Chapter ten: Someone to look up to

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" Great. Another crazy Pokémon." Piplup groaned. " Aren't we all crazy?" Froakie asked, posing. " Only you, Froakie are crazy. I'm smart." Eevee lied, tripping over Pikachu.

" Whoops! Didn't see you there. Hehe." He laughed, backing away slowly. " Where to now?" Pip asked, backing up. They happened to be somewhere right next to a cliff right now. Weird.

Pip slipped and began falling. Poppy tried grabbing her brother, but her feet slipped on the rubble as well, and she fell. " Pip! Poppy!" Almost everyone cried out. " Fatnoses!" The Snivy cries out along with Fallar and Eevee. Eevee knew their names, he just liked making fun of their noses.

Fallar probably knew their names, just not the Pokémon they were. A figure with a hood on came out of nowhere. It swiftly threw it's tail over the edge, and curled it around the distressed Pokémon.

The Pokémon, probably a water type, hauled them up with such amazing strength despite how petite it looked. The mysterious Pokémon turned to them. " Be careful next time, kids." He told the Popplio siblings.

They nodded their heads in awe. " What's behind the mask?" Treecko asked, curiously. The figure turned to him. " You don't want to know. I'd rather keep my face hidden from you." The figure spoke.

" Oh come on?! It's not like you'll look any different than what Pokémon you are." Froakie exclaimed. " Please?!" Eevee begged. " Please?! Do it! I want to know who saved us!" Poppy pipped up.

The figure sighed. " Children." He chuckled, shaking his head. It was determined that the voice definitely belonged to a male. It wasn't like a scolding shake. It was more like an endearing one.

He turned to them. " You really want to know?" He questioned them. " Would you? We would appreciate that." Pikachu politely told him. He sighed again. " I guess I have no choice, as much as I would love to keep myself hidden, I can't say no to any of you." The figure told them.

The figure reached up with a flipper and flipped the hood. The Pokémon was a Primarina. A very beautiful Primarina. But the Primarina was a male. " Okay. I've got a few complaints." Litten began.

Treecko rolled his eyes. Last time Litten complained about something it was about a singing Metapod. It was a screech that was for sure. " First, who keeps their damn identity a secret anyways? And why would you keep it a secret?!" Litten questions him.

The Primarina sighed. " Look, I like keeping my identity a secret so it keeps the paparazzi from trying to take damn pictures when I'm suppose to be saving some distressed Pokémon. It also makes me seem mysterious." The Primarina commented.

" Wait a minute...are you Pip the Primarina?" Pip asked. " Yes. Why are you asking? I don't give autographs kid. And I definitely do not take selfies, pictures, or go on adventures with anyone who asks." Pip the Primarina told them, in a growly voice.

" Because I was named after you. My mother named me after you." Pip commented. Pip the Primarina face palmed himself in embarrassment. " Great. Now women are naming their children after me. Just splendid." He growled.

" Look, kids. I have a very important duty to uphold. Those outlaws never rest. And neither can I. Can you handle yourselves from here?" The Primarina questions them.

" I g-guess." Pip commented. The Primarina pats his head. " Sorry i can't stay longer. You guys look like a pretty fun crew." The Primarina Put his fin on his hood. He put it back up. " I better get going. You kids take care now." He told them as he hopped away.

Both Popplio sigh. " Wow." Pip breathes. " We just met a member of the Starter squad." Poppy breathed out. What the hell is wrong with these idiots? It's like they met a legendary Pokémon. They're just starters. Treecko thought.

" So?" He asked them, his arms folded. " Do you know what a starter squad member is?" Froakie asked him. " I don't think he knows. He has a peewee brain." Litten whispered. Treecko rolled his eyes. Litten didn't know he could hear him still.

" I do know. I'm brothers with one." He told them. " And all he is is boastful and arrogant. Totally full of himself. Being brother to one is no big matter. Plus...the Starter squad has failed to capture multiple Pokémon. I'd say they haven't been very helpful." Treecko commented.

They all looked at him in disbelief. " But Pip has captured all the Pokémon who he has chased at least once. Plus I heard he saved Arceus of all Pokémon." Pip told them. " You dunce! That's Eon!" Froakie commented, folding his arms.

" Well he had something to do with it." Pip commented. " Yeah. It's probably just your brother who's egoistic." Raichu told him. He shook his head. " There was also this Rowlet, this other Rowlet, this other other Rowlet, this really quick Pikachu, I could go on and on." Treecko told them.

" Well, not Pip." Pip commented. " He has a hood and wants to be left alone. Well he works alone I just assume he wants to be left alone since he doesn't like the paparazzi." Treecko commented. " Just drop it." Eevee told him. " Hey, guys. I've heard of this great restaurant. We should totally go to it!" Fallar told them.

" When was this? Before I shoved you into the water or after?" Eevee asked stupidly.  " Shut up!" Fallar growled at him.

" Why did you bring this up?" Treecko asked, folding his arms and glaring down the cute puppy. " Becauseeeeee...we need to talk about ourselves and this plan. Plus this place serves great food!" Fallar barked, his tail ferociously wagging.

" Let's go! I want to go!" Froakie exclaimed, hyperactively as he jumped and tripped over Pikachu's Head. " I'm fine with eating Eevee." Litten commented.

" No!" Eevee exclaimed. " Come on Litten. We can maybe find you a bird or something other than someone on this team." Pikachu encourages him. " Yay! I love eating others!" He exclaimed. " Maybe we will meet Han Solo." Treecko commented. " Huh?" Fallar asked. " In your dreams! We're going to meet Lando!" Litten argued.

" Guys!" Everyone exclaimed. " Oh fine. Leia." Litten commented. Froakie face palmed himself. " They'll never learn."

Authors note: Well...pretty soon I'm going to introduce someone's character and one of my ocs from my other account. Keep in mind that it will end up like a crossover. K? Also, AlexTheSnivy I forgot to ask if Snivy is going to evolve. And to Zippy105 I was kind of wondering the same with a Fennekin.

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