Chapter Fourty One- Friends? Or Murderers?

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It was 9 pm. " Three more hours until we can hopefully get out of here with the last night." Treecko said. It turned ten and Golden Freddy showed up. " I'm sorry that I had to force you guys to be here longer than you wished, but I hope we can be friends." She said.

" Friends? With murderous animatronics? Okay!" Treecko said way too impressed with being friends with the steel creatures. " Hopefully by the end of this shift it will be not just Freddy who sees who you truly are. I'm hoping they all will see what creatures you are, and how relatable to us you are." She tells them.

Treecko was sure that this was the right thing to do. If they helped with Purple Guy, then everything in the world would be right and then Springtrap would be born.

" Good luck guys." She tells them. She vanishes. " You know, she is one of the animatronics. I'm surprised she's offering our help instead of killing us." Treecko said. They all nodded. " We've got another two hours before they get loose. Wanna go see if there's any pizza leftover? I know we just ate, but I could go for some more pizza." Fallar barked.

" Oh Fallar. We can always go for more pizza." Frogadier tells him with a laugh. They all stormed outside the security office and roamed around. After they all had their share of pizza, they all went back to the office. It was now 11:50. How they got there that late was the real question. The phone guy was talking, but Treecko could tell it wasn't him. It was all distorted.

It turned 12, and loud running could be heard. Pikachu slammed her paw on the button and a loud cursing sound could be heard. " It's just me. Jeez. Open the door you scaredy cats." Freddy's screechy voice said. " You bumped into the steel door, didn't you?" Treecko asked as he opened the door to Freddy rubbing his muzzle.

Freddy nodded. " Did you even attempt to convince the other animatronics?" Prinplup questions him. " I can't tell them what to think. But I'm sure you will convince them." Freddy tells them as he leaves. " One question." Treecko said.

" What?" Freddy asked. " Were you the fifth night Phone Guy?" Treecko asked. Freddy nodded. " He was a security guard trying to give advise while doing his job. It was a horrible thing to do because we killed him before the fifth night. You guys are the second to make it to this night besides the security guard Mike. Funny thing is, most security guards wear purple like the man who killed us. That's why we kill them. Because they wear purple, and we just assume." Freddy tells them.

" Oh." Then Freddy left. " Check Foxy's Cove. Or Pirates Cove." Fennekin told him. Treecko checked it. " Oh great. On the move already. Must be an early Starly." Glimmend sarcastically says. " If only you were killed in this action. I'm talking too soon, of course you could get killed in action soon." Litten meowed.

They pressed a button. Foxy ran into the steel door, and growled. He started banging on the door. " Be a nice security guard and open up!" Foxy roared. " I would, but you sound like you need to take your animatronic pills." Treecko flashed at him.

Foxy continues to bang on the door. That was when Bonnie joined him. " Oh shit! They're rising on us. Pardon my s word." Pikachu said. Bonnie banged on the door. " Let us in! It will be quick and painful!" He distortedly said. " Go away! I want to live!" Fennekin barked.

" Open this door!" Bonnie screeches. Then chica shows up at the other door. It wasn't even an hour yet. " Shut the door! Shut the door! I wish Freddy Or Golden Freddy were here to help!" Fallar barked. Treecko shuts the door, and Chica just peeks in. She blinks.

She seems to realize that they're not humans. She walks away. They open the door at 80%. Bonnie seemed to get a really good look at them too. He leaves as well. Foxy doesn't stop banging on the door. It seems he's either too blind to see they're Pokémon, or the eyepatch prevents him from thinking they're anything but a human.

He wouldn't leave for two hours. That was when the battery ran dead. " Run!" Treecko called out. They all dashed out the other door past Chica who just waved at them like they were friends all along.

Foxy's eye gleamed as he found them and gave chase. " Get back here!" He cries out. " Ye won't get away lads, lassies, and puppy dog!" He cries out. " He knows what we are?" Treecko asked in confusion. " Get back here so I can prove you're all just lying humans!" Foxy barks.

" We wouldn't lie to a sexy fox like you." Fallar barked. " Stop being gay!" Frogadier yelled at him. " I just started being gay!" Fallar barked back at him. The chase went on and on. " He won't leave us alone! He's too fast! We're all gonna die!" Servine cried.

" Get back here!" Foxy growled. " Dude, we aren't chasing them any longer." Bonnie tells him with half lidddd eyes. " Freddy. I'm concerned." Chica said as they ran past her and into the backstage area. Treecko shivered. They backed up and were cornered. " Get behind us!" Harley told them.

" Gladly." Glimmend said. Foxy sprang at them. Avalon jumped in front of them, protecting Poppy and Pip who were about to be slaughtered by the fox who couldn't see how things truly were. Foxy lifted his hook. He swiftly slashed at them.

Avalon screams and falls to the floor. A pool of blood forming at her side. Her stomach had been ripped wide open. In fact, she had been ripped in two. Foxy seemed to investigate her afterwards. His eyes widened. He seemed to realize what he had done.

" None of ye are the purple guy." He said at least. Finally, Treecko thought. " But I just killed an innocent fox." He said with horror, his eyes wide open.

Authors note: Oh no! Looks like Avalon got the brunt of an attack meant for...Popplios? What is this? It just felt like...okay yeah it was just this afternoon I wrote about her hating on Pip, a different Pip, and now it seems like she redeemed herself. Well that went totally wrong. So Avalon died. Hmm...what do you think will happen next? Will the bell ring 6? What do you think will happen? Tell me your thoughts.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

Members who aren't in the Friends:

Avalon- Dead.



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