Chapter seven: We could be Heroes

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Fallar gazed at them expectantly. " Oh, uh, great!" Litten said, as he looked to his friends. " What sort of shit you talking about?" Treecko asked. " We're gonna save the world?! Awesome!" Froakie cheered. " What has happened this time?" Pikachu sighed. " Is the world turning into chocolate?!" Eevee asked, trying to eat the ground.

" No! M-my father. He-" Fallar began, before bursting into tears. " What? What is it?" Piplup asked, worry filling her voice as it rose.

Fallar gained his composure. " He's going to destroy the whole world!" He blurred out. " How?" Treecko asked. " He's teamed up with this Staraptor named Ace and this weird shiny Dartrix by the name of Glimmend. I believe that you met Ace, but this Dartrix is really dangerous. She's an evil scientist who wants all starters and all Pokémon alike to bow down to her." Fallar said.

" She has this invention she's going to show to the entire Poke world. And it's a mind control device." Fallar said. " How do we know that you're not making stuff up? I mean your father is our enemy. And you're his son, so you might bring us to a trap." Pikachu stated.

Fallar looked at them. " I just saved you from an outlaw! I think that says you can trust me enough. Plus, I wasn't your main enemy back up in the mountain. It was my dad." Fallar said.

" Should we really trust him?" Piplup asked. " At this point we don't have a choice. I mean, he is crying. I guess that we could believe him." Riachu said.

" It's better than standing here watching the dumb Eevee try to eat the grass." Litten said. " And I thought Litten was crazy, Eevee's nuts!" Pikachu said. " I'm not nuts!" Eevee said. " So what do we do now? I mean we could be heroes!" Froakie said. Then he grinned. " We could be heroes!" He repeated.

" Awe Yeah! I call being the leader!" Froakie said. " There's no leaders in heroes." Litten said. " Hey that rhymed!" He said.

" No it didn't." Treecko said. " So you believe me?" Fallar asked. " Yeah. Sure. Whatever." Treecko said. " What should we do?" Litten asked the Rockruff. " I-I don't know. But there should be a Pokémon called Xatu who might be able to set us off on an adventure. She/He does know the future. Xatu is the one who predicted the meteor attack." Fallar said.

" So if we go find this Xatu person we can perhaps figure out what it is that we are suppose to do to help save the world?" Pikachu asked. " Yeah. But the thing is, only five Pokémon here should go." Fallar said.

" What?! So who can go?" Pip asked. " The five closest." Fallar said. " And that would be Who now?" Eevee asked. " And What will the others do while they're gone?!" Poppy said in a panic. " Well, we can always just go over to the Cafe and get something to eat and drink." Fallar said. " So who's going to go? You have to tell us who the most eligible is." Eevee said.

" Well, isn't it obvious?" Fallar asked. " No." everyone else said. " Really?" He asked. They all nodded simply. " It would be Pikachu, Litten, Froakie, Riachu, and Treecko of course!" Fallar said. " Us?" Riachu asked. " Yeah. I know you can do it! I've seen you...stalked you...and you guys are awesome together." Fallar said.

" I know we're awesome, but what does that have anything to do with this?" Froakie asked. " You see, I believe that true friendship is needed to stop this greater evil. And I believe that you're the ones to go see Xatu because of this true friendship between you five." Fallar said.

" Well, I suppose this is the start of a new adventure. Where is this Xatu, Fallar?" Froakie asked. " Uhh....I think that Xatu can be found nearby. I heard from a Charizard that Xatu is at the end of this dungeon. I think it's called the Hill of the Ancients." Fallar said.

" Dungeon?" All five questioned him. " Oh. The Hill of the Ancients, that's what the dungeon is. It's a Mystery dungeon." Fallar explained to them, with a paw drawing on the ground to draw the dungeon. " What's a mystery dungeon?" Treecko asked him.

" Oh! It's basically a cave where the layout changes each and every time. If you faint in one, you get kicked out and you can lose your money and items." Fallar explained, scaring the crap out of the Eevee.

" So Yeah, it's a mystery. That's why it's called that." Fallar said. " Oh. And we have to go through that?" Pikachu asked, fiddling with the fingers on her paws. " Yeah, but it will be worth it. Xatu may have all the answers for us." Fallar said.

" I hope he does." Treecko said. " This might just be a waste of time." Litten grumbled. " We will just have to go into that mystery dungeon....what was it called again, Fallar?" Riachu asked. " Hill of the Ancients." Fallar told him.

" Yeah. We will just have to progress through the Hill of the Ancients to see." Treecko said. " But, What If Xatu isn't there? And what if Xatu won't help us?" Pikachu fretted. " We just have to go hope that Fallar has the information correct and go!" Litten said, pointing a paw forward. " Hill of the Ancients is that way." Froakie said, pointing the opposite way.

Litten just pointed at the right way with his striped paw. " Let's go!" Riachu said, zooming ahead, proving that Riachu really are fast and lazy at using their feet.

The other four Pokémon exchanged glances. " We could be heroes!~" Froakie exclaimed, posing idiotically like he was the greatest one there. It might be true it might not be.

" Do we really want to trust a Rockruff who is the kid of a crazy Lycanroc?" Treecko asked them. " Well, I don't want the world to be destroyed. Do you?" Pikachu asked. " Fair point. But do we even have any really good items?" He asked.

" We'll Be Fine! How hard can it be?" Litten asked as he raced past the other three. " Uh! It can be very hard!" Pikachu called to him.

Authors note: This was probably rushed, but I've been trying to update three things today and this is only the second. Enjoy.

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