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I laid there on the bed drowning myself in my tears. It's been 5 days since Julius came and took me away from Cheryl. He hurt her badly and said it was my fault. I mean it was if I hadn't came into her life she wouldn't have had to go through that. I miss her so much I wanna go back to her.

We left town that night after we picked my mom up. She hit me a lot for cause so much trouble. It wasn't that long of a drive but it was still pretty far.

We got to this weird house where there were a lot of my moms friends some of them had kids too. They were all over the place from babies like Oliver was to kids my age and up. I didn't wanna really talk to any of them or leave the room for that matter,and no on seemed to care. I just wanted Cheryl.

"Olivia come here" I heard Julius call for me. I pulled my feet in closer to me and decided to ignore him.

"Liv you better go none of them are in the mood today." One of the other girls in the room said to me. I just looked at her and decided I wasn't in the mood today either. I slowly got up wiped my eyes and went in the room to see what they wanted.

"Ye-...yes." I slowly spoke as I stood at their door way. Clouds of smoke filled the air and it was hard to breathe there was bottles of alcohol everywhere I hated my life with them.

"Listen stop all this sad crying bullshit. No one cares you knew we were coming for you. Now you're here with us, and you're not going anywhere." My mom said as she blew smoke directly into my face and laughed at me while I coughed.

"Now like the other kids in this house to keep a neutral cover here you have to go to school. Your name is no longer Olivia there it's raven. You do as your told and if you even think of bringing up Cheryl or your old life; I will kill you little girl no hesitation jus like Oliver do you understand."

I shed a tear at the thought of her hurting my baby brother on purpose. She yelled "Do you understand" one last time as she moved close to me and caused me to flinch. I quickly shook my head yes.

"Now get out of my face I don't wanna see you anymore." She said.

I ran back to the room and straight to the little bed I called mine, and cried. I miss cheryl, mike and grandma and grandpa Riley I want them back. I hope that they find me soon. I can't stay here much longer. I wonder what Cheryl's doing? I hope she finds me soon..

Later that night...

"How are you feeling?" Ma asked me as she peeked her head into my old room.

I was laying down in bed, preparing myself to try to get some sleep. Hopefully, I can get some rest and be able to start a new day. The only thing on my mind was Olivia....from when I woke up, went to sleep and basically every minute of the day.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me. What's Daddy doin'?" I asked as I watched her stand there in the door way and lightly smile at me.

"Downstairs watching TV. You know how he is." She said as she slowly walked over towards my bed and sat down next to my legs. She then placed her hand on my leg through the covers and lightly rubbed it. "You know...I can't even imagine how you're feeling right now, sweetheart. When you were little....I did everything in my power to keep an eye on you at all times." Ma said as she spaced out a little bit. "I remember one day in the store, I took my eye off of you for one second and you were gone. I almost had a heart attack while I yelled your name so loud and looked in every direction. Next thing I knew, your short self was in the next aisle looking at the toys and you peeked your little head out and said: "Mommy, I'm right here." And you smiled and held a doll up. Gosh, I thumped you but I was still over joyed that you were okay." She told me.

"I don't even remember that..." I said as I pulled the covers up a little bit.

"Yeah...it was a second for me. For you, it's been days. You're strong, Cheryl. I can see it."

"I don't feel it. You know that I've called the police five times today and they just....won't cooperate. So, tomorrow- I'm gonna handle it myself. I don't know how but...I have to find her." I told Ma as I sat up in bed.

"I don't know how I feel about you going to find this man and your baby alone..." Ma told me as she raised her eyebrow at me. "You know that I can't come along. I'm not young enough to fight and you...need to let the police do their job."

"Their job? Have you and Mike been drinking? Have you seen-...." I said as I stopped myself from continuing and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. "Momma, they aren't doing their job." I said in a more calm tone. "They haven't done their job correctly because she's still gone..." I added as I laid back down.

"Don't get frustrated with me because of them...." She then said to me.

"I'm not getting frustrated." I said as I sighed and closed my eyes. "I just-...wish that more can be done." I added as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Just get some rest, Alright? That's what you need."

"I guess so..." I said as I looked at her and then laid back down in bed.


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