Chapter fourteen- Bones that Cry

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A few days passed. All the friends sighed as peace was theirs at last. Until. " Mommy!" A loud wailed shouted out. Treecko got up and searched for the source of the sound.

It didn't sound like a child. It sounded like a teen like them, but more distressed. " Where are you going?" Froakie asked with interest. " There's this crying sound." Treecko said with worry on his face. " I want to see who's crying." Treecko told him.

He looked around. He listened with the holes in his face he calls his ears. " How are we even listening right now?" Froakie asks with confusion lit on his face as they listen. Treecko shrugs. " Beats me." He states as the two follow the sound.

" Where are you going?" Fallar questions, tipping his head. Treecko points at a direction where he heard the cries. " To figure out who's crying." He explained. Fallar got excited. " Bring me with you! I don't want to hang out with that big fat rat. He zooms too close to me. Yeesh. He needs flying lessons." Fallar barked.

" I guess we can make it a three man mission. Everyone else seem intent on sleeping still. They don't have hearts like us." Froakie said, paw on his chest. Both him and Treecko chuckled at what he said. " I don't get it." Fallar commented with a wag of his tail.

" But whatever it is, let's go!" He barked as he sprang in the direction of the crying. Treecko And Froakie exchanged glances. " I bet I can beat you there!" Froakie suddenly exclaims as he takes off in a fast hop.

That frog sure can hop faster than any other Froakie. Treecko thought. " I'm losing! Hey!" Treecko yells as he catches up to Froakie. Froakie laughs. " I bet I can get there before you, Slowking." He teased.

He then tripped over a tree root. Poor Froakie. Luckily, the crying was nearby. Treecko could have swore that Froakie was about to start his own cry fest as well.

The source of a crying was a female Cubone. She had a bone to her eyes to where the Pokémon couldn't see her face. Pity formed in Treecko's belly. " Hello." Treecko started off, startling the Cubone.

She turns to them, tears on her Kagaskgun baby-like face. " Wh-Who are you?" She asked them, fearful of them. She took a frightful step back as if she was about to run. " Wait!" Treecko started.

The Cubone gazed into his eyes. " I don't trust you." Is all she told him." You don't have to. Just explain why you're crying." Treecko told her with a softened look on his face. She looks from Fallar to Froakie to finally Treecko.

She sniffles. " My mother just died!" She wails. " Oh shit." Froakie comments. Fallar's tail stopped wagging. It drooped. Poor thing. Treecko thought. If I lost my mom I wouldn't know what to do. Though I know I wouldn't let Churro take over my life. He thought as he opens his mouth to ask a question.

" How did she die?" He asked her. He knew it was hard to ask it of her, but he must know. He had suspicions. He thought it was Glimmend. She does sound like the one to kill someone like that. " A Staraptor ripped her head off and..." the Cubone explained, showing them the bloodied skull.

At that Froakie barfs. " Don't show it to us. I don't want to see blood." Froakie groans as he convulses. Fallar looks at Froakie's vomit. " Looks yummy." He weirdly said. He bent down to eat at it. " No! Fallar, that's disgusting!" Treecko called out to him.

It was too late. Froakie barfed once more. " Where did this Staraptor go?" Treecko asked her. " I don't know, but it hurts so much!" She practically howled as she hiccups. Treecko did something unlike him.

He patted the Cubone's back. He touched a girl that wasn't Pikachu. Then again it wasn't hard to touch her. She would tell him to go into a fruit smoothie like some other weird Pokémon. The Cubone surprised him also.

She wrapped her arms around him and sobbed. She sobbed so hard Treecko could feel her tears down his back. It was totally grody. " Awww!" Both Fallar And Froakie gushed. " Shut up, guys. You're not supposed to be sensitive." Treecko groaned at their fanboying.

" But I am sensitive. It's in my nature!" Fallar whined. " And how can I not be sensitive at this adorable moment? Is my young Treecko finally getting a girlfriend?" Froakie pondered out loud. " This would probably be better if I was let go." Treecko groaned.

Cubone stopped the hug, and put on her mother's skull. That was when Fallar barfed. " Oh, but you don't barf when you're being shown the bloodied skull? I barf at it all!" Froakie bellows as he throws up all over Fallar. " Oh two can play at that, bitch!" Fallar barks.

You wouldn't believe what he did next? Or maybe you would, but it's really gross. That's when Fallar threw up on Froakie on purpose. Double poor Froakie. Today just wasn't his day. Tripping and getting vomit all over his Froakie body.

Both Cubone and Treecko watched with steady gazes as the two continued to throw up on each other. After a while Treecko got pissed at the constant emptying of their bellies, because at this point they were both empty and throwing up sand that they were eating for some odd reason.

Both those males will do anything to win apparently. " Guys! Stop!" Treecko told them. And that's when they both threw up on Treecko. Cubone held a paw to her mouth. " Forget about us barfing. How would you like to join us on our journey? We will be stopping that Staraptor that probably killed your mother." Froakie suggests.

Cubone liked that idea. " Of course I'll help you guys!" She cheerfully said. She then pointed at both of the immature Pokémon. " But you two will have to stop throwing up." She told them. Another Pokémon joined the team. One who lost her mother.

Authors note: I'd say that's at least one they weren't getting themselves into trouble eh? 😏😏😏 And what do you think about the hug? Is it just a hug? Or a love hug? XD. Hope I didn't make you barf yourself.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Froakie

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Though most weren't in this chapter.

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