Chapter Twenty Four- Natural

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It has been a few days. Pikachu was starting to get worried. Froakie and Piplup haven't returned still. On the bright side Treecko stopped running away. Well, so far. It's been two days! He tried to escape for three whole days! That's how long they have been gone.

It was oddly peaceful as well. Pikachu wasn't sure how long it would last. They were three Pokémon short, including Treecko, if they were attacked. Pip and Fennekin were hanging out more. At least that's a bright side for the needy fox. She had gotten the attention of the seal when she had protected him from Treecko.

Pikachu thinks Pip wasn't paying attention to Fennekin because he thought she was one of those Pokémon that flirted with random guys. That was wrong because Fennekin had just punched Fallar in the gut for trying to talk to her.

To talk. It was as if she automatically thinks that he will flirt with her. Though, he did flirt with a plant earlier. It was a strange sight to see. It wasn't even a Pokémon. Just a blade of grass. Pikachu's ear twitched. " Who's there?" She asked, clenching her fists. We have peace and someone's going to ruin it! She thinks.

Eevee peers at her from behind her. " Is something wrong, Pika-Chan?" He questions with a stupid nickname he dedicated to her. It was weird. " Stop calling me that, and be quiet." She told him with a paw to her mouth. " But I want to tell you something." He whined, ears becoming flat.

" Just listen to me, and maybe someone will like you finally." She hissed at him, even though she wasn't a Arbok. Eevee shut up after that. He was completely quiet. Which Pikachu thinks is a world record on his part. He was almost never quiet unless he was asleep or something important was happening.

The two Starterish Pokémon listened to their surrounds. A Pokémon popped out of the bushes and knocked Servine over, a huge weird paw claw over her heart. " Anyone move and she goes!" The male Scyther exclaimed immediately. He watchfully regraded each Pokémon.

He smirked as no one moved. Mostly because most were still shocked that a new Pokémon was here. Pikachu got angry. " Who sent you?!" She demanded immediately. The Scyther chuckled. " Does someone need to send me? Who says someone sent me, Pika-brat?" He mysteriously questioned.

" Well then, why are you attacking our friend?! Give her back or I'll fire!" Litten practically roared for once. His back was arched. " Ugh. Pussy cats. They think they're so clever, when they're not." The Scyther groaned.

He then put his wing closer to Servine's throat. " I am not a damsel in distress!" She yells as she uses Leaf Tornado on the Scyther. She immediately turned the tide of the battle. She presses her foot against the Scyther with extreme harshness.

" Who are you? And what makes you think you can just waltz in and kidnap someone?!" Servine demanded. " I won't tell the likes of you!" Scyther exclaimed. Servine slacked him with Vine Whip. " Who are you?!" She yells. " None of your business, snake!" He yells back at her. She slaps him with Vine Whip again.

It doesn't do much damage, but it sure does hurt enough. " Who are you?! We can go like this till I kill you, you know?" Servine threatened, starting to smack him with her paws as well. Which is funny because snakes usually don't have hands.

The Scyther sighed, seemingly to realize that he was both outnumbered and out powered. Especially with at least two fire types and two electric types.

" I was sent here by no one, but myself. I was going to steal your food. I've been watching you for a while now. About since those two water types left you to look for...something." Scyther explained to them. " But why now?" Pikachu questions him.

" Because you seemed tense at first. And now you were more at peace, so I thought I could steal the food. Guess I'm wrong." Scyther tells them. The Scyther looked no older than them. " And now I realized I was about to plunder from the ones who could save the world. You know, most flying types don't support Ace. Those who do are doomed. I'm sorry." Scyther apologies.

The pokemon Friends all exchanged glances. Then, Fallar places a berry in front of Scyther. " I-is this for me?" He asks him. Fallar barked and nodded. " Is your name Scyther? Or do you have a different name that we can call you by?" Pikachu questions him.

Scyther looks at her after picking up the berry. " My name," He began as he started to chew on a berry. " It is Frank." The Pokémon all exchanged glances. " You know Frank," Pikachu began, exchanging glances with a nodding Litten and Servine.

Fennekin shook her head. Her eyes widening. " You show real guts back there. Back when attacking us and telling us the truth." Pikachu told him. Frank's eyes met hers. " I did?" He questions her with confusion.

Pikachu nodded. " Look, being alone sounds hard. How about having some friends? You know, so that you don't have to plunder food and look for it alone?" Pikachu offers. Frank looks at her.

" You mean, you are offering me a spot on the team? To be friend like you?" He questions. Pikachu nods. She was impressed him. " But why?" Frank asks her as he chews on another berry handed from Poppy.

" Because we could always use another set of paws, claws, or whatever on our team? How about it?" She asks him. The last time this happened...Charmander rejected the offer. She hoped he would assist.

Frank eyes water. " You mean it?" He asks. " Yep! You can be a Pokefriends as well." She tells him. He nodded, tears spilling. " I always wanted friends, but could never make them." He tell them. " But now that I am being offered this chance to be a part of a team that helps Pokémon. I only have one answer, yes!!" Frank cheered.

Authors note: there's another new character. What do you think of Frank? Do you think he's trust worthy? Do you think he is Pokefriend? Or is he lying? Tell me what you think.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

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