Chapter 31 ~ Barbecue Part Two

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I ended up sitting between Alex and Tyler. I could feel the tension in the air as all eyes rested on Josh and Tyler. Misty was the only one that seemed oblivious to it all. Josh and Misty were talking, like always, so Josh didn't seem to mind. I could feel Tyler looking at me though. I kept my gaze down, afraid to look at anyone.

"You know, you're really beautiful," Tyler almost whispered. My face flushed red and Tyler's did too. I heard Mary choke on her food and Michael and Alex both turned towards us. "Oh, uh, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, well, I mean, I meant it but I-I didn't mean to say it," Tyler stammered.

"Violet, can I talk to you for a moment?" Alex asked.

I nodded my head as I stood up. Tyler gave me an apologetic look. I just smiled reassuringly at him. I followed my brother into the house. As soon as I closed the door behind me he spoke up. "What was that?" He demanded.

"What was what?" I replied. "You can't blame me for that."

"He needs to leave," Alex sighed. "You can't have him like you. After all he's done."

"He's not leaving," I protested. "He didn't mean to say it."

"Well he did say it," Alex snapped. Then his face softened. "I'm only trying to look out for you. Please, I don't want you around him anymore. For your safety."

"He's not a threat to my safety, that's what I've been trying to say," I exclaimed. "He never harmed me and never will. The only threat to my safety was myself, but thanks to Tyler its not anymore. You have to learn to trust him."

Alex sighed. "I don't know if I can. I just want them both to leave."

"If they leave, so do I," I declared.

I could tell Alex was a bit shocked by my response. "Violet, please don't do this."

"I will do it if I have to. They're my friends. They stay or I go," I said.

"Fine. They can stay," Alex gave up. "But I don't want you so close to them. Both physically and mentally."

"And I want you to treat them like friends instead of aliens," I replied.

"Fine. Let's go back outside," Alex sighed.

As we walked outside everyone was quiet. Michael and Mary gave me a sympathetic look while Misty was still confused. Josh looked at me and I shrugged. Tyler was looking down and refused to raise his gaze. I quickly sat down next to Tyler before Alex could protest. I could tell he didn't like it, but he kept quiet.

"Lets do something fun and childish," I said, breaking the awkward silence. "Like playing hide and seek."

Alex shrugged. "Okay. Let's all play hide and seek. No leaving the yard. You can go inside or outside. I'll count first."

As Alex started counting everyone scattered all at once. I knew exactly where I was going to hide. Without thinking, I grabbed Tyler's arm and pulled him with me. He chuckled a little as we ran side by side. I led him across the yard to a tree. I started to climb up. I looked down at Tyler who stayed at the bottom.

"Come on," I pressed. "Get up here."

"Last time you climbed a tree you couldn't get back down," Tyler teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Just get up here."

Tyler finally climbed up. He sat down on a branch next to mine. "Won't your brother get mad?"

I shrugged. "He has to get used to it eventually. I don't care if he gets mad."

"I'm glad you're back with your brother. But I will admit, I do miss having you around," Tyler frowned.

"Don't worry, I'll go back occasionally to hang out and stuff," I said.

Tyler looked shocked for a second. "Wait, you'd actually go back after everything? I mean, it's already weird how forgiving you are, but you'd go back to the house?"

I shrugged. "If you want me to I can. To be honest, I was hoping I could go back. I just figured you and Josh wouldn't want me to."

"You're welcome to stay with us if you want to," Tyler said.

"I might just do that eventually," I smiled.

Tyler smiled back. "I can't believe you'd come back. I mean, you have no idea how happy that makes me. But, wow."

"You gotta learn to forgive amd forget," I said.

Tyler smiled at me. Every time he smiled my heart melted. He had the most perfect smile.

"What're you staring at?" Tyler teased.

"Oh, uh, sorry," I stammered.

"Don't worry, I don't mind," he winked.

I felt my face flush red. "Hey, at least I didn't call you beautiful," I smirked.

Tyler looked down in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that," he said.

"You're fine," I reassured. "Besides, it was kinda cute." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. Then I climbed down the tree and jumped down the last few feet. "I'm going to go hide in the rose bush so Alex doesn't see us together," I informed. Before Tyler could say anything I ran over to the rose bush.

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