Chapter five: Annoying Eevee

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" Does anyone know where one is?" Pikachu asked them. " Nope!" Litten says. " Nada!" Froakie says. " It's called rubberneckin' baby." Treecko murmured to himself or someone not here with them.

" I like donuts!" Poppy says. " Should we ask that Ninetails?" Pip asks. " No. she looks occupied at the moment, yelling at that Sandslash." Pikachu said with a shiver. Plus they both look tough and rough. We will get pulled into a fight if we talk to them. She thought.

" How about that Torterra?" Piplup asked with a point of her flipper. " I'm good with that!" Froakie agreed too fast and too eager.

" I want Mew wrapped up for Christmas." Treecko muttered. What the hell is wrong with him?! Riachu gave the little gecko a shove. " Come on, weirdo." Riachu said. " Sure thing, Forever in Your Mind." Treecko replies, unaware of anything.

He had a misty sort of look in his eyes. He wasn't even staring at a girl Pokémon. He was just staring at the sky. " Did someone give him laughing gas or something?" Pip asked with concern and amusement in his eyes.

As soon as they reached the ground-grass type, the Pokémon turned around. " Hello, sir. Do you happen to know where a healing Pokémon or a Pokémon center is?" Pikachu asked politely. " You're looking at a healing Pokémon. I might not be one of them Audino, but I can help. Which one of you Pokemon needs healing? Does it happen to be that spaced out Treecko?" Torterra asked.

" No." Pikachu replied as Pip collapsed at the weight of the fat Eevee in his grip. " That Eevee, hrrm? Let me see what I have here." Torterra says, as he begins to rummage though a bag of healing herbs, berries, and what-not.

He came up with a reviver seed. He placed it delicately in the fainted Eevee's mouth. On instant, Eevee hopped up. " Yer Welcome, youngesters." The Torterra said as he stomped away, happy he helped.

" Wh-wha? Where's Ace? Why am I in some sort of meadow?" Eevee asked. Then he looked at Pikachu. That's all it took. All it took for him to wag his tail. " Why hello there, guys! And gals!" He said, winking at Piplup, Poppy, and Pikachu. Piplup ignored him. Poppy didn't even notice. Pikachu got kind of pissed. This Pokémon went from battling them to trying to flirt within three hours.

" We helped you. You owe us." Pikachu said. " Yeah! And make it snappy! We want our small million now!" Litten said. " Stop it already." Poppy said, shaking her head.

" W-what exactly do I owe you?" He asked with a big grin on his face. He couldn't be happier somehow. " Well. We just saved you from being forever fainted." Froakie said. " And it's obvious he won't give me my five poké he promised earlier." Piplup said.

Everyone looked at her oddly. " We gambled a bit. I was bored, okay?" Piplup said quickly. " Alright. Alright. I'm a screw up. But, hey. At least I'm with a pretty lady." He said trying to brush up against Pikachu. She wasn't having any of that today. She shoved him away.

" We still don't know exactly what we're doing with you, yet." Treecko began, friendly at first, then his voice turned all dark and scary.

" Guys, could we talk about this? Alone. Away from the Eevee." Piplup asked them. " Good idea. So then when we decide to eat him, he won't know." Litten says, sounding as dumb as Adam Davenport from Lab Rats.

Froakie exaggeratedly pointed his paws at Eevee. " He's right there!" He said angrily through gritted teeth. " Come on. Let's go discuss this-" Litten began before Eevee wrapped himself around Pikachu. " Youre a pretty little mouse. Yes you are." The crazy fox cooed.

That earned a slap in the face from both Pikachu and Piplup who didn't like him flirting with Pikachu because she thought Eevee was pushing it.

" But!" Eevee began, his voice rising. " No buts! Stop being crazy. Now!" Piplup ordered him, her voice rising. The little fox-cat-dog Pokémon bent his ears in submission. " Alright then. Jerk." He muttered. " Jerk?!" Piplup asked, voice screaming now. Then she began repeatedly hit him with her flipper.

" No! I am not the jerk here! It's you, you little flirt!" She said, hitting him one time for each word. Twice for jerk. " I say we keep him!" Treecko said. " Bring him along. Because it's obvious he has nowhere else to go now." Treecko said, making logical sense now.

" Bad idea." Froakie said. " I don't like that idea." Pip says. " I like donuts." Poppy repeats. " Litten still says we eat him." Litten said, referring to himself in the third person.

" It's either this, we eat him, or..." Treecko said-smirking , grabbing the poor fox by the scruff and held him over a cliff five minutes away. " No! N-no,no,no,no! Not that!" Eevee wailed.

" Put him down. Fine we will take him along." Pikachu said. " What?!" Froakie asked. " You're taking care of him, though. I'm not cleaning his litter." Poppy says. " Ugh. Fine. But I'm not letting him do what he's trying to do." Pikachu said, as Eevee tried rubbing his cheek against hers.

" Seriously Stop." She told him. She shoved him. " Slow and steady, brother. Slow and steady." Treecko said with a weird wink at Eevee. Eevee nodded and ducked his head away.

" What are you? An Eevee whisperer?" Froakie asked. " No, I'm a love expert." Treecko said. " No you're not." Litten argues. Treecko sighed. " Okay Fine I'm not a love expert. But my friends are." Treecko bragged.

" Sure. Sure. Whatever makes you happy, man." Litten says. " That sounds sarcastic." Treecko says. " Thank you." Eevee said. " For What? Not eating you? I'm still thinking about eating you. When you sleep. Tee hee." Litten says, pressing his paws together evilly.

" Oh hush with the eating him. You're gonna make him not like you." Piplup said. " That's the point, penguin. He doesn't deserve our kindness." Litten said. " Maybe not, but we should offer it anyways." Treecko said. He's right.

Authors note: Xd. I made Litten a carnivore right there. Anyways. Question: Which of these personalities would you pick to ship( that mystery Pokémon. They're mystery Pokémon only known to me. One will only seem legit shipping if I told you.) with treecko....Sassy and strong, A Pokémon who is sad all the time because she lost her mother, or a Pokémon who thinks she is trash.

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