Chapter eleven: One of a Kin

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The group of friends started to walk and talk quite a bit, enjoying each other's company. Froakie and Piplup seemed to love talking to each other. Seems like they get along really well. Well, practically everyone got along with Froakie.

And Litten was talking about Xatu to Poppy, who was eager to ask him questions. Pip and Treecko walked side by side. " Man, I can't wait for our next adventure! I wonder what other Pokémon we're going to meet!" Pip commented, bouncing.

" I hope we meet a cute, sexy Pokémon!" Fallar exclaimed, wagging his tail, making several of the Pokémon give him a weird look.

" First, we have to find an adventure. And then go on it." Treecko grunted. " Uh...duh!" Froakie commented, folding his arms. The friends all continued to walk.

They stopped when they heard a commotion. A Kecleon was for some reason arguing with a Fennekin. The Fennekin was by his stand of goodies, paws on it, arguing with him. " What the heck are those two arguing about?" Piplup asked.

Riachu shrugged. " Should we check it out?" He asked Froakie as if he was the leader. " I think we should! Yes!" Fallar barked. A snort could be heard from Pip.

Treecko took the liberty of running over on all fours. " What do you mean you don't sell charcoal?" She barked viciously. The Kecleon yelled back at her as if this wasn't his first rodeo. It probably wasn't. He looked extremely powerful in treecko's red eyes.

" It means, dumb fox, that I don't have your stinking charcoal! Now leave! You're causing a scene!" Kecleon yelled at her. " Well you really should have charcoal if you sell items here." She commented.

She seemed a bit calmer, but Fire was still coming from her mouth and Kecleon was glaring at her with a glint in his eyes that said he wanted to brutally teach her a lesson.

" What's charcoal?" Treecko asked, taking the Fennekin a back with his question. Pridefully, the fire type answered him. " Charcoal is a fire types item that helps them in battle. It boosts our fire type moves. I am a fire type." She boasted, seeming a little arrogant.

Her head hung high, and her tail as well. It was as if she was a Fennekin Snivy. But she didn't look like one. Obviously. That Snivy was besides Treecko talking about her world. No one gives a Tauros-shit about where you're from, Snivy! He thought.

" Now back to business!" She barked, slapping the sales Kecleon. Poor guy. And with that, the Kecleon wrapped his tongue around her body and squeezed it in a slight Bind Attack.

" Whoa!" Pip exclaimed, hoping over to the stand and pulled on the tongue to separate the Kecleon from his deadly attack. They're very powerful even if they never show it to their customers.

" There's no need for this kind of violence you two." Pip told him. Of course the Kecleon was listening. He rubbed his head a little in embarrassment at his little outburst. Of course Fennekin did it first to him.

It was only fair in the Kecleon's mind. Though Fennekin didn't seem to be hearing him. She was off in her own little world. Treecko looked at where she was staring. At Pip Who was in the meanwhile apologizing to the Kecleon for Fennekin's behavior. For her.

Fennekin's gaze continued to be on the pink nosed male seal. Treecko's gaze widened. Oh no. He thought, feeling himself stumble a bit. I think I'm gonna be sick.

Fennekin had that crazy look in her eyes. She has a crush on Pip. Litten scared the crap out of him, popping up besides him. His eyebrows went up. Do Litten even have eyebrows? Whatever he was still moving his crazy red-and-Black face.

" What?" Treecko asked, annoyed at the crazy Litten. " Looks like Fennekin has a crush on ol' Pip. Way to go, Mon." Litten tried to tease. Unfortunately for his cure of boredom, Pip and Kecleon were still talking.

While that happened, Fallar walked leisurely up to Fennekin. He acted like he had swag. He's not Austin Moon though, so he tripped. His tail still wagged though with craziness.

Riachu rolled his eyes as he chuckled and hovered over Treecko. " H-Hello!" Fallar greeted, not so smoothly. " My Name is F-Fallar! What's yours?" He questioned, an innocent smile on his face, as if he wasn't trying to flirt with her.

" Hello there, Fallar. I know I'm very beautiful. My name is Fennekin. I don't have a nickname like yours. I like battling and becoming stronger." She introduced, bending down a little to talk to the silly Rockruff.

Rockruff grinned. Fennekin looks past him at Pip. " Ooooookay, Introductions of the crazies is done. I'm Treecko, that's Litten, That's the amazing Froakie-" Treecko began before Litten interrupted him. " Give me a great title too!!!" He hissed.

Treecko sighed. " That's the awesome Litten.... and I was saying before Litten interrupted me, that's the entergetic Eevee, that's the silly Fallar as you have met, that is the exciting Pikachu, that is the jolly Poppy....the Popplio that isn't the one you're staring at by the way." Treecko continued.

" That's the rockstar Piplup, that's the jamming Raichu. Talkative Snivy is that Snivy that's talking to no one. The pippy Pip you see there. I think that's it. Yup. That's it. Pretty sure. There's a lot of us." Treecko rambled, paw against his chin.

Fennekin got up, and circled Pip. He was still conversing with the Kecleon. " So you're Pip?" She asked, making it obvious she was way too interested in him. " Yup. My sister is Poppy." Pip commented.

" I'm very strong." She arrogantly told him. " I can tell." He simply said, turning his attention back to the Kecleon as if he was as gay as Pip the Starter squad member. He wasn't. He was just having a great conversation.

" I'm from another dimension." Snivy stayed. " We know." Everyone stated. " We're collecting Pokémon who might be interested in saving the world and being our friends. Would you like to join?" Raichu asked, while everyone else made it clear for the Alolan Riachu to cut it out.

" I would love to." She cheerfully declared. Everyone else groaned. Except Litten and Snivy. She was still saying stuff. " Litten eat Eevee. Litten Be Fennekin. No...beat it." Litten commented, making no sense, and being crazy. " I am from another world! Yaaaaahhhh!" Snivy cries out. " So you keep saying." Treecko grumped.

Authors note: Zippy105 is Fennekin. If you have any concerns let me know. Or if you want to add a character let me know. You can have more than one. Love interests are also available to those who want one and don't have one yet.

Main/ Major Character count so I don't lose track. Seriously:

Alolan Raichu( it's important I put Alolan down. Xd)
Fallar- Rockruff
Pip- Popplio

Let me know if I missed a Pokémon. I probably did.

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