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                        *Cheryl's P.O.V*

I'm currently on my way to my second meeting and it's only 8:45 a.m. I still have to meet with 2 more people about Black Velvet Monday and make it to the studio in time to work on this new song. Every since the divorce from Mike I've been all work and no play, and that's just what I needed to shake that cheating bastard off of me. Honestly I'll do anything to not think about Mike and that damn divorce at this point. I've always been a busy woman, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I'm gonna be late to this next meeting." I said to myself as I looked ahead at the traffic in front of me and sighed. It's almost like this every single morning and I can never get out in time to get past it. It's highly expected though- it's New York.

"Finally." I thought to myself as the light turned green and traffic began to move. Let's just hope I can get to this meeting without being too late.

                        *At the meeting*

"I'm so sorry I'm late. You know how New York can be. I hope I didn't miss too much." I said as I rushed in taking off my sunglasses and opening my notebook to see what was on the agenda for this meeting. I could tell this was going to be a long meeting I don't have time for.

Nate started passing me papers about the things that we could add onto BVM. By the look of it, I wasn't too interested. Changing live music into recorded music just so the vibe would go smoothly and faster.

"Nate I-... I don't like this. You already know how I feel about live music. What's the point of having a BVM if the music isn't live?" I asked him as I handed him as I pushed the papers away from me and looked at him with my arms folded and my eyebrows raised.

"Cheryl come on. Music is changing. People don't care about live music. They want to get up there, press play and go ahead and sing. You'll gain a bigger audience! Just watch!" He said as he looked at me.

"No!!" I said as I made a face at him. "I hired you to help me build BVM.. not break down what makes it up." "I'm sorry Nate =, but I hired you to build up my brand and if you're not going to help me do it MY way than what did I hire you for?" I said to him as I packed my stuff to get ready to leave.

"wait Cheryl no cal down Nate was just being dumb can we just talk about this and compromise." Alex said as he tried to calm me down.

"Bull shit I don't play when it comes down to BVM I worked too damn hard to build up its reputation for him to try and suggest to change it. I'll be damned if I allow this." I said as I continue to pack my stuff and proceed out the door.

I'm a grown woman who doesn't have time for this I'm running late for my session in the studio. I simply put my shades on and left. I don;t have time for this.

"I'll be damned if I ever let somebody ruin the unique creativity that I made and that the community brings forth. I refuse. As I made my way towards my car, I got a call from my dad. He doesn't normally call me around this time so- I knew that it had be something serious.

I rushed to answer.

"Hey, daddy- is everything alright?" I asked in a rush. I then opened the car door.

"Yes, yes!! I was just calling to see if you were okay." he said. I got in the car, and felt a sense of relief come over me. I don't know what I would do if something went wrong with him.

"You scared me." I said as I started the car.

"No baby girl your mother and I are fine we just wanted to check in on you." He said.

"Oh alright well daddy I'll call you once I get home from the studio tonight alright?" I said as I connected my phone to the car so Ii could drive off.

"Alright love you."

"Love you too" I said as I hung up. Next on my agenda getting to this studio on time let me call Aaron and make sure that I didn't miss my studio time.

"Hey, Aaron. I know that I'm running late but it's cool if I were to still come, right?" I said as I starting driving off.

"Oh yeah, Cheryl! No worries, boo. Come on down." He said.

"Great. I'm on my way." I said as we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.

As I arrived, I saw Aaron there and a few other people who were there to help mix the song. I've already got the lyrics down and so, now- it's time to just sing. Easy for me.

"Alright Peps when ever your ready you can blow us away" Aaron laughed as I got in the booth and put my headphones on time to do my thing.

After I sang the song a couple times and made a couple of jokes with everyone I looked at the time and saw it was getting later and later. I was also a little hungry so I wanted to get something to eat on the way home. Or maybe I'll just order in and watch a movie.

"Well today was fun same time tomorrow and we can add in everyone else's background vocals but tonight I'm going home to my nice warm bed and my Chinese food I'll talk to y'all later." I said as I said my final goodbyes To everyone my only thought was getting to my bed and going to sleep.

As I made it home and received my food, I felt comfortable. I was finally able to relax, breathe and rest my vocals for the next day. This time to me is important because after running around all day trying to make things happen- rest is always needed.

The next morning:

I tossed and turned all night and I wasn't trying to get up but I had to I have things to do. I was mainly woken up by a phone call from my mother.

"Hello?" I answered still half asleep

"Hey baby girl it's your mom" she said

"Oh hey ma. What's up is everything alright?" I said as I sat up and looked at the time

"Yea I just wanted to call and check up on you baby that's all." She responded it sounded like she was cooking breakfast.

"Oh yea I'm fine." I said

"I wanna talk to you in person maybe over lunch?" She asked me.

"Yea of course lunch around 2:30?" I said

"Yea of course I'll see you than baby girl love you."

I said I love you too as we said out goodbyes and I sat up and put my glasses on to read my text messages. I have to make sure I can meet with ma for lunch today my parents mean the world too me.

Even though, I do wonder what it is that Ma has to talk to me about. We don't go to lunch together as often but when we do- it's always a lot of fun. You'll learn that the older you get, the more your Mommy becomes your best friend.

I finally put my phone down and got out of bed. First, I went over to the window to open it so that some sunlight could pour into the room. As I did so, I saw that I had some new neighbors moving in across the street. It was a woman and her two children. A girl and a boy. They looked as if they had just came and were starting to move everything in.

I rushed to stop waisting time by noticing things and went on to go do my daily morning stuff. I then started to get ready.


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