Chapter Twenty- To restore a Memory

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They had to tie up Treecko. " Let me go you imbeciles! You should die! Let me go! I need to return to master Ace! You will pay for kidnapping me!" Treecko rambles.

Litten sighs. " We can't keep him tied up there forever. His brain is scrambled. We eventually have to let him go."

" I know! I'll go and figure out a way to get his memory back to normal if it's possible. I'll go on a time consuming journey." Froakie excitedly told everyone. Pikachu read through a book. It was called, ' How to regain memory loss.'

" It says here in this book that any Psychic type can probably help with memory loss. Maybe you should being back one, but I don't think you should bring back Mewtwo. He's too scary." Pikachu explains to them.

" Gimme That. We will find a Pokémon to bring back. It might take us a while to." Piplup commented. " What?! You're not coming with me. I'm not risking that." Froakie said, moving his paws in a nope motion.

" And if you find a legendary Psychic type that you have to defeat? Yeah. I think it would be better if we both went together than if you went alone." Piplup explains.

" She does have a point. I think you both should go." Pikachu tells him. Froakie looked disappointed. " But I've known Treecko longer and I want this moment!" Froakie exclaims. " Are you sure this doesn't have to do with Piplup coming along? Would you make such a big deal if Fennekin were to come with you instead? Just go. The sooner you both leave, the sooner we can bring our dear friend back to normal." Alolan Raichu tells him.

" Uhh, no! I have no problem with Piplup coming along!" Froakie panics. " Good. We can go along now. I can't wait till Treecko's back to normal. I hate having him not remember us." Piplup cheered as she races away into a bush.

" Might want to take this with you." Pikachu says, handing him the book. " Thanks." He said, putting it in his frubbles. They were very helpful with storing things. Plus he was sure his friends wouldn't allow him to touch the satchel they carry with them sometimes.

" Ba careful!" Litten calls out to him. " Stay safe! And whatever you do, don't die! Because if you die outside the friend group, you will not have a funeral! Ever! We won't hold it!" Servine shouts. " Gee thanks." Froakie thanked sarcastically.

" I think I deserve better thanks than that, but no problem." Servine commented as Froakie left. He raced to catch up to Piplup. " Better take out that book. I want to check to see which Psychic type we should look for. Well, obviously not Mewtwo. We might start a fight that we won't live through." Piplup tells him. Froakie nods as he reaches into his frubbles.

There was a lot of things in there. He pulled out the book. He opened it and flipped through the pages. " There are a lot of psychic types." He commented with wide eyes. " But can any of them help Treecko remember?" He questions.

" I'm sure we can." Piplup said as she placed a flipper on his shoulder. Froakie flipped through the pages some more. " The real question isn't even what Pokémon, it is where is that Pokémon." Piplup told him.

She peeked over his shoulder to look at the list. " What about that one?" She asked, pointing at a green Psychic type that had weird fingers. Froakie shivered. " Nope too creepy." He replied. " It doesn't matter how creepy they are. If they can help Treecko we must try them." Piplup said.

The two walked while continuing to read the list. " What pokemon would know about this?" Froakie asked loudly. " Ah, know about what? Hmm?" A Charizard questions him. Froakie looked up.

" A Psychic type or any Pokémon that can help someone remember who they are." Piplup responds. Charizard indicates for them to go closer to him. They do. " Whiscash the elder in this town might have a story for that. Come with me." The Charizard tells them.

" I don't really trust this guy." Piplup expresses to Froakie. " But he might also be showing us where he is. Let's go." Froakie tells her. He prepares himself mentally in case the Charizard was on the side of Ace.

It turns out, Piplup was right to not trust the Charizard. He lead them to a dead end. He started to laugh. " You two are dead now. It is true that Whiscash has great stories for everything, but you were wrong to trust a flying type like myself. You just prepared your death card." Charizard tells them as smoke come out of his snout.

" Figures." Froakie commented. He turns back to the Charizard. " You will never find a cure for your friend. I have a mission from Ace to kill any pesky kid who is a part of this silly team. And I'm sure you two are them. You have that book, and there are no other Treecko with forgotten memories around here, so stay still. I have to dispose of you now." Charizard tells them.

" There are two of us and only one of you. We can defeat you!" Piplup proudly states. The Charizard chuckled. " You don't stand a chance against me. You're both weak starters who are only in their first stage. No firsty will ever beat me." The Charizard bragged.

Froakie put the book back in his frubbles. " We'll see about that." Piplup fires at the Charizard. " I hope you enjoy your death fried!" The Charizard roars as he takes to the sky where the two couldn't reach him and started the battle off.

Both of them sighed. Would they ever get a break? The two exchanged glances. " Do you think you can handle battling this Charizard with me?" Froakie asks her. It was a test.

It was more than a question to him. " I can handle anything, Froakie! We can beat this show off! Even if we weren't super effective we could beat this Charizard any other day!" Piplup said as they tag teamed to take down the Charizard. That was the only option. Besides dying, but they weren't planning on dying anytime soon.

Authors note: Hmm...I wonder what will happen during this battle. Do you believe Charizard is right when he says Pokémon who aren't in their final stages are weak? Is there a different reason Piplup and Froakie we're both sent on this mission besides getting Froakie's memory back? Tell me your thoughts.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Froakie

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







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