Chapter Thirty Nine- Day Three, the day of Freddy

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The second day went by like a blur. Chica wouldn't stop bothering them, so Pikachu sent her away with a Thunderbolt. That might have also angered her though. The third day came by.

" We are so dead now." Frogadier claimed. " Here's Freddy!" Treecko laughed. He was shoved. Then the phone rang. " It's him!" Treecko said as he grabbed the phone. He held it this time to where everyone could hear it.

" Uh, anyway I better not take up too much of your time. Things start getting real tonight." The Phone guy tells them. " Freddy." Treecko says seriously. His eyes were so serious, Fallar didn't think he ever seen him this serious.

After that, The Phone Guy went into extreme detail about nobody surviving this long, then again no one was a rock puppy. After they were instructed what to do, they had to wait. It was harsh to wait. Especially since they had to wait around 30 minutes, and they were almost always extremely active.

Then Chica showed up at the door and Treecko slammed a paw on the button. The door where chica popped near shut. She seemed to throw a small fit at this. " Bonnie luckily won't be out for a while, but Foxy will be active soon. Bonnie will be out around two. We have to keep track of Freddy to make sure we slow him down. I haven't played the games myself, but I know we can do these sorts of things to make sure we don't die. If they do come in the room and the power gets at zero we will use our Pokémon moves to survive, Okay?" Treecko asked.

Everyone nodded. " I hate working with you Poke-idiot's, but I know we will have to work together if I am to get out of here alive." Glimmend says. " Yeah, if we're screwed I say we leave Glimmend and make a run for it." Eevee says. " Oh come on!" She yells. " Guys, we will not die. Calm down!" Frank tells them.

It was obvious what some of the Pokémon were saying was annoying him and frightening him. Fallar didn't blame him. He was pretty frightened himself. Though he did want to chase the bunny animatronic around and see if it tasted like Buneary. He bet it probably tasted like metal. Of course it would. Treecko checked the camera. Foxy was there. He hadn't moved.

1. All Pokefriends sighed. " One hour done." Sighed Avalon. " Just five more to go!" Treecko cheered, making everyone else there groan. " You ruined the moment, Treecko." Frogadier Said.

" I'm scared. I know we survived the first two nights, but aren't the rest of the nights from here on out...aren't they very hard?" Cubone asked. Treecko nodded. " Don't worry. We will survive. I'll figure a way out." He said. " Me too. I've been trying to convince the others that you aren't William Afton, and you are not endoskeletons. They didn't listen to me." Golden Freddy explains to them.

" Oh. That's too bad. We could stop this madness if they wouldn't attack us." Fennekin said. " I'll keep trying. I'm sure I can convince them, but for now you've got to convince them that you are neither." Golden Freddy tells them. They nodded and she vanished, satisfied with the answers that they had given her. It was of course just the nods that they had given her.

2. " Oh heck! Bonnie's going to be out any minute!" Treecko commented. Pip shivered. Pip then pushed Treecko out of the way and pressed a button. It showed Freddy staring right at their camera. " Oh heck! He's here. It's Freddy. We need to get rid of him!" Fennekin said. " Sacrifice!" Fallar barked, shoving Glimmend into the hallway.

Glimmend screamed and flapped her wings, trying to run back into the office. " Do not do that!" She screeched as Fallar barked. That was the best thing he had ever done before. He didn't regret what he did. She was so scared! He thought with a howl of laughter as he wiped his eyes with his paws.

Glimmend tried to peck him. " Okay, Okay! It was only a joke!" He barked, poking her with a paw, knocking her to the ground. Treecko went back to the cameras. " Oh hey Bonnie." He said as the camera passed over the backstage. He then went over to Pirates Cove. Nothing. Fallar's ears went back.

" Oh heck! No! No! No! Foxy's not there!" Treecko freaked out. " Panic and run! Panic and run!" Litten yowled as the Pokémon in the office freaked out. Alolan Raichu face pawed. " He's not even in the halls. Stop freaking out. Oops, never mind. He's on his way. Shut the door." Alolan Raichu said as the fox ran down the hall.

" Shut the dang door, gecko! I don't want to die today!" Glimmend freaked out. Treecko slammed a paw on the button. The wrong door closed. " Oh no!" Frogadier exclaimed. " Fenne-kin!" Fennekin barked as Foxy came through the door, only to get a face full of flames. " How's this for an endoskeleton, fox jerk?!" Fennekin barked as Foxy rubbed his eyes.

He growled. He sprang at Fennekin who dodged out of the way. Avalon halted his attack by holding him in mid air. " This needs to stop! Whoever you are after is not here in this office with us!" Avalon told him. Then...3. Avalon tossed Foxy out of the doorway and into the hall and shut the door and unlocked the one that was still closed.

It was now at 60%. Bonnie has disappeared from the stage. Freddy then poked his head in. " Tick tock." He said. " Oh come on! We just tossed out Foxy! Leave us be!" Litten hissed as he spat fire in his face.

Freddy growled. " Accept your fate." He tells them. " Our fate is to survive. We are not endoskeletons!" Treecko informs him as he throws an Energy Ball in the bear's face. 4. Then he leaves. 5. Freddy messes with them some more. Six. They all cheered.

Authors note: Will they make it out alive? What do you think will happen? Tell me in the comments.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

Members who aren't in the Friends:




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