Chapter two: The Siblings

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Treecko kept glaring at the mouse Pokémon. " Why the glare, kid?" Raichu asked. " I don't trust him." Treecko growled. " But, he's a long term friend of mine. Please try to get along with him." Litten told him. " Fine. But he better not read my mind." Treecko says. " All you're thinking about are Poke puffs. A waste of thoughts if you ask me." Raichu smartly says.

" Yes. Yes. But we don't need a mind reader right now." Treecko growls in his face with anger. " I need you to trust me." Raichu says. " Look. We can talk about this later. Right now..." Froakie said, pointing with a paw in a certain direction.

The other four Pokémon looked to where the starter was pointing his left paw. The scene in front of the four was a trainer. A trainer breaking two pokeballs.

" Get out! Stop following me. I can't take care of you two siblings anymore. Leave!" The trainer said harshly. The two pokemon at his feet were blue. They both had some weird tutu around their neck. They both had big pink noses.

Both of the blue Pokémon were begging him to not leave them. The person bent down and scratched both of them on the ear. " I'm sorry. My mom says I should have other Pokémon." The boy says. Well that's a weird reason to release Pokémon, Treecko thought.

The boy petted then both in sorrow before leaving in a car. Both Pokémon wailed. " No don't leave!" One whimpered, now on his tail trying to find a suitable good bye position. The other was just crying in despair on the ground.

" He doesn't love us!" The apparent female water-type cried, curled up in a ball. All five friends gave each other looks. " We should go say hi." Pikachu says. " We should say sorry for your loss." Raichu says. " We should bring them along!" Litten exclaims, his tail wagging.

" We should help them." Froakie said. " I agree with Froakie. They probably won't be able to survive if they've been with a human this long." Treecko sternly says.

" But what do we say? That we're stalking them?" Pikachu asked. " Hey. We all know that I'm a stalker." Treecko says, paw on her shoulder.

" Haha. Very funny." Litten fake laughed. They all looked back to the siblings. " Aren't those Popplio? I've never seen these Pokémon before in my life. And they seem to fit the description I was told by you, Litten." Froakie asked. " Yes. Those are indeed Popplio. I wonder why that guy said all those nut phrases." Litten said with sympathy.

" Hey! Over here!" Raichu yells, paws around his mouth to make the sound of his voice be louder. " H-huh?" The female Popplio asked, wiping tears from her eyes.

" W-what do you want?" She asked. The male Popplio suddenly became hostile. " Stay away from us!" He yelled, nose pointed at them. Is that suppose to be a weapon? Treecko thought with amusement. These two were funny looking creatures, but they both sure do look cute.

" Look. We're not here to pick a fight. We just happened to see all that." Pikachu said, with her paw out in friendship. " Oh really?" The male Popplio asked, shielding his sister from the five friends.

" Yes. If you don't believe us, then let's battle!" Froakie insisted. " Ok." Popplio said, putting his nose in front of him. " This will be a one on one." Litten said. " Neither side May have the advantage in typing. Froakie, that means you are battling for us. Since the rest of us are either super effective or weak against water." Pikachu adds.

" Fine by me. This makes things more challenging!" Popplio said, his eyes flashing with boldness. " If it's fine by you, I will start." Froakie said. Treecko, Pikachu, Popplio, and Raichu moves out of the way, so that the two could have the battle field all to themselves.

" Ready?" Froakie challenges, holding his frubbles. " I'm ready! Come at me with all you've got, froggy!" Popplio taunts, his eyes flashing with fierceness.

" Alright then! Battle on!" Raichu said, happiness in his eyes. Treecko folded his arms. " Come on, Froakie! You've got this!" Litten cheered. " Yeah! You're like the strongest out of all of us!" Pikachu adds. " Hey!" Treecko and Riachu both say.

Froakie started off with Water Pulse. Popplio tried to dodge. He was too slow. He got hit. The starter screamed. He unfortunately hit a tree. Popplio growled with frustration.

He used Pound. Froakie almost easily dodged if not for the fact he tripped over a tree trunk root. He scrambled to his paws and jumped over the root. " This is the worlds most pathetic battle." Riachu commented.

" Did that tree root come from nowhere?" Pikachu asked. Popplio growled again. " Froa-kie!!!!" Froakie cried out, using bubble. Popplio slapped the bubbles with his paws. Popplio used Disarming voice. The sound hit Froakie dead on. Froakie cried out in pain.

Froakie used his front paws to skid to a stop. Pain flashed in his eyes as he used Quick Attack. " Fro! Fro! Froa-kie!" He cries out, white flashing around him as he flashes past dirt.

Then he slams himself full on onto the Popplio. Popplio cries out. He hits a tree. His eyes are swirls now. The other four Pokémon who happen to be friends cheered. " I knew it all along. They have good hearts!" The female Popplio said.

" Well. I guess this means I believe you." The male Popplio says. " I guess this is time for introductions then." The female Popplio says. " My name is Poppy. And this is Pip my brother."

" Nice to meet you. We don't have nicknames, but my name is Litten. The girl about to scream happily is Pikachu. That is Riachu. The Pokémon you just battled is Froakie." Litten said, placid a paw on Froakie, congratulating him for winning.

" And that grumpy lizard over there is Treecko. Nice to meet you!" Litten greets them happily. " What?! I'm not grumpy!" Treecko says. " Then Explain why you're arms are folded?" Froakie asked. " Because this is just the way I am. Deal with it." Treecko cooly says.

" Ok, so now that we have introductions, may I ask that you two join us?" Pikachu asked. " Join you?" Pip asked. " You know. Be friends with us." Riachu stated. Both Popplio's eyes glowed with happiness. " Of course. We would like that." Poppy says, and the poke friends all walked together.

Authors note: Thank you all for reading this, commenting, voting...ect. Thank you all who inspire me to make this and continue this.TheTheoryFroakie , LittleLitten11 , Pikagirl1527 , Firestripe_Firestar and all the great people who read this.

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