Chapter six: Loyal Rockruff

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The group of friends were walking back to Piplup's house to drop her off. The dang Ninetails was still barking at her Sandslash friend for some reason. " My fault that that bitch Pokémon escaped us?!" He angrily growled. " Tisa! I was the only one chasing him! You were grooming your paw!" The Sandslash harshly said, poking her harshly with a claw.

" Was not!" She argued. " Oh, so you not paying attention is not your fault?" Sandslash asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. " Tell me then, why am I so pissed off at a slut like you then?" Tudi asked her. ( just so you know it's going to get really intense in this chapter)

" Because you don't appreciate the motherfucking help you receive, you rat!" She howls. His left paw goes back and he slaps her, a claw mark on her cheek was there.

" Don't talk back to me! You had one job and that was to get rid of that Empoleon! Now he's run away to tell the Starter squad because of what you did, you bad fox!" The Sandslash says.

" Sheesh! Sorry!" Tisa whimpers as she puts her tail between her legs somehow and bends her head. " Our job is to get rid of those fucked up starters. Thinking they own the place. Now do it! Help me!" Sandslash growled. " Tudi!" She began. He slashed at her again. She blocked it with a delicate paw.

" What?" He asked her. " Perhaps you would feel better getting rid of that group of starters over there." Yoda said, pointing at the band of awesome friends. " Good idea. I see a Pikachu, Eevee, Treecko, Litten, Froakie, Popplio..." Tudi said, his voice breaking off from some strange reason, and hatred filled them.

" Piplup ." Tudi says. " Get 'em!" The two murderous Pokémon cried at the same time. They both leaped at the group despite being outnumbered. Litten immediately screamed like a little girl.

Froakie immediately went to his hero pose and threw bubbles. Tudi jus laughed crazily and dodged with ease. " Stop joking around." He said, as he slapped Piplup away with ease.

Tisa immediately used Flameflower on Treecko, causing him to hit a tree. Weird right? Litten thought as he tried to dodge the claws of fury. Eevee screamed as Tudi clawed through his fur and seemed to be tearing through his flesh.

Froakie, being probably the strongest of them all, tried to help, but Tudi stick his claws in the poor frogs frubbles. He tried throwing him, but the frog wouldn't come out from his claws. " I think I'm gonna throw up!" Froakie dizzily said.

" You're not going to throw up! Don't you dare you bitchy starter!" Tudi said. I don't get it why does he have a hatred toward us starters? Litten asked in his head.

Tisa was busy chasing both Pip and Poppy around to help Tudi get unstuck. " Get back here! How the Muk are you so fast?!" Tisa asked panting as she ran.

Tudi kept shaking the poor Froakie, trying to get him unstuck from his claws. Pikachu kept on attacking Tudi, aware that she should be quick in order to dodge his quills.

Treecko was still unconscious against the dang tree. Pft. Grass types are weak. Litten thought. But Treecko was an exception. But it surprised Litten his friend was so easily defeated like so.

Litten decided he was done being a coward. At least in dodging this scary Pokémon. But he still hated water. No way could he ever want to take a dip in those vile things.

He charged. " Yarrgh!" He exclaimed, his eyes closed with fear as he jumped on Tisa's back. He used Scratch. Tisa howled in pain and tried shaking him off. He wouldn't let go. This was for his friends.

He kept on using Scratch for it was his only move he could use without making her more powerful and what not. Suddenly the ground shook violently and he noticed Pikachu was now on her back, eyes swirled and Piplup was stuck in the earth somehow.

Eevee was now unconscious. Froakie kept on yelping for help. Finally after what seemed like forever, Froakie was unstuck, but he hit a tree and fainted. Like what the heck is with Pokémon fainting when they hit trees!

Pretty much, it looked like these Pokémon were no match for Tudi and Tisa, who just decided to give Litten a ride on her back while chasing both Popplio again, trying to eat them for some reason.

A growl rang out from somewhere. " Leave them alone!" A bark rang out. " Who are you? Show yourself, coward!" Tudi growled. " I'm not a coward!" The brown rocky Pokémon said, suddenly using Rock Throw on Tisa's Head, causing her to instantly faint because it hit her head.

Then the now identified Rockruff used Howl twice then used Bite, making Tudi's claws break from impact. The villain screamed in not only pain, but anger. His claws were off. They would probably grow back, perhaps. But it would take a long time to regenerate it.

" Arrwo!" Rockruff howled growled. His body was shaking in a threat. Tudi immediately ran away because he couldn't slash anything. Tisa woke up and looked around blinking. She realized the Sandslash was gone and immediately hi tailed it away from them.

" Thanks!" Litten said, his tail wagging for once in thanks to the Rockruff. This Rockruff was familiar though. It was that one Rocky Mountain Rockruff. " H-huh? What happened? Am i fabulous?" Froakie asked, waking up first.

" Rockruff saved us all!" Litten said. " He did?" Pikachu asked. " I died!" Eevee proclaimed. " Who saved us?" Treecko asked, as Froakie helped Piplup to her feet. " Thanks." She said. " It's no problem, really. Heh heh." Froakie said, rubbing his frubbles.

" Why- why did you help us?" Pip asked. " You helped me. So I decided to return the favor." Rockruff said. " Wait, did you stalk us?" Litten asked.

" That sounds like something that you would do, Litten." Froakie said with a frown. " Yeah. Sorry. I figured I'd wait until a good time, and well, you were in trouble, so I decided to help. Oh excuse me for not introducing my actual name. Hello, I am Fallar the Rockruff and I would like to join your group in saving the world." The Rockruff said, confusing them all.

Authors note: How was that? Were you surprised Rockruff wasn't already in the group? I didn't mention him till now because he wasn't a part of the group. So I hope you've enjoyed.

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