Chapter Thirty Eight-Day Two and Phone Guy?

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Treecko was running along with Fennekin, Pip, and Cubone by his side. " I told you he would follow us if we ran!" Treecko panted as they ran. It was 5:50. " But shouldn't they be don't chasing us by now?" Cubone asked, seeming extremely tired.

" I hope no one died." Fennekin comments. " The camera keeps seeming like it's alive." Pip noted. " Where are the others?" Cubone asked. " Probably hiding and leaving us to be chased around for two hours by the freaking purple Lopbunny." Fennekin growled. Suddenly the Lopbunny That was purple stopped. He turned around and fled.

" Where is he going?" Cubone asked. " He better run. I was about put flames up his butt." Fennekin commented with a growl. Treecko was pretty sure that was to cover up how frightened she really was. " He was probably going back to the stage. He's only out till six am." Treecko informs them, checking the clock. 6:01.

" That was exhausting! I hope we don't have to go through that again! Let's go find our friends." Pip said. Unfortunately, we will have to go through that again unless we get out of here with Glimmend sometime soon. Treecko thought. They would be stuck here five, six, even the whole week if they needed to keep Glimmend from capturing this world.

Glimmend doesn't stand a chance again Bonnie, Freddy, Foxy, Chica, and Golden Freddy, though. He thought with a snicker. He was sure if she wasn't dead by now she was screaming running away from Chica, he bet.

" Let's go find the office. I have a feeling we might see someone in there." Treecko tells his group. They walk past the party room. " Treecko?!" An excited voice asked. Frogadier poked his head out. " Frogadier? Is Prinplup with you?" Treecko asked. " Or anyone else not in this group?" Fennekin asked.

Frogadier nodded. " I have Litten, Harley, and Poppy." Frogadier said. " Goofball screamed and ran off. Servine went somewhere. She's probably dead. And I have no idea where anyone else is." He informed them.

Harley gazed at them coolly. " Let's hope no one is dead. If we need to, arrest those metal Pokémon." She tells them. " You can't arrest them." Treecko snorts. " I will. They tried to kill me and several others. This is a felony." Harley tells him. " But you can't. They'll kill you." He says. Harley glared at him. " I must arrest them. You don't understand the intensity of this." She tells him.

" But I do. The more we avoid them and avoid death, the more they will try to kill us. They think we are endoskeletons and will not stop until we are not moving! Stop worrying about arresting these animatronics and focus on getting us out of here alive!" Treecko yells at her.

" I would very much like to live. And I'm sure Pip would too. We need to get out of here." Fennekin says. " You seemed to know about these...demons. What are they?" Harley asked Treecko. " These are animatronics. They are literally the souls of kids that died, which sounds crazy, but it's true. They come out from 12-6 am." Treecko informs her.

" So we would need to find Glimmend and get out of here with her before 12. Shouldn't be too hard." Harley stated. " Not to mention everyone else. I hope no one died." Prinplup states. Harley puts her Empoleon Wing on Prinplup's shoulder. " Me too."

Treecko then walked out of the room. " What are we waiting for, then? For the kid ghosts to corner William Afton?" He questions. He beckons them with a paw.

" If we want to find everyone else, first we must get to the office. If we're in there we will be safe. Hiding in the party room won't help when one of the animatronics peeks in to see you there. They will definitely stuff you in a suit if they see you." Treecko informs.

Harley nodded. " I agree. He sounds smart." She comments. Frogadier rolled his eyes. " I don't think that's a good idea to listen to him, but okay." He says. The friends and their guides walk through the pizzeria. They call out their friend's names in between looking for the office.

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