Chapter three: A Rocky Road

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" Where exactly are we going?" Riachu asked. " To the top!" Litten insisted. " The top of where? Mount paws hurt?" Pikachu asked.

" No! To the top of that mountain!" Treecko said smart alekly. " It's only a few more miles." Raichu said. " It's easy." Then he just zips up there and the rest of them groan. " That's because you are a Phychic type!" Froakie called to him.

" Why can't I have a tail like that?" Litten asked. " I wish I could fly!" Pikachu cried. " I have another way around the problem!" Treecko says. He presses his paws along the rocky side of the mountain. He starts climbing.

" Can any of you do this?" He asked. " Why do both you and Raichu have such cool abilities and I don't?" Froakie asked with a huff. " I don't think you could even fly if you could even learn it." Litten laughed. " Shut it!" Froakie squeaked.

" Yeah. Froakie's very sensitive." Pikachu said. " Yeah, Wait! Not that sensitive!" Froakie said. Litten laughed. A sudden growl from ahead of them made them stop their happy banter.

" Trespassers!" A bark rang into their heads sharply. " From the outside!" A happy go Rockruff happily barked, wagging his tail in happiness.

" You are on Lycanroc territory!" The wolffish creature howled. He showed his teeth. The Rockruff Just bounded toward them. He was nothing like this Lycanroc. " Ugh! I can't believe I have a fucking dumb son like him." Lycanroc grumbles, paw on his head in a face palm.

" Dad! You're so mean! You're meaner than a Mareanie!" Rockruff whines. Sweat rolls down Pip's and Poppy's face, symbolizing a sweatdrop. Lycanroc snarled, throwing the poor Rockruff against the side of the cliff.

" Pathetic!" Lycanroc growled, completely unaware that Froakie was sneaking up on him like his father had against a Noctowl once.( get the reference?)

" A cactus could make a better son than you!" Lycanroc growled, throwing his son off the cliff. Fortunately, Riachu noticed the commotion. He flew down and swooped up the cute little rocky feeling puppy.

" You're a jerk!" Litten hissed. " You're son could probably beat the shit out of you!" Pikachu said. " Whoops. Language." She scolded herself. " Oh really? Smack talk from a fat rat like you?" Lycanroc asked. He then laughed. " You know, for a daytime Lycanroc you sure look like a night time one." Litten said.

" Well, he's certainly no dusk for me. He's not orange. And I don't want to eat him." Pip says. " What?" Poppy asks her brother. " One Time i saw a picture of a dusk forme Lycanroc and it looked like a Orange." Pip tells. " Okay. Stop getting distracted." Riachu said, petting Rockruff who was head butting the mouse in affection.

At that second, the great, the awesome, the one with an extremely long introduction before he actually makes a move, the sneaky, the charming, the blue, Froakie used Water Pulse. It hit Lycanroc in the face. Right before Froakie almost gutted him with Bubble somehow.

Froakie is just skilled in that way. No kidding. " You bitch!" Lycanroc cried out, collapsing. " Language!" Pikachu annoyed him, saying stuff that was very helpful.

" We're not done here." He laughed. " Jump off a cliff." Litten randomly says, tackling him somehow. The Lycanroc literally almost fell off the side. He barked for help. No one helped him. He unfortunately grabbed the ground with his teeth and pulled himself back up.

" You're mine! You're gonna die!" Lycanroc snarls, using Rock slide. Litten screamed. Treecko brushes it off.( just like Luke did when he had a bunch of enemies shooting at him. Imagine that) Froakie just jumps on them like they are nothing.

" How do you do that?" Litten asked.( accidentally hit Joey when trying to correct it instead of how. Was Jow. And now it just autocorrected that to Joe) " It's easy! You jump!" Then for some reason Froakie burst into a song about jumping( I'm asking to be killed basically.)

F: You jump high!
You have to jump high!
I'm so great that I don't even try, when I jump high!
I'm a little froggy with a leap in my step!
( what the heck am I even writing down?)
Easy does it!
It's so darn easy!
If you're a frog then you're the greatest at this!
You're rocks can't touch me!
Because I'm a froggy!(🤣)
And froggy's are great at beating your tail!
Water is super effective!
Rocks erode when they are around me!( Now this is a history lesson)
You suck!
Now leave!

" What the heck was that about?" Treecko asked. Rockruff was laughing his tail off. " That was the worlds worst song." Litten says, getting hit in the head with a rock.

" You're a stupid frog." Lycanroc huffed. He used Thunder Fang. Yellow fangs came from his mouth area. They sunk in the frog's body, probably destroying some of his precious frubbles.

Froakie yelled in pain and fury. " Hey! Dog brain!" Treecko said. " Let Go Of our friend! You evil little runt!" Riachu growled. " Oh, and who's going to stop me? He's the most powerful! You've got no-" Lycanroc evilly began.

" I am!" Both Raichu and Treecko said at the same time. " You?!" Treecko asked in fury. " Yeah! I figure since his moves can't affect me, I should be the one to do it." Raichu said.

" Oh! What makes you say that?" Lycanroc asked evilly. " The fact that you used stealth rock and that's three moves. And your last move I saw up there is Howl. So hah!" Raichu boasted. " No Crunch. Not even a fire Fang! You're not prepared to defeat us! Right, Treecko? Fight with me?" Raichu asked.

" Delighted to greet you. Delighted to see you." Treecko says, preparing himself. " Alright then. I guess my strength-" Lycanroc began before Treecko used Quick Attack. " Die! Die! Die! Die you dark side user!" He cried. Raichu shrugged at that moment.

He had no idea why Treecko was such in that rush. He used Phychic. It was so that the Lycanroc would be held in place. " Treecko!" Raichu called. Treecko looked back at the Raichu, which practically the author is ignoring Poppy and Pip. " Use Leaf Blade!" At those words, the Lycanroc went flying into the sky. " Bye Bye!" Treecko said with satisfaction.

Authors note: Thank you all for reading. Quick question to TheTheoryFroakie , LittleLitten11 , Pikagirl1527 , and Firestripe_Firestar
Do you want the Pokémon you play to have any romantic relationship with any Pokémon?

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