Chapter Twenty Three- Stronger

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The two stopped glowing. Jirachi nods at them. Frogadier took out the book. " Thanks." He said as he flips through the book. He stops on a page. It was the spiting image of this Pokémon.

" Jirachi, the wish pokemon. Hmm." Frogadier said, thinking. " Jirachi is a Steel and Psychic type." Prinplup states. Jirachi nodded. " That's my name. What are yours?" He asked. " Frogadier and Prinplup." Prinplup commented, beating Frogadier to it.

Jirachi closed his eyes. Is he going to fall asleep? Frogadier questions. But then Jirachi opens his eyes. " You need my help for a memory problem." He states. They both nodded.

Jirachi closes his eyes again. Really? Is that necessary? It is. A voice said in his head. He tipped his head. Was that Jirachi? He asks himself. Si. Yes. Then Jirachi opened his eyes once more. " You are on a journey to help Pokémon all over the world and stop Ace and Glimmend from taking over the world." Jirachi told them.

Both Pokémon nodded at that. " I like the sound of that. I'll give you a mythical's support. Now, let me be the one to say you both look horrible. I know this is practically an emergency, but so is what I see. I'm pretty sure your gir- friend is going to die if we don't get that burn treated right away. We need to get you to a Pokémon center." Jirachi said.

Frogadier and Prinplup both began walking. " I have a faster way." Jirachi stated as he grabbed onto both Pokémon's hands. He then closed his eyes and teleported. The three Pokémon appeared to be in front of what appeared to be a red and white building.

An Audino was sitting at a counter with her feet on the counter. She was reading some newspaper. It told something along the lines of the sky and Giratina being in trouble. Froakie didn't get a good look.

Apparently a shiny Zangoose saved the world along a brown? Slowpoke. The Pokenews always messes things up. That Slowpoke isn't brown. It is a shiny and they just messed up the words from pinkish white.

Frogadier turned his attention back over to Jirachi. The Mythical tapped on the Audino's shoulder. " Yes?" The Audino asked with a masculine tone.
The Audino was a male. But he looked like a female. Frogadier tried not to laugh at the healer Pokémon. It was definitely hard not to.

The Audino gasped when looking at Jirachi. " My Pals here need to heal." Jirachi explains to the Audino. The Audino nods. " I'll go get my equipment." He told them, rushing deeper into the Pokémon Center.

" So how and why did you find us?" Frogadier tries. He was trying to strike up a reason why this mythical was helping two regular Pokémon like them. They weren't shinies, so why would a mythical Pokémon offer their help?

Jirachi blinks. " Why would I help? You're doing something bigger than yourselves. Plus, I found out in a Psychic dream. I have them a lot since I sleep so much." Jirachi explains.

Prinplup flinches with pain. " Too bad we don't have a berry or move that heals burns." Frogadier stated. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he cared way more for Prinplup than he ever did for any male or female. Not that he was gay.

Prinplup flinched again. Every time she grimaced in pain it emotionally hurt Frogadier. No! He thought to himself. He barely knows her for like less than a week! Love at first sight doesn't exist! He pondered. Or so he was told. Then again he never experienced love. Was this love? Or was it just deep affection for the penguin?

He did care for her, but he wasn't too sure on his emotions about her. I feel like I'm the first out of my group of friends that is in love with a lady. Then again, his friends were never worried about finding a mate, even though they surrounded themselves with each other and hung around other Pokémon.

All the Pokefriends he knew were fourteen. He wasn't sure about Eevee, Fennekin, Pip and Poppy, or anyone else who joined them. All he knew was that he, Pikachi, Treecko, Litten, and maybe Prinplup were all fourteen.

He sighed. When was that Audino going to come back? At that moment Prinplup winced again. She looked horrible. No! Not physically! She looked beautiful physically. She just seemed like she was on the verge of a faint. Frogadier was worried that she would die.

" I'm back!~" Audino sang as he returned with a ton of supplies. The supplies in his hands was so tall, you could barley tell it was Audino holding all that. Audino reaches the two Pokefriends...well, maybe Pokefriends, could be Pokemates. Frogadier wasn't sure. He hasn't even asked Prinplup if she liked him back.

For now, though, he wouldn't say a thing. It was a bad time to confess your feelings to someone you love. Or just admire, but you are not sure. Audino placed all of his things on the ground. He started with Frogadier. " If I may pry: what happened?" He interrogated him.

Frogadier flinches as the Audino touched a spot where the Slash attack had been the worst. On his arm. " Sorry." Audino apologizes, wrapping gauze around the mark. " Prinplup and I were both on our way to find a Psychic type to help our friend remember who he was." Frogadier began.

Audino nodded as he finished up Frogadier. His wounds weren't the worst out of the two of them. It was all his fault anyways that Prinplup had gotten hurt. He could have been faster, he swore on it.

" We got half fooled by a Charizard who works for Ace. He attacked us. We defended. We would have been dead if it weren't for Jirachi here." Frogadier indicates. Jirachi went red with embarrassment. " T'was Nothing. I just saw two Pokémon in trouble, and helped." Jirachi told them.

Audino nodded as Prinplup chewed on a Rawst Berry. She seemed much better. " I guess you've found your Psychic type. But first, you two must rest a bit, then we can return and get your friend remembering again. I do not have the power to help your friend remember with just my Psychic power alone. But you can wish for it to return." Jirachi promised.

Authors note: Man is it taking longer for Treecko to get his memory back, eh? What do you think? Do you think it's love or do you think Frogadier just has an adoration for Prinplup? Tell me your thoughts.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







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