Chapter eight: The Hill of the Ancients

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" You guys do realize that the actual dungeon isn't called the Hill of Ancients, right?" Pikachu asked. " Yep. It's called something canyon. But I knew what Fallar was talking about." Riachu commented.

" We've got no items. We're screwed." Treecko said. " We can easily do this." Froakie said. " Yeah. We can just hitch a ride on Riachu. He is a psychic type. He can handle carrying us." Litten commented. " I can't carry all of you! Plus you all look fat." Riachu complained.

" I have a lot of frubbles, dude!" Froakie exclaims in protest to the fat comment. " And I'm not fat, you're fat." Litten came back with. " I have more muscle, which you don't have." Pikachu said. " How am I fat?" Treecko asked. " I don't know. You just are." Riachu said.

" That's not a good reason. You need to be Matlock and have actual proof." Treecko said. " So in reality, you a huge complainer and liar!" Treecko said. " Moving on." Pikachu said, as they found the canyon. " There it is. Let's go find Xatu." Litten said as he squeezed into the hole where the dungeon was.

" We're probably going to fail." Pikachu said as she followed. Froakie didn't say anything as he moonwalked into the dungeon. "'Ease up, cheer is contagious.'" Treecko told him. "' So is pink eye.'" Froakie commented from inside.

" What the heck." Riachu said. " Quotes from Zombies, dude." Treecko said, as he shoved the fully evolved Alolan Pokémon into the dungeon. He rolled his eyes. " Get a life." He commented as he walked into the dungeon.

" Whoa!" He exclaimed as he looked around him. Yep. Lots of rocks. Treecko almost fell into the water there. Out of nowhere a Nuzleaf came jumping. This was no where near the actual mystery dungeon game play because the Pokémon can jump at you and can be faster or slower than you depending on their stats.

The Nuzleaf used Razor Leaf. Litten counter with Flame Charge. The Nuzleaf fainted. " Told you this would be easy." He said, smugly.

" That was just one Pokémon. Wait till flying types come at us in a monster house." Treecko told him. " Hey! I see the stairs!" Litten exclaimed, as he saw the stairs. Unfortunately, a monster house came out of nowhere.

" See?! Oh hey look there are even 7 flying types." Treecko pointed out as a Noctowl flew at Litten. " Out of my way, bub!" He exclaimed as he shoved the flying type across the room. The good news about the mystery dungeons is you can do anything. You can attack them, you can shove them rudely. Heck you can even kiss them if you felt like it.

Litten launched himself over the monster house, which was hard to avoid, and climbed the stairs before the other wild and nuts Pokémon cams after him.

" Uh, I think he forgot someone. Us!" Riachu said. He then soared over the crowd of Pokémon while using discharge. All the Pokémon fainted. " Now's our chance! Before more come!" Pikachu shouted as the three other poke friends dashed to the exit.

When they got to the next floor, it was a monster house right away. And the stairs weren't there either. Treecko opened his mouth as if to curse, but all that seemed to come out was something strange.

" Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me Thy rod and thy staff They comfort me when I'm beat down, broken Hold my heart when it's split right wide open Turn these eyes to my Soul Protector
Break the will of this born infector." He seemed to be half singing half trying to pray or something. No Pokémon questioned him. It was actually quite soothing.

" Die!!! Die you scum!" Froakie cried out as he threw his frubbles and practically blinded all the Pokémon in the monster house. Treecko used Leaf storm, which actually killed about half the flying types there somehow.

They all raced to find the exit. " Let us outta here!" Pikachu cried out. She was brave, but those monster houses could defeat an Arceus with all those Pokémon.

She climbed the stairs first really fast. She probably used Quick Attack in the act. Litten tripped down the stairs. Treecko dashed to the exit after seeing how many flying types were trying to kill him. Like four.

Riachu used thunderbolt on them. He flew to the exit and Froakie hopped and climbed the stairs. All five panted. " Told you it would be hard." Pikachu panted.

" Is it going to be like that on every floor?! We seem to be getting bad luck." Froakie commented as he didn't look rushed. " Just wait till all the grass types come at you." Treecko said. " And then there will be chaos."

" Let's not talk about that." Froakie shivered. " Imagine a monster house with only your type weakness." He said. " Ground types." Pikachu shivered. " Dark types. But they won't be a problem for me. I'll just soar over their sorry faces." Riachu said, laughing.

" Fire types. Flying types. Bugs. Ice." Treecko said. " I feel sorry for you. You have more weakness's than me." Pikachu said. " If only you had more weakness's." Treecko commented.

" Hopefully not. Ground types are immune to me." Pikachu said as they walked to the stairs with ease. It was the fourth floor they were only on. And they were having a hard time already.

" Maybe we'll get some good luck." Riachu said hopefully. " Hey, a seed!" Litten cried as he picked it up. " What is it?" Froakie asked. " Reviver. If anyone happens to faint we can eat this seed." Riachu Told.

" Sweet." Litten said. " But we need pure seeds if we're going to continue to get bombarded with Pokémon." Riachu said. " Maybe if I go in the water, maybe I can find the stairs and tell you." Froakie said.

" Good idea. We'll split up. Pikachu, Treecko, Litten. You three stay together while me and Froakie go through the water, or in my case over it, and find the stairs. Wait for us to come back then follow where we go."  Riachu told them. " Okay." Pikachu said. " Yes sir!" Litten saluted.

" We can handle ourselves while you're gone. So go find the stairs." Treecko said with a smile. " Will do." Froakie said as the two wadded in the water, or Froakie.

Authors note: Well, this wasn't as rushed. They haven't even gotten halfway through the dungeon yet. Xd. Well hope you've enjoyed it.

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