Chapter Seventeen- What's with All the Kidnapping?

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Treecko yawned. He looked around. Yep. They're all still here. Ace was trying to rile them up. Treecko was sure of that. No one else was up at this moment. Treecko shrugged. They can sleep to the Distortion World if they felt like it.

Treecko wouldn't stop them. He decided a little exploring couldn't hurt. He snuck out of their camping grounds. Surely it couldn't hurt to leave them there for five minutes, could it? He asked himself as he found himself near a body of water.

A lake. He picked up a stone, making sure it wasn't a Roggenrola or a Geodude in disguise. He tossed it into the lake. It skittered and sank into the water after skipping a few times. Treecko nodded in approval. He started to walk somewhere else.

They hadn't been there before. A cave? What was a cave doing in the middle of the forest? That didn't make any sense. Treecko thought as he approached it. It would be fine to search it, He was sure of it.

He looked inside the cave, peeking. " Boo!" Shouted a Pidgeot. Treecko was pecked at. He yelped as he ran away from the strangely attacking overrated, in his opinion, flying type. The Pidgeot didn't even try to talk to him. His eyes just glowed.

" What is wrong with you?" Treecko questions as he ran away. The Pidgeot only replies with, " Ace is supreme leader. Stop running away, pest. You can't outwit her." He monotony said, as if he was...brainwashed. Oh shit. Treecko realized. Maybe she was serious, but he had no time for that right now.

He had to escape. It should be easy. There's just one flying type, and oh fuck there's a Honchkrow. Treecko skidded to a halt. The Honchkrow cawed. " Yaaahhh!" Treecko cries out as  both the flying types followed him. Ace's team seemed to consist of flying types.

Or at least Pokémon super effective against him, or that could be just him. Treecko screamed in pain as a Wing Attack hit him from the Pidgeot. He landed on the ground, struggling to get up.

Both of the flying types smirked. Pidgeot opened his beak and a ball of energy formed. " Take this, ugly!" He cawed as a Hyper Beam shot out of his beak. Treecko barely dodged, holding his tail as an explosion happened behind him. Treecko sighed as he ran and ran.

He wasn't losing the enemies as he ran. They continued their pursuit. Treecko panted. " I can't continue to run from them forever." He commented as he tried to catch his breath mid-run.

" That's exactly the point!" Ace cawed as she came into view, mid-attack. She used Brave Bird on Treecko. He was sent backwards into the walls. He cried out in pain as his back hit the walls. He wouldn't let her catch him.

He got up, but stumbled. " I won't let you get away. No. I will not let any of you go. Not this time. Not any time ever!" She cawed as she used Aerial Ace. Treecko cried out as his vision darkened. The thing was, he wasn't even unconscious yet. He had been stuffed in a bag. Kidnapped. Seriously? He thought as he was brought away from his friends and everyone he had ever knew.

Meanwhile back at the camp Fennekin woke up. She stretched. Then she opened her fox jaw in a big yawn. She smacked her lips together as she did. She peered over to one of the nests next to her. Perfect. He was still asleep. She sighed. Why was Pip always ignoring her? She asked herself.

She was pretty confident in her looks, but Pip never seemed to notice her. It's kind of like how she didn't notice...Treecko! Where'd he go? She didn't really like him all too much, but something was defiantly fishy. Or was that just the scent of Froakie? He does have a pretty weird scent.

She shook her head as she tried to get her thoughts back on track, but they kept wandering over to her crush. Her crush. That's right. Some say male Popplio are stupid, but they just haven't met Pip yet. She was confident they were meant to be soulmates.

Apparently Pip didn't think so. He doesn't pay attention to her. She growled to herself loudly without realizing it. Litten yawned and opened his eyes. Well one. He was staring at her.

He either plans on eating me, or tell me to stop being so loud. Fennekin decided. Either way she was preparing to murder him. Litten cracked open his mouth. " What're you staring at fox? Don't you have some sneaky plans to unfold or something?" Litten questions with a grunt.

Then, " Oh shit! Fennekin what did you do with Treecko you gecko eating maniac?!" He hisses, pouncing on her with such harshness that she almost didn't manage to kick him off of her. " Hey, hey! He was gone when I woke up!" She yipped as she kept a paw out to keep his attacking body from killing her.

A groan escaped Froakie. " I don't want to wake up just yet!" He whined. " Then why'd you wake up lazy?" Fennekin snarled. She had it up to here with most of the Pokémon friends by now.

" I heard Treecko and that's all I need to hear to know something's wrong." He said. Piplup jumped up immediately after that. " Froakie's up! Horray!" She cheered as she hugged him.

Froakie blushed. " Hehe." Litten laughed. Fennekin wondered why Piplup of all the beautiful girls here. She wasn't even that cute. After that everyone woke up. One even kinda sang himself awake.

" Rainbow, Butterfly, Unicorn Kitty~" Fallar hummed as he kicked something then woke up. " What shitty song was that?" Eevee asked. Fallar sank his fangs into Eevee. A fight almost broke out, but Pikachu managed to stop it.

" Guys! I think Treecko has been kidnapped!" Eevee exclaimed too late. Froakie held out a piece of paper that basically said the same thing. " What made you say that?" He sarcastically asked as Fennekin rolled his eyes. Eevee laughed. " Oh just everything." He said nervously, flicking sweat off his embarrassed chest.

Authors note: So Treecko's the one who was kidnapped? Do you think they will bring back Charmander after this? What will become of Treecko? Does Froakie like-like Piplup? Was there a point of only kidnapping Treecko? Well that's this chapter. Rip. Hope you liked it.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Froakie

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







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