." I looked at everything for a moment. The shake, the chocolates, the flowers, the presents from Misty. I looked at Misty, Josh, and Tyler. They were all smiling and laughing. It was funny to think Misty had no idea I was kidnapped. I kept looking at everything. It was so perfect in an imperfect way. This was how I wish my family was. But instead it's how my kidnappers are. I just wish my brother was here.

"Hey, you okay?" Tyler asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," I replied quickly. I gave him a reassuring smile. Thankfully he didn't question me anymore.

"Hurry up and stuff your face! We got a present for you!" He grinned.

I groaned. "No presents," I whined.

"Too late," Tyler smirked. Then he walked back over to Josh and Misty, leaving me alone.

I drank my banana shake, which was amazing, and I had a few pieces of chocolate. Then I had some of the brownie. I walked over to the others and sat down. "Are you guys talking about me behind my back again?" I smirked.

"Always!" Misty teased. "No, I'm just kidding. Come on, you gotta open your present from Tyler and Josh!"

I fake pouted. "I said no presents. You people are impossible!" I rolled my eyes. Then Tyler handed me a box. "Wow! A box! It's what I've always wanted!" I chuckled and everyone rolled their eyes. I peeled the tape away and slowly opened the box. At the bottom of the box there was an mp3 player. My eyes widened as I looked at them both.

"We put music on it already," Josh informed. "It has Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Of Mice And Men, Crown The Empire, Asking Alexandria, and of course, Twenty One Pilots."

"Wow. That's a lot. That must've taken awhile." I frowned.

"Not too long," Tyler shrugged.

I noticed there was also a pair of ear buds wrapped up in the box. I went over to Josh first and hugged him. Then I went over to Tyler. "Thank you guys."

"Aw, you're welcome," Tyler smiled. I then plugged the ear buds into the mp3 player and put on "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance.


Misty had left already and Josh had gone inside. It was practically pitch black outside now. I hung my feet over the edge of the porch and grabbed the support for the railings. It was a beautiful night. The stars sparkled brightly above me and the moon shone brightly. I sighed as I continued to sit there.

Pretty soon I heard foot steps. Tyler sat down not to far from me. I felt a tear roll down my cheek from all my thoughts. I ignored it. It was dark enough that Tyler wouldn't see.

"You know," I said, startling myself a little. "I never thought a day like today would happen. A day with so much happiness and memories. I just wish my family could be here with me. I always thought a day like this would be spent with my family. But it was with people who kidnapped me." I sighed. When Tyler didn't say anything I continued. "Just like the chocolates and banana shake. That has sentimental value behind it. When I was really young, before my mom died, on special occasions we would get that. It was my moms favorite too. She always thought of an excuse to get it. Every Valentines day, every Easter, every birthday, every Christmas. Everything. She was so carefree and light hearted. I wish I could be half the person she was."

I felt another tear roll down my cheek. Suddenly, I felt a hand reach over. Tyler lightly grabbed my face in his hand. He lifted my chin so we were making eye contact. "From the time I've known you, I think it would be safe to say you're as great a person your mom was. You're smart, funny, talented, beautiful." He wiped away the tear on my cheek. Then he reached his hand over, which had a flower in it. He gently put the flower behind my ear. "Your a great person, whether you see it or not." Then he leaned towards me. I felt his lips press against mine to form a soft, yet passionate kiss.

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