Chapter 7 : The Evil Queen

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Queen Evelyn of the Kingdom of Light, some would say she was born lucky, some would say she was born unlucky, it would all depend on your perspective. If you heard the early part of her life, you would think of it was a fairy tale. Queen Evelyn when she was young was Princess Evelyn, she had lost her mother the Queen at an early age and her father the King had remarried. Her new stepmother was a good Queen at first or at least that's what the people thought but over time she changed, she became an evil Queen and started to hurt Princess Evelyn when her father the King passed away. With no one to turn to and help her, Princess Evelyn decided to run away from her evil stepmother the Queen.

Running from her stepmother the Evil Queen to the forest to hide, she was almost killed by monsters but was rescued by a handsome prince from a neighboring kingdom. They both fell in love and the prince's father the King approved of their union in marriage. It was like a fairy tale romance until Princess Evelyn's evil stepmother the Queen sent assassin's to kill her and the prince. The assassination attempts failed and the King of the neighboring kingdom sent his armies to seek revenge for the attempted murder on his son. The Evil Queen raised an army as well to fight Princess Evelyn's prince that was leading the army to attack her. The Evil Queen lost the war and on her death bed called for Princess Evelyn and she said to Princess Evelyn in front of everyone, "I curse you with this crown, you will inherit your father's Kingdom and I pray it brings you as much unhappiness as it has brought me......". Then the Evil Queen died with a happy smile on her face.

Princess Evelyn not knowing what the Evil Queen meant was happy that her nemesis had died and her life was no longer in danger from assassination attempts. She was also happy that she would get to marry her prince and their kingdom would merge into a bigger kingdom, called the Kingdom of Light. Forever united in love and marriage. Their fairy tale wedding and fairy tale story would be passed down for all generations to hear. Princess Evelyn married to her Prince charming was suppose to live happily ever after, like in the fairy tales she read as a child.

However that was only the first half of the story, the second half is much darker. That's when Princess Evelyn, now known as Queen Evelyn found out that there was always a plot to take away the Kingdom her father had passed down to her stepmother the Evil Queen. In fact her husband's family had attempted to assassinate the Evil Queen more than a hundred times after her husband, Princess Evelyn's father had passed away. What's more the evil Queen's court advisors drove a wedge between her and her stepmother after they were bribed by her husband's family. This made no sense after hearing all this news. She knew then why her stepmother had tried to kill her, it was for self preservation, as long as Princess Evelyn was alive, there would be more assassination attempts on the Evil Queen's life by Princess Evelyn's husband's family. If Princess Evelyn were to die then her stepmother the Evil Queen would be safe from assassination attempts by her husband's family as there would be no need to kill her and take the evil Queen's Kingdom by marrying their son the prince to Princess Evelyn.

It was all for self preservation. Then how far can she trust her husband the prince's family. Would they try to kill her now that she was Queen Evelyn and their son was the King for the newly formed Kingdom of Light ? This news made Queen Evelyn sick to her stomach and distrust her husband the King and his family. Their great love became a great distrust of her and the King's family. This caused her to miscarry her baby many times, she imagined in her mind that the lost of her baby was all the King's family's fault. She had every single one of her husband's family assassinated in revenge for the loss of her baby. When the King found all his family members killed he sank into depression, he became another man. He was no longer kind and gentle to Queen Evelyn, he was abusive and crude. He became a wife beater and a philanderer.

This married unhappy couple Queen Evelyn and her husband the King were at odds with each other. They never slept together, they never had a baby together. They only had arguments and fights. They were unhappy, the fairy tale no longer exist anymore, it became a nightmare. It was on one of these occasions that Queen Evelyn had taken a beating from her husband that she had  had enough, she took a knife and stabbed her husband in the heart. Upon killing her husband she called the guards saying there were assassins that killed the King. But there were none, they were only imaginary assassins, Queen Evelyn had killed her husband out of hate and frustration. There were no heirs to the throne to guarantee her safety. But as the Queen she took over the governing of the Kingdom of Light. And she did an amazing job of governing the citizens of Light. She thought of the citizens of Light as her own children, so it saddened her when the citizens petitioned her to marry again to produce an heir. She did not want to get married again and be in an abusive relationship.

So if she had brought prosperity and peace to her people and the people repaid her by bringing pain and fear to her, she would become an Evil Queen just like her stepmother. She would pretend to be the good Queen Evelyn on the outside bringing light, hope and happiness to her people but in reality she would use all her power to bring fear to her citizens so that they would not rebel against her. She would send secret messages to the Demon King to set up his base near her kingdom. She would instill fear in her citizens and allow the demons to kill and hurt her citizens by not providing guards and security anywhere else except the Royal Capital. Queen Evelyn would become the new Evil Queen if it meant she would live. There would never ever be a happily ever after for Queen Evelyn, there would only be regret and pain forever.

To be continued......

(Note : sorry for the short chapter, hope you like the Evil Queen. More stars please. Thank you)

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