Ch. 3

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Hey Guys! Are you ready for a little midweek surprise update ;)

Let me know what you think!!


Alec Joslyn

"You dumbfucks, I can't beileve you fucking 'accidently' knocked the girl out." I yelled at Giovanni and Anthony.  Leo is going to be here any fucking second, and harming a women is definitely something he doesn't like. I looked at Ada as she laid on the couch on the inside of Leo's office with a huge gash on her forehead. Those asshats fucking cranked her head open while dragging her from the car.

"I fucking told you it was an accident Alec, it's not our fault you told Leo about this hot piece of stubborn ass." Anthony sneered.

"Then surely you'll tell Leo the situation."

"He'll tell me what situation."

I turned on my heels, fuck. We're all fucking dead.

"Well." Giovanni started, but then he looked to Anthony to finish for him. Yet Anthony remained silent.

"Tell me now before I put a bullet through all of your stupid heads." Leo growled.

"The new guys we sent out decided to knock the girl out while dragging her struggling body into the house." I said turning toward Anthony and Gio.

"Dude why the hell did you throw us under the bus." Giovanni said coming up to me shoving me toward the wall, and attempting to throw a measly punch that I easily blocked.

"Dude why the fuck do you think you can do that to my underboss." Leo said in a mocking voice as he put his hand on his chin shaking his head.

Gio remained silent and went back over to Anthony's side.

"Anthony, explain the story." Leo said walking toward him.

"Well we had the girl in the car, she kept struggling she broke out of our zipties not once but twice. She managed to get a punch in at Gio." He said pointing to Giovanni's eye that was developing quite the shiner.

Damn this girl has some moves.

I let out a slight laugh at that, earning a glare from Gio.

"Then she tried to jump out of the car at a red light and Gio smashed her head on the window and she so she'd stop and passed out. He may have hit her a tad too hard." Anthony tried to explain.

"So what I'm hearing is that decided to disregard all of the rules I have set in place?" Leo yelled getting closer to Giovanni.

He's a dead man walking.

Leo got right up in Gio's face



We all turned toward the noise, it was Ada. She was trying to pick herself off the ground, from falling off the couch. 

"Everyone get the fuck out now." Leo growled as he made his way over to Ada.

We all quickly shuffled out of the room.

Adaline James

Holy fuck my head hurts. I opened my eyes and tried to process what and where I am seeing.  I tried to stand up and


"Ow." I muttered as I sat on the floor.

Why the hell am I dizzy.

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