Chapter Thirty One- Day of the Dead

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Eevee bounced around his friends. Well they hadn't admitted they were his friends yet. But he was very sure he was their friend as much as they were his.

He stuck close to Pikachu. She didn't say anything. Eevee almost sighed. That was until a crowd was seen. " What's up there?" Cubone questioned. Of course, Eevee thought. The mother of all hills.

They all dashed up the hill, with Eevee lagging greatly behind them. " I-it's a graveyard." Eevee huffed in disappointment. " Respect the dead here, idiot!" An unknown Pokémon in front of him growled. The Pokémon then whacked him over the head. Cubone seemed to enjoy that.

" So, what's happening here?" Pikachu asked. In front of them, the Pokémon, stood a tall blue Pokémon with feelers. He was also black and had sharp edges all over his body. " It's the Day of The Dead." The Lucario explained to them.

The Lucario indicated for them to follow him. He doesn't seem like he's going to ambush us. Is he? Eevee wondered as his friend followed Lucario.

He shrugged. It's probably okay. He thought. The Pokefriends wandered around with the Lucario in lead as he told a story. " The Day of the Dead is a way we respect those who fallen in battle, or who died of other causes. It's a tribute to when they were alive and to all of what they've done." Lucario began.

" This began way back in the day when there was no technology. A lone Charmeleon was journeying around the world in search of shelter of Dark Matter." Lucario told them. I don't like this story already. Ten poke says either the Charmeleon dies or someone else important dies. Eevee predicted like he was already an Espeon.

" One day he found a nice Pokémon. She was nice enough to take him in. She was a Ivysaur. Together they took on Dark Matter. They defeated Dark Matter, but before either of them could react, the Ivysaur died. She was murdered at the paws of a Darkrai. It is unknown who he is now or at the time. He wasn't a shiny, but no one here has ever seen him since. It was even more dramatic because the Darkrai was aiming at Charmeleon. Ivysaur took the attack for Charmeleon. And after that day, Charmeleon promised her two things: that she would be remembered forever in this certain day, and that he would avenge her." Lucario told them.

The Pokefriends were all interested in the story. " What happened to the Charmeleon?" Cubone asked with curiosity. " Well," Lucario began. " He never found love. Instead he set out to destroy the Darkrai. He evolved into a ferocious Charizard one day, and then he was never heard from again. He's dead at this point though. Either killed off by that Darkrai or just dead from old age." Lucario told the kids.

Servine tipped her head. " Is it possible he's still alive?" Servine asked. " No! Heavens no! That was ten thousand years ago." Lucario chuckled as he ruffled Servine on the head as if she had hair or fur. She didn't.

Lucario then looked at them all. " It would mean a lot if you stayed for this event. We are going to have tons of fun." Lucario tells them. The Pokefriends looked at each other. " I would like to join. Please? Can we? Can we? I want to celebrate my mother!" Cubone begged.

Pikachu sighed. " It wouldn't kill us to have some more fun. We've been worried way too much over things the last few months." She comments to the apparent comity that the Pokefriends apparently made. It was made of Litten, Treecko, Pikachu, and Froakie.

Practically everyone else felt left out then. They all nodded. " We would be honored to join in this Day of the Dead." She tells him. He smiles. " Great." He lead them back towards the events.

There were donuts. That's all Eevee needed to see. His tail was now wagging viciously. It whacked Alolan Raichu in his face. And it kept on whacking him till the Miltank came home. Eevee had to tear his gaze away from the donuts. He continued to look around with clear happiness on his face.

Nothing will stand in my way! Donuts are the best part of any day! Eevee thought as he turned his gaze towards some Pokémon trying to put the fire tail on the Ponyta. So far, they've got it in it's face, it's legs, and it's belly.

Eevee laughed. They sucked at pinning the fire on the Ponyta. There were other Pokémon versions of it, but Ponyta was by far the favorite by most Pokémon. Lucario stopped. That was when Lucario looked back at them and began to explain things again. His gaze was sincere. No hint of anything but happiness that they were there.

Frank bent over to Eevee. " I saw ice cream. Cover for me." He whispered. Frank slipped out while Lucario was droning. " You see," Lucario began indicating towards the party that was happening. " This whole celebration is a part of celebrating the Day of the Dead." He explained.

Eevee turned his head towards the ice cream. Frank had dunked his head in, and pressed a button and the ice creams goes in his mouth. Dear Arceus. Eevee thought. " Everything you see here is tradition. I'm so glad you are here to enjoy it. Go ahead and have fun." Lucario told them.

And with that Frogadier and Prinplup raced all the way over to the pizza. So did Treecko. Cubone followed closely behind because she's a loser. Well, that's what Eevee believed anyways. Pikachu wouldn't let him say that out loud. She's a loser as well. He decided automatically.

He would definitely get beat up if he ever yipped that out loud. He raced over to the donuts. He stuffed his face. It was actually a completion for eating the most donuts in one minute. Let's just say he won that. The Pokefriends continued to play around and have fun. The most fun they had since ever.

Authors note: This chapter is dedicated to those who died. And Alena of Avalor. I hope you enjoyed this sweet little chapter if you get the good joke. Anyways, what do you think of Frank sticking his head in the ice cream machine? What do you think will happen next for our Pokefriends? Also tell me when you think you
Can remember frank so I can take off the Scyther part. Lol.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

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