Its Him 🔥

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

She was silent at first. She wouldn't respond to me. "Olivia baby I'm right here. Please tell me is that him? He won't be able to hurt you but I need to know." I said as I looked at her as she was beginning to get really nervous.

Between her tears she saw the look of concern on my face. Finally she answered me. She silently shook her head and leaned forward and cried on me. I could tell this really scared her. I wrapped on arm around her and used the other to pat the back of her. This was breaking my heart how hurt and broken she was because of them.

"He's come to take me back-... please you ca-...can't let him take me Cheryl pl-...please don't ." She said in between sniffles

"He can't get to you Okay. Okay baby we-...we'll go home, please stop crying." I said as I realized tears began to flow from my eyes as well. As much as this child has been through and she's still so far from being able to heal and move on.

Olivia was still crying so I picked her up and we walked to the car and ma said she would drive so I could sit in the back with Olivia. She was mostly silent the entire car ride, but she was still crying on my shoulder. Tonight showed me how much pain these people inflicted on such a small child and it broke my heart and angered me all at once. She would never have to deal with that again.

Once we got to the house Olivia was on the verge of going to sleep, so I told her to go and take a bath and I'll be right there to help her wrap her arm and her rib again. I needed to know if Sabrina talked to her mother or not. I needed to know where this woman's head was at.

After Olivia fell asleep and Ma went back home- I called Sabrina up and asked about how it went with her Mom and the boyfriend.

"Hey, Sabrina. I know that it's-...." I said but she cut me off.

"Yeah, 11 o'clock at night. You woke me up." Sabrina said in a sleepy voice.

"Yeah....I bad but what did you find out about the Mom?" I asked as I sat at the bottom of my bed.

"Lord, it's a lot actually. I actually agreed to do something but I'm not sure if you'll be too happy about it. She wants to see her child..." she told me. My heart dropped at this moment.

"Huh? Does she want her back?" I asked her.

"Of course she does and of course she claims that Olivia is making all of this up. She said that she's very playful at home and that she just slipped and broke her arm and rib. After that she said "Simple" and I was confused honestly. The thing is- I was gonna call you tomorrow and tell you that she said that she won't cooperate with us until she sees her child. So, we've gotta let her see her, Cheryl. The boyfriend wants to as well." Sabrina told me.

"No. I-...I can't do that. Olivia doesn't want to see them, that's the thing. I only care about her and how she feels. She's literally afraid of them and her mother is wack for thinking that this baby "slipped"? What child slips and gets sexually abused? Come on, Sabrina. You've gotta put your all into this!" I slightly yelled. I was getting pissed off because of Olivia's mother and her lying.

"Cheryl....we have to let her see her child. I'll give her your address and we can talk over you house tomorrow." Sabrina told me.

"Oh, hell no. We aren't talking here- I'll talk anywhere else but I don't want those people to know where Olivia stays. Tell her this- the only way she can talk to Olivia is if she comes alone and keep that pervert of a boyfriend that she has at home." I said.

"Calm down, Cheryl! Alright. Fine. I'll-...find a place tomorrow. Just-...get some sleep and calm down." Sabrina said.

"Okay." I said as I sighed and tried to calm down. We then hung up and said our goodbyes.

Once I looked up from hanging up the phone, I saw Olivia standing in the doorway rubbing her eyes and looking at me.

"Are-...are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yes, baby. Sorry if I woke you up- I was talking on the phone." I told her as I watched her walk towards me.

"Oh." She replied.

That's a good thing that she doesn't hear what the conversation was about. If she did, I don't think that she would be too happy right now because I'm definitely not.

"What are you doing baby you should be sleeping. Sorry if I woke you again." I said as as she walked over to my bed and sat down next to me.

"It's okay. Who were on the phone with you sounded mad?" She asked me as she continued to rub her eyes. I couldn't tell her about tomorrow yet it would devastate her.

"Oh no one important just work and business nothing too important." I responded as I watched her get comfortable in my bed next to me and lay her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead and laid my head on top of hers. I heard her little giggle.

"What's so funny baby girl?" I asked her as I smirked along with her, and looked at her little feet next to mine.

"Hm nothing I just like being here with you." She said as she slowly began to look around my room and drifted off to sleep. "I like you being here too it's okay." I responded as I turned my tv on.

"Who's that?" She asked as she pointed at the picture on the dresser of me from my wedding. It was a picture of mike and I that i never got rid of.

"Oh that-...that was my husband from a long time ago." I responded. She just said oh and drifted away to sleep. I couldn't go to sleep just yet I have to figure out what to do tomorrow.

*The next morning*

I woke up a little bit before Olivia who was sound asleep like a little angel. I looked at how peaceful she was and I realized what we had to do today and my mood changed. I looked at my phone and saw I had a couple messages. I ignored all of them and slowly got out of bed, and did my morning routine. I made my way downstairs and began to make us something to eat. Soon after I saw her standing against the kitchen wall.

"Good morning pretty girl. You ready to eat?" I said as I walked over towards her and gave her a hug and sat her plate down.

"Good morning" she responded as she sat down and began to eat.

"My nails are a mess...So I was thinking  that maybe we go and get our nails and our toes done today?"I asked.

"oh okay sure." She said to me. I smiled at her and continued to eat. After I finished eating i made my way into the other room to call and schedule our nail appointments and update ma on what's going on.


For The Love Of You Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon