Chapter nine: The Weirdest of all Grass Types

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Of course the friends eventually reached the peak. It was strange. Someone was already there speaking with the Xatu. It was a weird conversation because the Pokémon was complaining. Why? Was what Treecko was asking.

The Pokémon had a trident like tail and a pointy nose. Xatu stopped talking for a moment. " I've got more visitors it seems." He says. " Come on. Come in." He said invitingly.

The five friends walked/floated in. " Ah. I see." He said. " You wish to stop an upcoming world Danger." Xatu says. " Yes and we need your help to apparently send us on a journey or something." Litten said in total confusion. " First, do me and favor and take this annoying Snivy with you. Please?" Xatu said. " Hey! I'm not annoying! I'm from another world you green bird." The Snivy claims.

" I know, I know. You've mentioned it like twenty times already." Xatu said. He turned around and even when Snivy poked him in the tail, he didn't move.

She groaned. " He didn't help at all. What a waste of my time. An idiot that guy truly was." She complained. " Xatu. I thought you were going to help us! Come on! Tell us what we need to do in order to save the Pokémon world from Glimmend, Ace, and Fallar's father." Riachu growled, using Thunderbolt.

That got Xatu to quickly turn around. He stared at them. " You all have a role. What is needed to be done you ask? Destroy the machine." He stated. Obviously stating the obvious.

" Yeah, but how do we destroy it? Is there any specific way...?" Froakie asked. " Only the power of the light side combined with the dark side can destroy it my friends. There is one who will betray Glimmend. Take that to your advantage, dear friends." Xatu told them.

" Did you find what you were looking for? If you have, you can leave now." Xatu said, cawing slightly as he turned around once more.

" Yes. We have. Thank you." Pikachu said. " Wait, I'm not done with you yet!" Snivy began before Treecko shoved her down the dungeon. They went back from where they came from.

Luckily no Pokémon wanted to battle. " Let go of me! I am from another dimension! I won't be ordered around by a grumpy lizard, a freakishly ugly rat, a weird tailed mouse, a blue frog, and a weird tailed cat! I am from another dimension. I deserve to walk myself! I was not done with Xatu!" She exclaimed.

" Well you are now, buddy." Froakie commented. " No I am not! I wasn't done! I need advice on how to get back to my world." She demanded.

Pikachu groaned a bit along with Froakie. " This Snivy is starting become annoying and hard to deal with." Froakie said. " Well, we cant do anything about it. Xatu just put her on us like it was nothing." Pikachu said.

" What are you complaining about? I have a million other things to complain about. World peace, how to get into Arceus's kingdom, froakie's singing..." Treecko begins to list.

" What about my singing?" He asked, glaring daggers for a bit as he leaned closer. " Nothing. Let's go!" Treecko said, obviously changing the subject. He walked away. " My singing's fine." Froakie mumbled as he and the others followed the grumpy Treecko.

Let's just say....when they got back...Eevee was annoying the....crap out of Fallar. " What the heck happened when were in that dungeon?" Pikachu asked, concerned. " Eevee here decided to push me into a nearby body of water and now I'm wet." Fallar said.

" The bigger question is: who did you bring back from Xatu's place?" Poppy asked, moving forward to see the Snivy. " Who are you?" Piplup asked. " I am Snivy. I am from another dimension." She states once more for what seemed to be the billionth time today at least.

" Uhh...nice to meet you...?" Eevee questioned with a sweat drop on his face. " Yay! More friends!" Poppy excitedly cheered.

" Why exactly am I here?" Snivy asked them. " We're going to save the world. And we are collecting possible friends and allies who want the world to live in peace." Froakie began. " What are you saying?" Snivy asked.

" I think he's asking you to join the team." Litten says. Then he seemed off in a daze again. " Eat Eevee." He Starter saying. " No Litten no eat Eevee." Eevee said, hiding behind Pikachu.

He kept chanting that till Froakie slapped him in the back of his head. " So what do you say?" Froakie asked her. " Naw! I'm trying to get back to my world. I can't save the world before going back." She said.

Everyone stared at her like she was an idiot. " Usually when someone comes from another dimension there here to save the world. Like those humans from legend." Froakie points out.

" Well, I'm not going to help you. You're on your own. Have you ever thought about that?! Hah!" She snapped. Treecko started to crack his knuckles.

" You will help us! Or else..." he growled dangerously. " Or else what?" She asked snuggly. " Bad Guys will come and steal stuff from you. If you're not with us then they could totally do that." Treecko said.

" What sort of point is that?" She asked. " It would be better for you if you came along with us. We have food, water, a really hot Treecko leader, supplies, the guts to take down a leader. Come on. It'll be fun." He said.

Snivy seemed to think it over for about twenty years according to Litten. She finally nodded her head. " I guess I could help, but I need you to help me in return." She told them.

" What is it that you want in return my trident friend?" Riachu asked her. " I request that once this mission is all fully completed that you help me find a way back home. Please." She begged. " Sure. It's a deal then." Treecko said extending his paw. Snivy took it and they shook paws. And Snivy was officially a member of the friend squad or whatever they call it.

Authors note: Snivy is played by mimikyustories. Quick question to you mimikyustories, do you want Snivy to evolve or fall in love with someone? Oh...I also have something to tell you regarding the choices for Treecko

Snivy( not the one in this chapter)- sassy and strong

Cubone- the one who cries for her mother and who is sad about it

Trubbish- the one who thinks she is trash.

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