She Never Wanted Her

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

"Lord. There were other ways to-.... to deal with this getting rid of or trying to get rid of an innocent life because you laid down and got pregnant isn't right." I said as my blood began to boil inside of me this child hasn't been wanted since day 1 and she hasn't done a thing to anyone

"You're right. People just don't think these days. They just do what they do and it's whatever." Sabrina said.

"She is so, so sweet. That baby doesn't deserve to be treated like that." I told her as I put my hand on my face.

"Right. We will do something though. At least for right now- we know that she is in some great hands. She likes you, Cheryl and I feel like you're the only light that she has in her life right now."

I sighed as I heard those words leave Sabrina's mouth. As much as I'd hate to think of it that way, it was the truth.

"I know Sabrina this is just different for me. I-...I really don't know what to do..." I said.

"Be there for her Cheryl. She needs you and you need her as well." She responded.

"I-...I..." I was at a loss for words at this point.

"I think I'm scared Sabrina. I don't know... I don't wanna promise her something and she has to leave me." I finally said. I was near tears at all of the possibilities of what could happen ran through my mind.

"Woah woah stop Cheryl your spiraling again. Look just let us go and talk to her mother and her boyfriend and find out what's going on. You on the other hand; you keep spending time with her she really does depend on and need you. I can feel it and I see it in her eyes." Sabrina said as she put her laptop away.

I just shook my head okay. I didn't know what to say or do at this point.

After Sabrina left- I felt so many different emotions at that moment. She needed me....
All I can really do is get myself together and be there for Olivia. I care about this child too much to let her down at this point. Maybe Sabrina is right. I shook off my thoughts and made my way towards Olivia's room that she was staying in. Once I reached her room, I put on a smile and walked in.

"Hey, Olivia." I said as I saw her laying down In bed. She was crying a little bit.

"Will I have to talk about that again?" She asked me as she sniffed and rubbed her eyes. I sat at the end of the bed and looked at her.

"You might have to but if so- it would only be because they would need more information." I told her. She then sat up.

"I-....I hate this." She said as she touched her side and looked at me.

"I know, baby but it'll be over soon." I said as I moved closer to her. She moved over towards me and laid her head down in my lap. I looked down and hesitated to touch her but I knew that she trusted me enough to touch her now. I rubbed her head and watched her as she closed her eyes.

"Everything will be fine." I told her. She then turned her head to look at me.

"You promise?" She asked me. I stopped rubbing her head and looked at her. I didn't want to make any false promises but I knew that either way- everything would be okay. Despite, how I feel.

"Yes, baby girl. I promise." I told her. She slightly smiled and closed her eyes again.

I sat there and continued to rub her head as she slowly fell asleep. She looked so peaceful and comfortable I didn't wanna move and wake her so I just laid there, and looked at the beautiful child asleep on my lap, an before I knew it I fell asleep as well.

*A couple hours later*
I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing next to me. I hesitated to answer it but it wouldn't stop till I answer so I did.

"Mmmmm...hello?" I answered with my eyes shut.

"Hey Cheryl I didn't mean to wake you." A voice on the phone said. I realized it was Aaron

"Oh no it's okay it's okay trust me. Um what's up is everything alright?" I asked as I looked over at the time and sat up.

"Yea we just wanted to know if you were still coming to into the studio today to wrap the song?" Aaron asked me.

"Shit!!" I thought to myself. "Uhm what time again?"I asked a I slowly moved Olivia's head off my lap and onto the pillow. She moved a little bit but remained asleep.

"I was thinking 5-5:30 but what ever time is good for you of course." He said.

"I'm-... gonna have to get back to you on that one okay." I said as I walked out of the room making sure to leave the door cracked open.

"Okay no problem peps. See ya." He reassured me. We said our goodbyes and hung up. Damn it I forgot about that studio session. I went downstairs and began to rub my forehead what was I gonna do? I could take her with me? I could cancel it? I was stuck

I didn't really wanna call Ma because I knew that her and my Father needed some time. Plus, even though my Mom loves kids- she still needs to relax and not do too much. I've made my choice anyways- it was best for me to do as of right now. I called Aaron back.

"Hey, Aaron. I think that I'm gonna just cancel for today..." I said to him as I sat down on the living room couch.

"Gotcha. No problem, Peps. I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked me. I thought to myself a little bit.

"Uh, sure. See you then." I told him as we then said our goodbyes.

As soon as I ended the call- I saw Olivia in the corner of my eye. I turned towards her and saw her just standing there and rubbing her eyes.

"Hey, sweetheart." I said as I stood up and looked at her.

"Hi." She said as she looked at me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her as I continued to look at her. She just shrugged her shoulders. I nodded my head and looked away. One of her typical answers.

"So, I was thinking. Since it's just gonna be you and I again for tonight- we could just maybe, hmmm- do something fun at home. What would you like to do?" I asked her.

She just gave me her usual shrug of an answer, and I sighed. "Come on baby you must like to do something I can feel it." I said as knelt down to her.

"I-...I don't know. I like music t.v., and hair." She slowly said as she stood there.

"Well I have an idea how about we go in the room with all my instruments in there and you can play any one of them. Hmm or we could have a girls day in the House I'll do your hair and paint your nails and your toenails all pretty? Your choice." I said as I stood up.

" you have a piano." She asked me.

"Yes of course I do. Except it's not in there it's down stairs. Do you know how to play it?" I said.

She just frowned and shook her head no. "Hey look at me sweet heart." I said as I lifted her head up.

"Would you like me to teach you?" I asked her with a small grin on my face. She lightly shook her head yes and I smiled at her. Even the smallest moments made me happy to know I was making progress with her...


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