Chapter four: It's up to you, Pikachu!

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" Knock!" Litten tells Froakie. They were at a friend of Poppy's. She wanted to see her. The reason Froakie wasn't knocking was not known. " Knock." Litten tells him again. " Why aren't you knocking?" Litten asks, being annoying for some reason.

" Do you think he even knows how to knock?" Litten whispers to Pip. Litten pushes Froakie out of the way and knocks. No one answers. " She's not here?" Pikachu asked. " But she's always here." Poppy says. " What does that mean?" Froakie asked.

" It means there's something horribly wrong!" Pip cries. He then tries knocking down the door. " Let me." Treecko says, using cut. Why didn't anyone else think of that? Pikachu asked herself.

They went inside the house. " Not here...hmm." Litten said thoughtfully. " I have to go to the bathroom. Bye!" Pikachu says, sprinting to the little Pika's room.

" TMI!" Riachu calls after her. She hears screams right before she's done. She washes her paws. She then exits the room and comes to an empty room. " Did they leave without me?" She asks in shock.

She looks around. " Guys?! Litten? Treecko? Raichu? Froakie? Poppy? Pip? Piplup?" She asked Hopefully. She was hoping she could bring out the penguin.

An amused Pokémon snickers. " They're not here, sunshine." The brown fuzz ball told her. " Where are my friends?!" She growls in his face.

" Jeez, sweetheart! I'm only the minion here! Bejeezus!" He comments funnily. Pikachu loosened her grip. " Bring me to them right now!" She orders him. " Nope!~" He says, cheekily.

" Help me, you little jerk!" She says. " No!" He says, puffing out his chest. " Fine! Brat! No one likes a little fuzz ball who doesn't help!" She huffs as she stomps out the door.( imagine a Pikachu trying to stomp)

" Stop!" The Eevee cries out, huffing and puffing when he caught up with her. He doesn't obviously do any exercise. " I'll bring you to you're friends! Jeez!" Eevee whined. " Good!" She said.

Within about ten minutes Eevee looked around where they were, and ducked into a cave. Pikachu looked confused. She also went into the cave. There was a jail cell in the cave. And the one who was heading the kidnapping was Abraham Lincoln!

Just kidding, it was a Staraptor. She had a scar on her beak. " Ace!" Eevee cried, shivering as the Staraptor turned. She had blood red eyes. She looked as if someone was trying to brutally kill her.

Maybe that was true. " Why have you brought that disgusting rat here?" She asked. " She's wanting to rescue her friends. She wouldn't stop being mean!" Eevee whines. " Hmm..." The Staraptor says thoughtfully. Pikachu gulps.

" I guess I could let them go free. And the Piplup....if you and I have a battle. A battle of smarts that is." She said. " You see, Ace is the smartest bird ever!" Eevee brags. " You see if you want your friends back, This has got to be the way to do it. She likes doing things her way." Eevee says.

E: To get your friends back the rules are very clear, just follow Ace's style and you'll have nothing to stop you!
A-:Why, Eev! If anyone should tell her about how to do this, it should be me!( flashes smile) To defeat the boss the ways are very clear. They can't be defeated easily! Just follow my smarts and you'll have your friends back! So take a big thoughtful break. Don't need a dictionary. Just outsmart me and you'll have your friends! To defeat me, just do what I do and you'll always outsmart me! To outsmart me, simply do what we advise and I'll show you how to lead the way! As you may have heard this jail cell is mine! So take my advise and they will be fine! Line up behind smart me! You shoot from the mind! Just be like the Eev and you'll get your pals! A freedom riser! To outsmart me, just do what I do and you'll always outsmart me!
E: To outsmart her let her have her say and she'll show you how to be smarter!
A: You'll Get Who you need if you follow my lead
E: You will surely set them free!
A: And you'll outsmart me!
E: Outsmart her! Outsmart her!

Of course during the whole song, Pikachu snuck like Luke Skywalker and set her friends free. " What the heck is wrong with this lady? First she sings some capture song in my face! Then she sings that saving song? What is she a villain or just a dealer?" A Piplup chatted as they began to walk outside.

" Where do you think your going?" Ace cried. " It's rude to leave after Ace singing that song!" Eevee says. " I'm surrounded by idiots." Pikachu said, facepalming.

" You're not going to escape!" Ace cried out. " Oh yeah?" Froakie asked, feeling very powerful at this moment. Of course every Pokémon here was feeling powerful.

" Yeah!" She growled, using Whirlwind which does Absol-lutely nothing.

E: You stand no chance in the presence of such greatness!( still my club sounding)

" Shut the frick up!" Pikachu screeches, using Thunder wave on the little Eevee. He deserved it. He couldn't move. " Get up runt!" Ace growled, kicking the poor thing with her talons.

He didn't deserve to be kicked for not moving. " Grrrr!" Ace suddenly growled. Her wings glowed as white feathers took to the sky. It was Sky Attack.

" Pika!" Pikachu suddenly cried out as a large bolt of lightning struck Ace. She didn't have a moment before the Staraptor fell to the ground fainted. " Wow!" Litten said.

" Don't underestimate her!" Piplup says. " Welp, I'm frightened of her now!" Pip says. " So cool!" Poppy says. " That was Thunder." Riachu said. " What do we do?" Froakie asked. " About What?" Treecko asked. " About that fuzzball with the horrible voice?" Froakie asked, pointing at the male Eevee.

" Sacrifice him in the name of Arceus!" Pip cries out in Outrage. " That's too violent!" Poppy argues. " How about we eat him?" Litten asked darkly. " None Of us want to eat him!" Treecko shouted in disgust. " How about we first get him to a Chansey or Audino? Then we can decide what to do with the troublemaker from there." Pikachu said. Did I just have a great idea? She asked herself as the other starters nodded their agreement. " This plan. This plan is awesome." Litten says.

Authors note: Well? How was it? Was this one nearly as death impacting as the other one or better? Should I try doing any other songs and revert them to different lyrics to fit the story? If so what? Also LittleLitten11 , Pikagirl1527 , TheTheoryFroakie  do you want Litten, Froakie, Pikachu, Piplup, and Eevee to evolve? Eevee only asking to Pikachu. Piplup only asked to Froakie.

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