A Day Together 💛

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After I got off the phone with Sabrina I cleaned off the dishes and put them in the cabinets where they belonged. I went upstairs to go change my clothes and get ready to go the mall today. As I made my way to my room I peered into where she was at and she was just looking at the hair products on the dresser.

"Hey princess would you like me to help you do your hair?" I asked as I walked over towards her and the dresser. She gave her usual answer to everything and just simply shrugged her shoulders.

"S-...sure I guess." She said as she slowly sat down and waited for me to begin doing her hair.

"Hm let's see how about two French braids?" I said as I took the comb and began to part her hair. She was silent and just let me braid her hair.

"How is your rib and your arm?" I asked her.

"F-...fine I guess. My rib still hurts a little but my arm is okay." She responded.

"Well If At anytime we're in the mall and your rib hurts a lot tell me or my mom and we'll come right back and go to the doctor okay. She shook her head okay.

After I finished her braids I did her little hairs in the front and smiled at her as I finished. "Wanna see it baby?" I asked her as I moved out the way of the mirror so she could see herself. She gave a small smile and I could tell she liked them.

"Alright baby I'm going to change my clothes and put some quick makeup on and we'll be on our way out. My mom should be done so you can go hang with her while you wait for me or you can watch tv." I said as I walked out.


We arrived at this little kiddie store downtown that had many, many cute girly clothes and so much more.

"Alright. How about this?" I asked her as I showed her a pretty light purple dress with flowers on it. She looked at it sideways and then looked at me.

"I-...I don't know." She said as she looked back at Ma.

"Well....how about these cute skirts? You would look so adorable in these, baby girl." I said as I pointed at them.

She looked at them. "I like them." She said as she nodded her head. "Can I try it on?" She asked me. I smiled and nodded my head.

Ma and I waited for her to come out so that we could see if she likes it on herself. I was excited. She walked out and looked down at the skirt. "I don't like it." She said in a whiny voice. "I-....I feel fat." She said.

"No, no....you're not. Why would you say that? It looks so cute on you." I said as I squatted down in front of her and held her one free hand.

"Mommy says that I am." She said as she looked down. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. I thought to myself.

"Ba-...baby, is that why you don't want to eat?" I asked her as I lifted her chin so that she could look at me. Her eyes were already filled with tears that would in one second fall down her face. She slowly nodded her head yes. The tears fell. She wasn't fat- I feel as if her Mom said that to hurt her even more on top of the abuse.

"Baby look at me you are not fat. Alright? You're perfect just the way you are. You're mom said that to hurt you that doesn't mean it's true. Don't ever let your mom or anyone in this world for that matter make you feel uncomfortable in your own body." I said to her as I pulled her in closer to me. She was just silent as her tears fell.

I slowly took my hand and wiped her tears away. "You look beautiful in this skirt and anything else that you want Okay. Never ever feel that way again." I said as I stood back up and fixed my self. Ma continued to look around for more things that she might like. She gave us her opinion on what she liked and what she didn't like and we went and bought them for her.

As we walked out the store we looked around to see what other kid friendly stores were around before I went shopping for myself and my mom.

*Cheryls mom P.O.V:*

I walked a little bit behind the two of them because I'm a bit older so I can't walk as fast. I looked at them with awe in my eyes. I've always waited for this moment when I can see Cheryl bond with a child. Even though she hasn't said it quite yet she loves this feeling and this little angel despite us not knowing her name. This was the perfect moment I continued to smile bright as I walked along.


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