Chapter Thirty Six- The Five Nights

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Paarthurnax pushes the button. " Good luck." He tells them. " Not that we need it." Fallar barked back. The Pokefriends plus their escorts all walked into the portal. Something seemed ominous about it to Eevee, but he didn't question where they were about to go.

Whatever it is, he thought. We can handle it. No matter how tough! His feet skittered when they found their way to the floor on the opposition floor from their dimension. Eevee smelled something very delicious.

He was about to yip something, but the atmosphere here felt different, and all he wanted to do was just stay quiet That's what he felt. Then his stomach rumbles. " Where are we?" Avalon asked, her voice eerily echoing in the weirdly silent pizza place.

Wouldn't there, like, be more people or Pokémon around here eating pizza? Eevee thought, licking his lips. He peeked around the corner. The time read 11:30. Eevee shivered. " We need to get out of here, guys." He said to empty air.

The only one who was there was Pikachu. " They left to go explore." She told him. " Oh no! We have to find them! Something bad is going to happen I just know it!" He yipped, his voice echoing. He flinched.

He knew it. He just did. He hoped that what he was thinking would happen wouldn't. He called out the names of his friends. A scream could be heard. " Fennekin!" Both Pikachu and Eeve gasped as they dashed through the slippery restaurant to a breathing, very heavily, Fennekin. She had her paw to her heart.

She had pulled away curtains to show a show stage and a weird looking Ursuring. He obviously didn't have the circle in his belly. He also had a bow tie on his chest. And a weird top hat. Fennekin giggles as she takes off a fake top hat. " How do you do, Mr. Ursuring?" She asked.

They continued to explore the place some more. 11: 40. Tick tock. Is what Eevee thought he heard. " Did you say something?" Eevee asked Pikachu. She shook her head, ears pricking in case of another sound. I must have imagined it, he thought as they peeked into another room.

There were tables. " Nah." He decides and they continued to explore. " We need to find Glimmend." Pikachu told him. He nodded. But there's just this odd feeling I have being here, he thought. It's as if we're in danger without knowing it.

They looked in another room. " It's a security office." Eevee remarked. " Why would a pizzeria need one?" Pikachu asked. Eevee shrugged. " Let's go backstage." He commented, ignoring the female giggling sounds that were coming from behind him in the security office.

They looked backstage. Eevee jumped. There's lots of weird masks, he noted. It was 11:50. " Where is Glimmend?" He asked. Pikachu shrugged. " I don't know. Doesn't sound too good." She said. 11:53. Eevee was tense. He didn't know why, but he felt as if....he suddenly grabbed Pikachu's paw and raced off to the office. 11:59. Then he realized.

" Our friends are still out there!" He exclaimed as the clock turned from 11:59 to 12. " Why are you so antsy?" Pikachu suddenly asked. A giggle could be heard within the office. " Who's there?!" Pikachu shouts as she used Thunderbolt. The bolt missed it's target.

A weird golden metal bear showed up. " That's not nice! Especially since I was going to tell you your bird friend, or enemy is currently in the box there next to you." The bear said in a female voice as she giggled.

" I see you there, coward." She then turns her head towards them. " I would kill you, but I can hardly do so myself. Darn those other animatronics. Being more mobile." The bear grumbles in a half giggle. That was the giggle Eevee heard earlier.

" A-are you h-here to kill us?!" Eevee fretted as he put his paws out for self defense that he didn't have. " Oh please. I'm not as dumb as those others. They can't tell anything apart. They think anything that moves is an endoskeleton that's just not in it's costume. Btw, you might want to warn your friends before die. Good luck! Little advice, shut down the door before they come!" The golden bear told them with a giggle. Then she was gone.

" Holy Arceus! And I thought we had great gifts!" Pikachu exclaimed in surprise. " We need to herd our friends into this office?" Eevee asked. " That's What gold Ursuring said." Pikachu said.

12:20. Suddenly, they saw a different steel creature in front of the door. With no hesitation, Eevee slammed his paw on the button to close the steel door. He assumed these weird Pokémon were what the golden ursuring was warning them about. He wasn't sure.

He just knew that the eyes scared the shit out of him, and it was a prey of his. " What the heck was that? Was that a shiny torchic? A metal shiny torchic?" Pikachu questions. " I don't know. But I'm flashing these lights to see if the ugly thing is gone." Eevee responded. He flashed them. The Torchic was still there. " Go away! We need to find our friends you hogging Torchic!" He yipped.

Eventually after 30 grueling minutes of him flashing the light repeatedly in her face, the Torchic went away. 87%. " Okay this place is way too old." He said as he pressed the button to let the steel door open.

A surprising Pokémon was there. Glimmend. She didn't seem to be doing so hot. " Let me in! There's a stupid and ugly purple bunny chasing me!" She cawed. Eevee shut the door in her beak.  " That bunny is more welcome than you are." He boldly stated.

Then a scream pierced the air. " Oh no!" Both Eevee And Pikachu exclaimed. That would be the screams of a few terrified Pokémon and Avalon, he thinks. The two race out of there with Glimmend squawking with victory at them letting them in.

They raced off into the hallways, bypassing a very surprised purple bunny, who went after them. Fortunately, they were faster. And they found themselves upon a scary scene. A pirate Delphox that was also made of metal was prowling upon Avalon, Which was ironic because they were both similar. A few Pokefriends with her. Frank and Fallar.

Authors note: Did you pick up the hints? Where are they at? Will they all die? What is this strange pizzeria? And happy Valentine's Day. This is the oddest post on Valentine's Day I bet. A Halloweenish part on Valentine's Day. Kinda.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

Members who aren't in the Friends:




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