Chapter Thirty Two- Love?

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The Pokefriends lay about, well, Fennekin was laying about. She had nothing in mind that she would rather do than hang out with Pip. He never really showed signs of being in love with her, but she was bent on finding out if he was also in love with her.

Well, later she would. She wanted to confess, but she wasn't sure how the little guy would feel about it. It also would appear that Prinplup and Frogadier seemed way closer than any other Pokémon. Didn't really seem all that normal to Fennekin.

They were laughing and smiling, though. At least they weren't sad or anything too bad. Fennekin was bored. She twisted a stick on the ground. She then looked up.

Then someone's horrible singing made her growl. Eevee was a horrible singer.
Long story short, she set him on fire. Litten was playing with a weird ball he had found earlier. Fennekin had no idea why he would play with such a weird ball.

Suddenly a flying type came out of nowhere. They divebombed Treecko and stole Litten's ball. Everyone groaned. It had been so peaceful and now this?

Fennekin didn't care. It would get her a chance to test her agility. The only one of the Pokefriends who could fly was Frank, and even he had limitations. Who were they chasing? Certainly not who you were thinking that they were chasing. It was a Honchkrow.

The Honchkrow looked below himself and giggled, his beak moving with that laugh. He cawed as he continued to soar through the sky. He was leading the Pokefriends on a meaningless hunt for a ball of whatever. There was no true meaning. " I need my ball back!" Litten whined as he leapt into the air, and swiped his paws. They barely missed the Honchkrow.

The Honchrow lead them on a four hour chase. By then, most of the Pokefriends were exhausted. He finally stopped and dropped the ball of whatever the heck it was. It was certainly no ball of yarn.

The Honchkrow screeched and bent over, walking backwards. And of course it was Ace. " Leave us alone! We won't sign any faces!" Litten hissed, using Ember almost immediately. That set Ace's Wing on Fire. She put it out with an eye roll. She put her attention back to the Pokefriends. " Hello Friends. It's been a while, hasn't it?" She questions as her beak stretched into a grin.

" How have you been?" Ace asked. " Oh it's going great. We have a cool bug type now with us, and we celebrated the day of the Dead, not to mention-" Eevee began. " Oh shut up, ugly! No one's asking you. Plus I was being sarcastic you idiot. You no longer work for me, so I can't wait to kill you all. Starting with...hmmm you." Ace tried to be dramatic. She points with her talons at Pip. Fennekin got fuming.

She then fell over. That got a big bout of laughter from the Pokefriends. Absolutely nothing is more funny than your own enemies falling over, trying to be dramatic. That was when Ace got pissed. She took off into the sky. She glowed with some sort of blue light. Sky Attack? Fennekin asked herself.

" Oh shit." Treecko said with wide eyes. Of course the attack was meant for Pip. Pip yelped as he tried to dodge the attack, but he was too slow to move out of the way. I have to do something! Fennekin thought. She looked around her. She didn't have much time. But she also couldn't let Pip get injured. Plus using Sky Attack on innocent Pokémon that fast was just cold.

Fennekin shook herself. I'm crazy. She thought to herself. She then ignored the impulse to stay put. She pelted towards her crush. She raced with time to meet him. Everything seemed to be in slow motion.

Fennekin. Ace. Pip seeming extremely scared. Fennekin didn't blame him. This attack was really powerful. Then she felt her paw wrap around Pip. She dove out of the way. Ace crashed. Dirt getting on her face. She then hit a rock. " Hah! You hit yourself on a rock!" Treecko laughs. Several other Pokémon join in with him.

Their little excursion didn't last long. Ace spits out grit. " Ew!" Fallar barked. " Here, have some more!" He barked as he kicked sand into her face. She cried out in pain. She rubbed her eyes viciously. It was obvious there were too many for her and her Honchkrow lackey to fight.

That didn't stop her from continuing the battle, though. This is ridiculous! Fennekin thought. Prinplup saved Frogadier. How heroic. And totally not shippable. Fennekin sarcastically thinks as she uses Flame Charge. The attack boosts her speed and she quickly used Flameflower on Ace. Ace didn't seem to want to stop, though.

What's the goal of this battle for her? Why is she starting a fight now? Did she get dumped or something? Fennekin wondered. She kept her hold on Pip. There was something there that wasn't there before at all. And a question a-blazed in fennekin's mind.

Is that a blush? She asked herself. She didn't have a chance to figure it out, though. Ace was using the dang same move on her and Pip. " What are you doing?" Frank asked. She seemed to be attacking everyone, but him. " What does it look like, ugly? I'm trying to destroy the biggest threat to me since the annoying ghosts!" She cawed.

" Doesn't seem to be working." Frank states as he used X-Sissor. Ace winces with pain. She then uses Arial Ace. That was when Poppy dashed out in front of Frank. That surprised everyone, even Fennekin.

She had no idea why she would risk her life for Frank. It's like she was being controlled by someone. Poppy cried out as she went flying. She landed on her feet, though. Then she uses Ice Beam on Ace. That froze the evil villain right up. " Ace?" Honchkrow questions as he slowly breaks her free with his weird beak.

Authors note: So Poppy protected Frank. What was that? And what was with Pip? Eh? This chapter seems to be weirdly focused on Popplio for some odd reason. Hope you enjoyed. Tell me your thoughts.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

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