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Cheryl's P.O.V;

"Well our marriage-... it was kinda-... kinda like a rollercoaster baby girl. It had a lot of happy times but then a lot of sad times as well." I said as I tried to explain it too her.

I could see I was still confusing her. "Put it this way... we were doing really good until we lost someone very special for the both of us and that just made us grow apart." I tried to clarify what I meant.

"Do you still love him?"

I didn't know what to say. I didn't really know what to say.

"That's complicated baby girl..."

"Why didn't you guys have a kid together. You both seem like great parents."

"Well we were about to but she died in m stomach..." it still hurts to say that.

"Well he'll be here soon so let's clean up and get ready Alright." I said as I tried to change the subject and get over this very awkward conversation.

"Okay mommy." She said as she simply shrugged her should and hopped down off her seat to go out her plate in the sink.

I took her bandages off so she could go and get in the bath and then I headed into my bathroom and got ready for my shower.

After I got out of my shower I could hear Olivia slowly walking into my room with her towel wrapped around her and her wet hair dripping.

"Washed your hair?" I asked her as I giggled and walked towards her with a towel to wrap around her head till I was ready to do her hair.

She looked like a mini version of me standing there with her towels wrapped around her hair and her body.

I put her bandages on her bruises and asked her how she was feeling. By her reaction I could tell that she was feeling better. I helped her get dressed and told her to wait for me to get dressed before I did her hair.

I went in my closet and tried to find a cute sundress to go out in. I decided to wear one of the dresses I bought that day with Sabrina and Arianna. Show off on Mike for the one time.

"Wow mommy you look so pretty." Olivia said to me as I walked back out in the dress and some strapped sandals.

"Thank you princess so do you." I responded as I walked over to her and began to fix her hair.

"What should we do with this hair of yours today?" I asked her as I tickled her a little.

She laughed and shrugged her shoulders. She loves doing that.

"Hm well how about we do some space buns on you." I said as I began doing her hair.

After I finished her hair I could hear the doorbell ring.

"That must be him go get your shoes on baby girl"

I opened the door and Mike was standing there looking me up and down with flowers in his hand.

"Cheryl-... wow... yo-... you look good."He said.

I just rolled my eyes and said thank you.

"Oh these are for you by the way." He said as he held some flowers out toward me.

"Thanks..." I said as I hesitated to take the flowers from him. "Come in." I said as I moved to the side.

"So, Where's Olivia?" He asked me.

"Upstairs putting her shoes on as of right now. She should be down in a moment. Do you want something to drink?" I asked him.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm fine." He said as he smiled at me.

Olivia then made her way downstairs and she smiled so big once she saw Mike and I.

"Hey, Olivia! You ready to have some fun today?" He asked her. She continued to smile and nodded her head.

"Hey, Mr. Mike." She said as she came over next to me and grabbed my hand. "Ouuu, those are pretty Mommy." She said as she touched the flowers that were in my hand.

"I agree." I said as I leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Okay, you guys ready to go?" I then asked the both of them.

"Yep." The both of them said in unison. Once they both realized that they had said the same thing, at the same time- they looked at each other.

"Hey....." Olivia said as she giggled and pointed at him.

"Hmmmm, you reading my mind?" Mike asked her as he pointed right back at her.

Maybe this was a good idea...


The Park:

Once we made it to the park, Mike and I sat down on a bench while we watched Olivia play. She looked so happy and excited...it made me smile.

"It's a good thing...you know, what you're doing." Mike said as he looked at me.

"Yeah....I know. I just look at it as a blessing." I said as I watched Olivia slide down the slide for the 2nd time now.

"Yeah, you could put it that way. She's an amazing child also- what happened to her while she was with her Mom?" He asked me.

"Physical, mental, sexual abuse. She's been through it all, honestly. Some days- I just look at her and wonder how she still manages to smile....knowing what she went through. However, when it comes to kids- no matter what happens, they can always find their joy all over again. She's very strong and on the days when she can't be strong- I'm the one who's there to be strong for her. I-...I don't know. I didn't think that I could ever see myself doing something....like this. I was afraid-...." I said but I stopped talking. "My bad...maybe you don't want to hear all of that." I said as I looked down and played with my hands in my lap.

"No, keep going. You were afraid?" He asked me.

"Afraid of actually potentially taking this child in. I didn't know what to do but now I do and I'm happy about that. I love her." I said as I looked up at her and smiled.

"I see what you mean." He said as he nodded his head and looked away from me.

"Mike....I-...you know me well enough to know that I am a very independent woman." I told him.

"Of course..." He said as he looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"However, I feel like Olivia really likes you. I'm not-...well, I just want to try this out, Okay? One thing that I have to say though- if you hurt her? You will regret it. Please, don't let her down. She needs some people in her life to love and care for her..." I told him.

"Cheryl, trust me- I won't let her down. Maybe she's my blessing too....I'm happy that you're letting me be there for her." He said as he smiled at me.

"Yeah..." I said as I continued to watch Olivia.

"The way you talk about her....you really love this child, don't you?" He asked me as he smirked.

"More than anything." I said as I got up and went to go see how Olivia was.


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