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The Litten darted( not farted) across the street alley. He lifted his head. " You're late." He growled. " Sorry." The Pikachu said, panting heavily. " Traffic." She heaved.

Suddenly a Froakie tumbled. " Man! Dang crack!" He exclaimed, smoothing out his frubbles in anger. " Where is that Treecko? He's really really late." Litten commented, tapping an invisible watch on his leg.

A green thingie (thingie. Not thing) dashed on all four....paws and halted when he reaches the little group of Pokémon. " Greetings, earth lovers." He greeted, with a weird bow.

The other three Pokémon roll their eyes. " Are we going to go or what?" Litten asked with impatient, and a little craziness.

" Go where?" Pikachu asked, thinking deeply. " Underwear." Froakie said. " In a galaxy far far away?" Treecko asked. " Sure. Well go with that." Litten said as he beckoned for the three Pokémon, all starter, to follow him.

And they do......

Authors note: This story production is all thanks to the greatness of everyone here, and especially me, TheTheoryFroakie , LittleLitten11, and last but certainly not least, Pikagirl1527

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