Chapter twelve- LITnapped

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A campfire was going. Litten grinned. " Thanks for lighting the fire, Litten." Pikachu thanked. " I could of helped." Fennekin whispered, kicking some sand.

" No problem! Fire is my jam." Litten replied. " Now all we need is to find some bedding. Leaves and some not sharp sticks would be nice." Froakie commented, taking charge. " On it!" Fallar barked dashing off.

" Should we have let him go off alone?" Piplup asked. " Who cares about that idiot. The real problem is I need to get back to my world. My dimension." Snivy commented.

" Should I go check on him?" Pip asked. " No, darling. Stay right here." Fennekin commented seductively. Treecko looked ticked off. That was super annoying. Creeped him out straight to his bones.

A few more annoying minutes later of the very same thing, Fallar returns. " I found a whole lot, but I couldn't carry it all." He informs. He trips. " Oof." He commented.

All the supplies spill. Instantly, Froakie and Piplup pick them up together. " So you're making my bed, right?" Snivy asked. " No. Here you go. Unfortunately there's not enough to make everyone one." Froakie informs, handing some of the supplies to Snivy who was now staring at her pile.

" How do you expect me to make my bed?" She asked in outrage. " With your head." Treecko commented as he made his own. " With my head?!" She screeched, stomping all over the site they were going to sleep at.

" Calm down, crazy lady. Sheesh." Fallar woofed. " You're gonna destroy my sexy fire!" Litten yowled, trying to protect his fire.

" My fire's way more sexier and beautiful." Fennekin bragged with a wink to Pip who ignored her, trying to make his bed. Fennekin humphed.

" Gross. Get a life." Treecko snapped at her, as Litten and Snivy were both trying to kill each other. " But it's not my fault he's cute!" Fennekin whined. Treecko just stuck up his middle finger. Fennekin gasps.

He was satisfied with what he did. And he wasn't sorry at all. " I got it!" Alolan Raichu exclaimed as he swiftly flies above the fire and somehow sets the rest of the beds.

" I'm on fire!" Raichu exclaimed. " Yes. Yes you are. Literally!" Litten laughed. Raichu smelled the air before looking down at his tail. " Aaahhh!!!" He screamed.

Raichu swatted his tail against the sand, trying to put it out. Froakie and Piplup rolled their eyes as he screamed. " Water gun! Someone use water gun! Any kind of water attack! Help! I'm gonna die!!!!!" Riachu exaggerates.

With that Froakie uses Water Pulse along with Piplup who used Whirlpool. Raichu was sent into a tree. " Thanks!" Raichu said, thumbs up. Froakie puffed out his chest while Piplup just giggled.

" I'm done." Snivy said, falling onto a bed at random, snoring instantly. " But Who's gonna share?" Eevee asked. " Not my problem." She states, waving him off.

Eevee tried to go into the same bed as Pikachu. " No!" Pikachu harshly yells at him, shoving him. " I am not bunking with anger management issues." Eevee states as he and Fallar lock gazes. " Id rather bunk with one of the water types. At least they didn't shove me into the water." Fallar stated as he disappoints Fennekin by going into the same bed as Pip.

" Does anybody want to bunk with me?" Eevee asked. Litten instantly raced over to Treecko. " Nope!" Everyone said. He looked over at Piplup and Poppy. Piplup instantly runs over to Froakie.

" Gee great thanks." Eevee exaggerates while Poppy bunks with Pikachu. Eevee curls up in his bunk. " Some Friends you are." He grumbled, closing his eyes.

Treecko curled up and tried to sleep. Litten instantly curled up on top of him. " Oh dear Arceus." Treecko groaned as he tried to shove the cat away from him.

Litten kept on climbing on top of him. Treecko groaned and gave up. He was too tired to shove the cat off, and fell asleep.

In the night he woke up, Litten was covering his mouth. He shoved Litten so he could breath. He managed to fall back asleep only to be woken when Litten's tail went in front of his face.

He sneezed as he woke up. And from there he didn't wake up till morning. He regretted that he didn't. He was all alone in that bed. " Litten?" He asked, and started to search for him while everyone else was still having their rests.

He looked all over the place. Even the forest. He almost got pecked by a Pikipek. He raced back to the campsite. Where could he be? He asked himself, panting. Did he leave? Where'd he go?

By then everyone else was awake. " Litten's gone!" He exclaimed. " What?!" Pikachu asked in shock. " Litten's...Gone?" Raichu tried to process.

" Yes. I looked and looked. I don't see him anywhere." Treecko told them. And with that Froakie started to rank sack the place, throwing the bedding everywhere.

Good thing the fire was out, or else things might have escalated. Though things already have. Litten was gone. Poof!

" Uh, I don't think that will help." Snivy commented. Fallar joined in with Froakie, except he started to rip apart the bedding and tossed them like confetti.

" What's this?" Froakie asked, as he picked up the bed that Litten and Treecko shared. Froakie dropped the bed, which pummeled Eevee.

Froakie picked up the note. " The Murder weapon!" Fallar barked. " No it's a letter." Poppy said on realization. Froakie decided to read the note.

" Dear triers,

If you found this message, congrats. You're not as stupid as I thought you were. I have taken Litten. Come for him if you dare. Meet me at my lab if you dare to show your ugly mugs. I have been informed of your meddling.

-the Professor,


Froakie crumbles up the message. " So she took him. That will be the last thing she will ever do!" Treecko states. " Yeah! No one messes with Litten!" Riachu states, fired up.

" But this surely must be a trap. How can we get Litten back if we don't know who we're fighting and what sort of tactics she uses?" Froakie asked. Piplup lifted a wing in the air as a foot also does the same. " I do." She states. " Spit it out then." Snivy snapped.

Authors note: So I leave it there. Pretty lame cliffhanger if you ask me, but this chapter turned out better than I imagined. Did that fix it Felix profile pic change my creativity? Oh well. Hope you've enjoyed. I think after the 20th chapter I won't add anymore characters.

Character list( I'll also tag who they're played by because i find that important. I could make a cast, but I'm too lazy to actually do that.)

Pikachu- Pikagirl1527
Alolan Raichu- Firestripe_Firestar
Snivy- AlexTheSnivy
Litten- LittleLitten11
Fallar- Rockruff( my character)
Pip- Popplio( my character)
Poppy-Popplio( my character. 🤣)
Eevee- ( Pikagirls basically)
Piplup ( Theoryfroakies)

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