Chapter Twenty Five- Fennekin, Bringer of War

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They returned. Fennekin was beginning to think that Ace or Glimmend got to them. The two water types had someone with them. What the Arceus! That was Jirachi. All the Pokémon friend's jaws dropped straight to the ground. Even their new friend's jaw was dropped in surprise.

" Is it every day that you get help from a Jirachi?" He asks them. " Nope, but it's starting to feel like it." Fallar laughed. " Someone pinch me. I must be dreaming." Eevee yipped as he wagged his tail in a greeting. That was when Litten pinches him. " Hehe." Litten giggles as Eevee glares at him.

" Oh! And they've evolved too! How wonderful!" Poppy exclaimed with happiness in her voice. Cubone looked stressed. Fennekin read this in her eyes. Hurry up! Return him back to normal, Jirachi!

Pip hang close to Fennekin. Fennekin was enjoying the attention from him. He finally noticed her! Score!! And they scored a look at a mythical Pokémon who was going to help them get back Treecko. Score!

" Ladies, Ladies. Hold your applause." Jirachi commented, full of himself. " But we are holding our applause." Servine commented. " Can you help our friend remember?" Alolan Raichu asked him. Jirachi looked at him. " Ah. Another Psychic type. Of course it was unfortunate that you don't have many psychic powers. Of course I'll help you and your friends, Alolan Raichu." Jirachi told him.

Jirachi went over to the Treecko. Treecko glared at him. " Who are you?" He demanded. Jirachi glances back at them. " Jirachi. Bringer of memories." He told him. Treecko looked confused. Jirachi nodded.

" What? Why aren't you helping him with his memory yet?" Alolan Raichu asked. " You must first wish for it." Jirachi explains. That made tons of sense to Fennekin. He was the wish pokemon after all. Alolan Raichu looked ticked. " Wish for it?! That seems kiddish." He stated.

Jirachi nodded. " This power can only come from wishing." He explained. Frank nodded. " So who's going to make the first wish? You do realize that you will have two more after that?" Jirachi asks them. Shock was over their faces.

" But how will we choose who uses the other two?" Pip questions. " That's up to you. Now let's get your friend back to his natural state." Jirachi states. Everyone exchange glances, not sure of who should make the Treecko wish.

Frogadier decided just to do it. He was the one who wanted to go on this dangerous mission to find Jirachi anyways. " I wish that Treecko could get his memory back." He said with his paws together like he was praying. Prinplup put a wing on him. One of the tags on Jirachi ended up having writing on it.

Jirachi glowed And so did Treecko. He didn't scream or anything, he looked way more confused than ever. Jirachi untied him from the rope. " Hello." Jirachi stated, like it wasn't creepy for a mythical Pokémon to talk to a normal Pokémon in a decent conversation.

Treecko was even more confused. It amused both Litten and Fennekin. " He's back?" Cubone asked with extreme worry on her face. Guess I'm not the only female with a crush around here. Fennekin thought. Jirachi nodded at the now crying Cubone.

Oh dear Arceus. There's no need to cry. He has his memory back. Cubone ran over to Treecko and hugged him. Treecko blinked. " Wh-What happened?" He asks with confusion. His face seems to remember something.

" Ace brainwashed you. Don't worry, ol' Frogadier and Prinplup, who both totally evolved, saved you by finding Jirachi and making the wish of a lifetime!" Frogadier half joked with his paws on his hips.

Treecko rolled his eyes. " So not much?" He questions. His gaze traveled over to Frank. That's right. More than just evolutions happened, buster! Fennekin thought as she leaned on Pip. Pip leaned away from her. He seemed to not be comfortable with that. Not yet. Not yet. But soon you will. Fennekin thought.

" Who's that?" Treecko asks them with curiosity. " The name's Frank. Nice to meet you." Frank said with a wave of his wing. Treecko's gaze lingered on him until he noticed the hugging Cubone. " Is this going to be a daily thing or something, Cubone?" He asks her.

She looks up at him, before squeezing him harder. " You lost your memory. I'll make it a daily thing if I wanna." Cubone commented. " Okay. I'm not a hugger. Let go please." Treecko said as he shoves Cubone off of him.

" So, what's with the Jirachi?" He asks. Then Pikachu jumps. Fennekin hasn't forgotten, but she assumed that Pikachu did. " We have two more wishes! What do you suppose we do with them?" She asked. " Give them to me!" Eevee barks with glee.

" We are not giving the wishes to the annoying fox." Fennekin tells them. " And you don't think you're annoying?!" Eevee barked back. Fennekin hates this Pokémon. Overrated and totally overpowered. That's what she thought. Let's just say complete chaos followed that remark.

But if you shall know, Fennekin started a war over the last three wishes. She sank her fangs into Eevee's tail. " My swooshie!" He howled with pain and rage. " Neither of you gets them! It is mine!" Fallar snarled, claws snagging into Fennekin's beautiful fur. One thing led to the next.

Fennekin accidentally sank her fangs into Servine's weird wing looking flaps. Servine cries out in pain. " Which one of you bitches did that?! I will rip your throats out!" Servine yelled.

" Oh dear." Jirachi states. Let's say the only one who wasn't involved with this wish war was Jirachi and Frank. " You've takes the words right out of my mouth." Frank responds.

Treecko used Leaf Storm, Which injured Pip. And that made Fennekin really mad. " We just saved you! Don't you think we deserve the wishes more? You already stole one from us!" Fennekin howls in outrage.

She used Fire Blast. Treecko screams and gets sent back into a tree. Pikachu stops her fighting. " Stop! Everyone stop! Look at what we've become. Let's decide who gets the wishes, and just be happy for the two who get it, Okay?" She asks. At that moment, Frogadier runs over to Prinplup to see if she's injured.

Authors note: What do you think they're going to do with the wishes now? Did Frank cause this? Or something even more of an evil? And yes that is inspired by my band. Mars, Bringer of war. But it was actually Mara, Bringer of war that convinced me to put Fennekin.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

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