Chapter fifteen-Rockruff gets a Job

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Litten lunged back, moving his back left foot along to a random beat that wasn't there. He was being lazy. He loved it. Peace. Just the way he bargained for. Arceus was on his side today.

Most of the other Pokémon were enjoying the beach they were currently on. The only problem Litten had with this area was the water always found its way to him. He always hissed at it, despite the fact that it couldn't respond to him.

There were two Pokémon missing from this amazing beach experience. Fallar and Servine. Litten assumes that Fallar left because he hates water that badly. At least Litten knew he wasn't that bad of a wuss as Fallar was.

He sighed a purr in satisfaction. He had no idea where Servine was and nor did he care. Poppy, Cubone, Treecko, Froakie, Eevee, and Piplup were all playing volleyball. Long story short Eevee's team was losing because all anyone wanted to do was smash his face in with the ball.

Pikachu was building a sandcastle with Fennekin who kept sneaking flirtatious glances at Pip who was surfing and singing a Lilo and Stitch song. And Alolan Raichu? He was playing life guard pretending to breathe air into a sand Pichu.

Servine returned with an apple. " What's up?" She asked everyone as she took a bite. " Is Fallar with you?" Treecko questions her. Servine shook her head.

" No." She told them glancing around the beach. " Now that you mention it he's been gone for a while. Not that it matters. He's just a pain in the fur." Eevee barked as he scratches his side. Sand comes out from it. Eevee shakes his body and shows everyone, who were cowering to keep the sand off of them, with sand.

Treecko brushes off his scales. " Where would he go? Did he leave us? It's fine if he did, but I wonder where he went." Treecko pondered. Their thoughts and comments were all interrupted by a bark.

" Boo!" Fallar barked. Servine smacked him with a Vine Whip. " Don't do that! I am an important person from another dimension! I can't be spooked or I will beat you up and eat you for dinner!" She yells at him.

Fallar was about to say something stupid before Pikachu saved his ass by asking the question that most everyone would ask. Where was he? Not that Litten cared. He was enjoying being lazy. He was a cat after all.

" Where have you been? We were about to send a search party to find you." Froakie asked him. Fallar peers behind him. He focuses back on his friend. " Oh. Where I was?" He asked innocently.

He played with the toes on his paws. " Yes. We would like to know what you were doing while we were having fun. Were you flirting with the water fountain again?" Pikachu questions. " No." Fallar says, putting extreme emphasis on the letter o.

" Then where were you dirt bag?" Litten asked in annoyance as he stood up and approached the annoying pup. " Oh. That." Fallar says looking at the ground. " What in the sweet name of Mew did you do?" Piplup challenges him.

" I- I got a job. On accident." Fallar whispers. " You got a job before me?! Now that is a surprise." Treecko tells him with shock written on his face. " I don't think Fallar is qualified to work. No offense, but Fallar has the attention span of a Wingull." Litten expresses himself.

Fallar whimpers And looks at the ground. " That poor Machamp needed help. I just couldn't bear to say no to him. He needed my help as much as Cubone needed Treecko's. I just don't know how to say no to a nice soul." Fallar told them.

Alolan Raichu pushes past everyone else. " We have to explain to this Machamp that Fallar is on our team, and that we need him to help get rid of Glimmend and Ace." He tells them all. " He's right. We can't just let Fallar be forced to work somewhere when we need him on our team in times we need a rock type." Fennekin says.

" Where is this place you got a job at, Fallar?" Froakie quizzes him. Fallar points with a paw. " Up there." He tells them. There was a hill. Litten groaned. He didn't want to go all the way up that hill. He was too lazy.

" Well, good luck with that." Litten and told them as he sat back down on the hot sand. Froakie grabbed him by the paw, and and started to haul him up the hill. " you are coming with us, whether you like it or not Litten." Froakie told him.

Litten sighs as he observes how high the hill was. He groaned as they all walked up the hill. They were not even halfway to the little shack when Eevee started to complain about the hill being too steep for his paws.

Pikachu set him straight by smacking him over the head with her paw. He yelped when her paw connected with his cheek. He held his paws to his cheek.

They walked up the hill without any more complications from Eevee or anyone, but Litten was starting to feel a little foreboding. He felt as if they shouldn't go near the shack, but it was probably his crazy mind messing with him. It usually messes with him like this.

They reached the shack. " Listen here, buddies!" Servine sassed way too much. " Our friend here was taken advantage of by Machamp, and we really would appreciate it if you could let us have him back. He doesn't want to work here." Fennekin told him, fire
Coming out of her mouth.

The Machamp eyes them. He was cleaning a shake maker. He chuckled amused. He slaps his knees in his laughter. " You." He laughs.

" Yes it's is. Wait why are we funny?" Eevee comments, confused. " Lady Ace said you were a thorn in her wings, but you don't really look all too dangerous and powerful. Oh well, I have something to tell you from Ace. That's why I forced this Rockruff to take the job. Sorry about that, but she threatened to take my life." Machamp tells them, rubbing the back of his neck with nervousness.

Authors note: So this is apparently the part where Ace comes back. Lol. So Fallar got a job. 😂 And yes I know it says Rockruff, but I'd rather it say that then Fallar. I find it more funny. Hope you didn't die reading that title like I did.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Froakie

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







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