Chapter 21 ~ Warming Up

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When we finished eating we all sat there, waiting for the check to be brought over. When it finally arrived everyone seemed to reach for it at once.

"I can pay," Misty offered.

"Nope," Josh said. "Me and Tyler can split the cost. We'll pay for each of our dates," Josh chuckled.

"But we're not-," I started again but was cut off by Tyler.

"Sounds fair," he said as he pulled put his wallet. Once they paid we all stood up and walked to the vehicles. I was about to get in to the van but Misty pulled me off to the side.

"You and Tyler need to be a couple," she insisted. "You got me with Josh, now I'll return the favor."

"No, please, it's fine, honestly," I said.

"Come on! I know you like him!" Misty exclaimed. "You'd be perfect together."

"Seriously, I'm fine," I insisted.

Before Misty could reply I heard Tyler. "Come on Violet!" He called.

"Bye Violet," Misty said. "I'll see you soon." She hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Bye. Good luck with Josh," I winked, causing her to blush a little. I honestly liked Misty. We could be good friends. I ran over to the van and jumped inside.

"So what do you think about Misty?" Tyler asked.

"She's cool. We could be great friends. Plus, her and Josh are really cute together," I grinned.

"What do you think about all the stuff she said about us?" Tyler smirked. I blushed again. "You're cute when you blush," he chuckled. That made me blush even more. He just smiled when he saw.

The rest of the ride was silent. When we finally got back to the house I opened the door to the van. I went to step out and almost fell over. I was such a klutz. And on top of that I was really tired. I went into the house, taking off my shoes and flopping down on the couch. My eyes felt heavy as I layed there. Finally, I slowly drifted off into sleep.


When I woke up I realized I was on a bed. I looked around but realized I wasn't in Tyler's room. I was in the room they had me in originally. Perfect. I finally got my old room back. I groggily got up and walked to the bathroom. All my stuff was already put away in this room. I decided to take a quick shower.

Once I was done I brushed my hair and walked down stairs. Josh and Tyler were both on the couch, playing on their phones. When I walked over they both looked up.

"Hey Violet," they both said. I just waved in response. I was about to ask about being in my old room but Tyler spoke up before I could say anything. "We decided you can have your old room back. It'll be more comfortable for you that way."

"Thank you," I smiled at them. Then I plopped down on the floor by the couch and crossed my legs. I stared blankly at the tv screen. "So, you guys aren't actually going to do anything for my birthday, right?"

"No promises," Josh said.

"Seriously, you guys don't have to do anything," I pressed.

"You're right, we don't have to. But we want to," Tyer replied.

I groaned. "I'll just lock myself in my room the whole day," I concluded.

"Ha! We're not going to let that happen," Tyler teased.

"That's what you think," I challenged.

"Oh? Is that so?" Josh chuckled. "Misty will be coming over though. You dont want to hurt her feelings do you?"

"What?! No! Don't have her come over. I actually would feel bad for ignoring her!" I chuckled.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Tyler made a fake sad expression.

"Misty's better than you guys," I said, smiling.

Tyler and Josh both gasped. "That's it missy, go to your room," Josh said playfully.

"You can't make me!" I responded.

"Oh yes we can sweet heart," Tyler said.

"Ugh! Life is so unfair!" I said in the stereo-type teenage voice. Then I got up and dramatically stomped towards the stairs. We all burst out laughing. Once again, I changed my laugh to a chuckle.

"I think she's going through the teenager phase a little late," Tyler teased.

"As if!" I said while dramatically flipping my hair back. This just earned more laughs from Tyler and Josh.

"Okay, get back over here," Tyler laughed.

I skipped over to them, swinging my arms. "Well that was an extreme mood swing," Josh laughed.

"Damn teenagers," Tyler teased. I gasped and playfully punched his shoulder. "Ow," Tyler whined. "We'll probably have to amputate it now."

"Aw, you poor thing. Do you need me to kiss it and make it better?" I chuckled.

"Yes," he grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, not happening."

"I'll kiss it and make it better," Josh smirked.

"Ew, no," Tyler replied. I just rolled my eyes again. Why was I acting like this? They kidnapped me.

Kidnapped by Twenty Øne PiløtsWhere stories live. Discover now