Chapter one: Ducklett, Ducklett, Yungoos

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Litten dashed through the fence, leaving fur where he once was struggling to get under. Pikachu followed, her tail getting caught right as she got through. " Ow!" She cried out. She began to pull at it. " Come free!" She grunted with effort. Litten grabbed on with his paws. Both starters pulled harshly.

" Screw going under." Froakie comments, trying to climb over the fence. He begins to climb the fence. He lost his grip and landed on Pikachu's tail. " Pika!" Pikachu screeches on accident instead of regular talk. She shocks Froakie. " Ow." Froakie groans.

" Watch this." Treecko said, as he began to climb the fence then jumped from there to go on a tree with ease. " Showoff!" Froakie said, waving his left paw in the air. It was like he was trying to curse Treecko.

" Where are we going?" Pikachu asked once her tail was free. " To meet a friend." Litten simply told her.

" Who is this friend?" Froakie asked, now stuck in the fence because his frubbles are too big to fit through the hole in the fence. " Well," Litten began as he and Pikachu grabbed onto him from the front.

" He's a Psychic-type." Litten told, not being helpful( obviously). " Treecko! Get your lazy tail over here and help!" Pikachu sassed a bit.

Instead of going to their side, Treecko climbed down the tall fence, his gecko fingerish toes wedged between a few of the holes in the fence.

He leaped a huge distance from the fence to the earth below and landed without being clumsy. " Is He a dual type?" Treecko asked. He Maneuvered the frubbles. Froakie got free. Then he darted over the fence again and hopped on the tree.

" Well, Yeah." Litten replied with a smile as Treecko climbs down to meet the land dwelling Pokémon. Well, not dwelling in trees Pokémon.

" Where next?!" Treecko cheered, paws in the air in exhilaration. Litten took off in a run. " Does he even know where he's going? I once saw him getting lost to find the forest. The forest! It was the dang forest for Arceus sake!" Froakie asked.

" I'm sure he knows where he's going." Pikachu said, a drop of sweat hanging on her head.

" Come on, Slowpoke!" Litten yowls( What the heck it tried to autocorrect yowls to York's and it just now tried to correct heck to duck.). The three Pokémon share a glance. " His friend better not be that Gastly this time." Froakie complains.

" It was that Muk that was the problem last time." Treecko says, shivering in horror.

" So much gas!!!!! Whyyy?!!!!!!!!" Pikachu exaggerated, this time it was the male Pokémon who were sweat dropping.

" Get a move on!!!!!" Litten yowled, acting like a high school gym teacher yelling at pathetic, weak, unhealthy teens.

Laughing, the three other awesome Pokémon followed the impatient lit kitten. Suddenly, they reached the road. Nothing wrong with the road, right? Except there was a swarm of them. A swarm of maniacal human beings who could try to catch them, or honk horns at them.

" Now!" Litten hisses. An opening had appeared. The frightened pokemon all skittered with all their might( autocorrected to night) across the waves of steel dodads.

They reached the end, panting. " Let's never do that again." Froakie gasps. " Unless we need to." Pikachu adds. " Or Yoda tells us to." Litten commented. Everybody looks at him.

" What? Yoda is cool." Litten says as they all walk again. " Yoda is cool, but Luke Skywalker is even better." Treecko boasts. " Oh yeah, well Yoda dies a better way!" Litten argues.

" Luke makes a billion shooters look stupid. He brushes off their attacks like it was nothing. He's a pretty cool Pokémon. I mean, he's a Lucario for Arceus sake!" Treecko brags.

" Well Yoda can-"Litten began before they reached the spot they were suppose to turn. " He's this way." Litten said, putting a paw out.

" Luke? What where?!" Treecko asked, being a crazy Pokefan. They all dashed( not crashed or anything nuts like that) until they couldn't run.

" Awe!!!!" Treecko whined in major disappointment at not seeing a Lucario of any sort. They were about to begin to walk to the spot where they would meet the friend again, but a whole flock of annoyingly slow Ducklett appeared.

" Hurry up!" Litten whimpers. " Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck." The Ducklett all day, waddling frustratingly slow. " Duck. Duck." Froakie made fun of. Pikachu's ears bent in an annoyed way.

Her cheeks sparked up. " Hurry......upppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're all sooooo fucking slow!!!!!!!!!!" She accidentally cursed, using Thundershock without any warning whatsoever.

That got the Ducklett to go faster. They all started flying. " Duck! Duck!" They all cried as if they were the most stupidest birds of all.( which they probably are.)

The four friends were watching the flock Leave with grins on all of their faces. All happy that the Ducklett ( almost wrote something else there...Ducktales) were getting out their way.

Unfortunately, a feminine cry of pain and anger made the victory too short and way too sweet. For the female Yungoos( surprise!!!) leaped out at the adventuring quadruple duo( pretty sure that's not a thing) and she hissed violently.

She was not happy that these children...these....jerks....that they would just attack a Yungoos without warning. She shows( not shoes) her teeth at the friends. Her back is arched( like a cat), and she runs at them.

" Shit! My ba-ad!" Pikachu screeches, as her poor tail gets bitten by the Mongolian creature of mayhem .( I have no idea what I just did there) 

She swings her tail. The determined-to-get-revenge Yungoos keeps hold. " Don't worry. I've got this!" Froakie said, as brave as a knight.

By looking at the little Froakie you'd assume that he had a great plan right? Wrong! Froakie used Double Team, which does nothing! Nothing to harm the enemies the author says!!!!!!!

The poor female Pikachu had to watch as Litten dabs for some strange reason that no one even knows why he just did that. That's the most random thing. They should really not be doing this. And what is Treecko doing you ask?

Facepalming at the scene in front of him, not helping the lazy bum. Luckily before anything gets even more nuts, a surf boarding hero comes in. " You guys need to actually learn how to battle. Dabbing and making copies of yourself won't help. And I see you, just face palming there." Alolan Raichu says, as thunder hits the unsuspecting Yungoos. She faints on contact.

" At least it's not the Wailord." Froakie comments. " This is who we're meeting?" Treecko asked, folding his arms. This Raichu seemed strange. Somethings off. Though it wasn't because he looked evil. He looked nothing like the Kanto Raichu. He was floating on air.

" So what are you? Are you a Raichu or a flying Pikachu?" Pikachu asked with a grin on her face at Who they were meeting.

" I'm an Alolan Raichu. Alola." Raichu greets them all. He had a smug look on his face. I hope he doesn't keep that, Treecko thought with a glare in his eyes. He didn't really trust Raichu. No matter what Litten said of him.

Authors note: This story wouldn't be a thing without the help of all the lovely people who let it happen.
Litten- played by LittleLitten11
Pikachu- Played by Pikagirl1527
Froakie- Played by TheTheoryFroakie
Treecko- Played by yours truly the author. Who happens to be, @thefiveanimals
And of course the new character...
Raichu- Played by Firestripe_Firestar
Thank you so much everyone for your support. If any other Pokémon fans/followers would like to be in it, I will gladly add. Though there might be a limit. May the force be with you. And may Starclan light your path... and any other phrases.

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