Chapter Twenty Six-Two wishes

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" I'm fine." Prinplup assures Frogadier as she brushes herself off. " How will we decide who will get the two other wishes?" Litten questions. His back was arched. He was expecting a fight sometime soon, and he wouldn't be the one on the dirty ground this time!

" Rock Paper Scizor?" Frank questions, his wing on his mouth. Litten flinched at the horrible way to decide up who gets the wish. Treecko's eyes then spark to life. Which was funny because he was the first one to get the idea.

" I know, we can use the first wish to get Servine home. Remember?" He asked them. Surprise lit half of the Pokefriends faces. Pikachu nodded grimly, though. She had a disappointed look on her face. " Y-you would use the first f-for me?" Servine asked. She looked both touched and hurt at that.

Litten supposed It was because she could finally go home, but she would miss the Pokémon here. That's Litten's assumption. That or she really wanted to be eaten by Litten. Litten would do that for her. He would most certainly eat her if she let him eat her. He giggled at that. Treecko smacked him in the head.

" What about the second wish?" Alolan Raichu questions. Eevee points at himself. " No, Eevee. We won't let you have the second wish. You know what you did." Poppy barked, moving away from Fennekin and Pip. Fennekin had her paw around Pip. Litten didn't blame her for moving away like that.

He wished they would get a room, but not use that as the wish. " How about you use it?" Pikachu urges gently. " Why? What did I do to deserve it?" He asked. " You put up with Treecko, you haven't left us yet, and not to mention you don't really talk much. I just think you should get a wish as well." She explains to him.

" He's done practically nothing!" Eevee barked. " He has. You just haven't seen all of what he can do. I just don't know what Alolan Raichu could want." Pikachu says. " A girlfriend?" Treecko asks. Alolan Raichu shakes his head, eyes filled with horror at that idea.

" Whatever it is," Litten began as he put a suspicious paw on Raichu's shoulder. " It's up to Raichu to find out what he wants." Alolan Raichu grabbed Litten's paw and unhooked it from his body. That was hard. Litten giggles to himself. Because I won't let go of my dinner that-

His thoughts were interrupted by Frank, who grabbed him and yanked him off of Raichu. That's funny. Frank and yank rhyme. He pondered to himself in wonder.

The two Pokémon pals walked forwards. Servine had a sad look in her eyes. " Are you sure I should use this to go home?" She questions. " Don't you want to go home?" Pip asks her. She takes a while to think it over.

" Hmm, what do I want? A lifetime supply of Pokepuffs? For Ace to leave us alone? A potato? Nah. Probably not the last one. Sounds like a stupid wish." Alolan Raichu pondered out loud.

Servine seemed to have a hard time deciding on if she wanted to go. It's a yes or no answer. It should be easy. Litten thought to himself in frustration. He clawed the ground in frustration. He craved adventure. And he wanted it now! That was when Alolan Raichu made his wish.

" I wish that sometime in the future..." Alolan Raichu said, hitting his head with what he was about to say. " That we would meet this Charmander we met a while back someday in the future." He wished.

Jirachi nodded. He glowed. Then nothingness. Alolan Raichu glimpsed at the surroundings. Why would you wish for that weird thing? Litten wondered. The female Charmander creeped him out heavily. She also could use something that he thought was not real.

And somehow that Charmander could use it. He tried using it multiple times, but he never felt anything happen or felt anything in the air. Usually this stuff was Treecko's jam.

Maybe that's why I can't use it, because I don't believe that something other than psychic powers could literally throw an opponent against a tree Like that. Litten wondered as Jirachi began to explain.

" You see, I can't bring her back right away. Plus it's her decision if she wants to stay, and she obviously chose those wimpy ducks over you awesome Pokémon. I don't know why she left you, but I can assure you she will show up someday in the future. She just won't show up now." Jirachi tells everyone.

Pikachu And Frogadier nod with understanding. This would have to be explained to the Pokémon who weren't there to witness a Jedi's powers. It almost felt unreal. And for a moment when he saw it, Litten thought it was a ditto. But she wasn't. He actually investigated her when no one was looking. They were all too busy worrying about Frogadier and Prinplup.

" Now. Have you decided on that wish or not?" Jirachi asked Servine as another one of his tags filled up with writing on it. She nodded, tears seemed to be showing in her eyes. She blinked them away. " Servine? Are you crying?" Litten teased with a smirk on his face. He figured she was going back.

" No I'm not you annoying cat! I just have something in my eyes." She explained to them. " Tears. Dude, we've heard of this cliche many times over and over again. We know you're crying." Fennekin commented, ruining the moment with her realism. It was obvious way too real.

Jirachi tilted his head. " Yes. I've decided on the wish. I will. I will go back to my dimension. Now that an important dimensional traveler like me has the chance to go home, I guess I will take that chance to go home." She spoke.

" We didn't ask for a speech!" Eevee bellowed, ruining probably some of the last words they would get to hear from her. She looked straight into Jirachi's eyes. " I wish I could get back to my own dimension." And with that she glowed and vanished from sight.

Authors note: 😔😔😔😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢 So Servine finally went home. How do you think this will affect the story? Will she return? What was that with the Charmander wish, eh? How do you feel now that Servine is gone?


AlexTheSnivy - Servine: Gone

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

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