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Cheryl's P.O.V:

"Hey mommy" She said as she saw me approaching her and stopped what she was doing.

"Hey baby girl how are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Okay this is really fun. Are we gonna leave soon?"

"Well how about you go ask Mr.Mike  since he planned this entire day out for you."

"Okay" She said as she started to run toward the bench where Mike was sitting.

"Olivia be careful baby girl not so fast." I yelled after her as I slowly walked behind her.

From where I was I could see how she ran toward Mike and jumped on him. I smiled a little she really likes him I hope this is gonna go well.

Once I made it back to them Olivia explained the plan to me.

"Finally mommy. Okay so Mr.Mike said that we're gonna go shopping for me and you, and then go eat."

For me? Why would Mike be taking me shopping? He's not getting this back, Olivia is the only thing we have in common.

"Okay if that's what you too wanna do I'm down. Let's go." I said as I followed them to the car.
*Out shopping*

"Mr. Mike and Mommy- can I get this?" Olivia asked him as she picked up a big stuffed bear and hugged it really tightly.

"Of course!" He said as he smiled and then looked at me. "You cool with it?" He asked me.

I nodded my head. "I mean...I told her that she can get whatever she wanted." I told him.

"Baby, do you want to get some stuff for your room?" I asked her. She nodded her head and we then went to find her something to make her room more inviting and to help her feel more at home.

After we finished shopping for Olivia- Mike wanted to take us out to lunch to get something to eat.

While we were in the car, Nancy called me. Luckily, we made it to the restaurant in time and I could talk to her alone.

"I'll be in. I have to take this call." I said as I took the call. Olivia and Mike went inside to get a table and waited for me to finish.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked Nancy.

"Hey! So, I found Olivia a child therapist and her name is Ms. Mary. She told me that Olivia can come tomorrow morning and if she wants you to be in the room with her- you can be. However, she would highly entertain talking to Olivia alone because it helps the child open more up and tell the complete truth. So, is 10:30 tomorrow morning good?" She asked me.

"Definitely. We will be there. I'll talk to her about it and tell her that we also need to start thinking about school and stuff. Thanks, Nancy." I told her.

"You're welcome." She said. We then said our goodbyes and hung up.


As I made my way into the restaurant, I saw that Mike and Olivia were talking and smiling at each other. Olivia was drinking some strawberry lemonade and swinging her feet back and forth while in her seat.

"Hey, Mommy." Olivia said once she saw me walk up towards the table.

"Hey, baby girl. I have something important to tell you." I said as I sat down next to her. She looked at me and waited for me to tell her.

"Do you remember Ms. Nancy? Well, she has a friend named Ms. Mary and she is a children's therapist. I made an appointment for you tomorrow at 10:30 and guess what? You'll go in there, she'll ask you questions about you...maybe even me...your life and your Mommy. I heard that they will also let you draw and play with toys during." I told her.

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