Shocked 💛😩

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

"Uhm....Olivia..." I said as I slowly walked in her room.

"I'm really sorry. I feel bad." She said as she sat up and looked at me.

"No, baby girl. The thing made me very happy when you called me Mommy." I told her as I sat at the edge of the bed.

"I-...I did? You looked like you didn't like it..." she said as she moved to the edge of the bed and sat next to me.

"I know. You just caught me off guard...I've always wanted to be called Mommy. I had a baby once but things happened and I didn't get that opportunity to be a full Mother." I explained to her.

"Why is that?" She asked me as she wiped her face and looked up at me.

"Well, lets just say-....I don't know, baby girl. I really don't." I said in a sad voice.

" would be a very great Mommy. I mean, you're better than my Mommy..." she told me. I softly smiled. "I have something to tell you..." Olivia said to me.

"What's that?" I asked her and I turned towards her a little.

"Maybe I shouldn't feel this way but I'm not sure how to feel. I-...I do know that I wish that you were my Mommy." She said.

Once she said that it was like my heart filled with joy, but I tensed up all at once. "Baby it's okay to feel that way." I finally said.

"Can I stay here with you?" She asked me.

"Baby girl, you can stay here as long as you want." I told her. She smiled really big and gave me a hug. We've reached a new level and I was more than happy.

"Ca-...can you finish teaching me how to play?" She asked me as she leaned back and looked at me. I nodded my head and smiled at her. She giggled and stepped down from the bed.

"Come on." She said as she grabbed my hand and lead the way towards the piano.

Once she saw Ma- she said hi and continued on. Ma gave me a look because she knew that I had made it right. I felt proud of myself. I know that I would never want to hurt this little precious angel and Ma knew that I was best for her. The legal things are probably gonna get in the way and all I could think about is- what if her Mother wants her back? Or what if her Mother pleads innocent and she goes back to that hell hole? I know one thing for sure- I want Olivia to be happy and not under an abusive roof. I was gonna fight until Olivia had been put in an healthy household. Even if that meant being adopted by new parents- I'd rather that instead of her Mother and her abusive Boyfriend.

"I think that I got it." She said as she looked down at the piano. We've been down here for about an hour and a half and she's been pushing through it. I was getting hungry but I knew that she was happy about learning how to play the piano.

"Sounds good so far. Only one hand too." I told her as I smiled at her.

She missed a note.

"I-...I keep missing this one though." She said as she looked at me.

"Don't pressure yourself, baby girl. You'll get it." I told her as I watched her little fingers touch the keys.

She missed it again. I could see that she was starting to become even more frustrated.

"Here baby girl try it like this." I said as I lightly put my hand on top of hers and helped her moved across the keys making sure that she doesn't miss the note.

She smiled at me while I helped her with the note. I helped her with it a few more times and than allowed her to do it on her own. At first she was a little hesitant to do it but sure enough she got it.

"I got it!!" She said with a little smile on her face. As she looked up at me. I returned the smile and gave her a cute little hug which made me and her giggle. She rarely laughed so when I got to hear and watch her laugh it filled me with joy.

"Well how about we go out and get something to eat hm?" I said as I released her from my clutch.

"Okay. Is Mrs.Riley coming with us?" She asked as she looked back at ma who seemed to have a little tear rolling down her face. I immediately turned to my mother.

"Ma what's wrong?" I asked as I stood up from the piano trying not to alarm Olivia.

"Oh nothing baby you know how I am, just emotional that's all." She said as she wiped what seemed to be tears of joy.

"Are you sure?" I asked her as i raised one of my eyebrows at her. She shook her head yes one last time and nodded her head in agreement of going with us to get something to eat.

"Before we go anywhere... baby girl let's go and change the bandage on your rib grab us some shoes and my purse and we can be on our way." I said as I walked up the stairs so we could get ready to go.

When Ma, Olivia and I went out to dinner- her mood automatically changed. I could see that this eating thing was sometimes getting to her because of all of the cruel things that her Mother tried to install in her about the way she looked. I wanted to talk to her about this a little bit more and show her that it's okay and that she looks perfectly fine. I didn't want her to have this issue- one, she's too young to even be feeling this way about the way she looks. Two, she's not fat at all.

I looked at Ma and gave her a look. She noticed it too. We were back to this place again.

"So, baby girl. Your food looks really good." I told her as I started to eat my food. She slightly smiled and looked down at her plate.

"I-....I don't really think that I'm hungry anymore...." she said as she pushed the plate away a little.

"You sure? You haven't ate anything since early this morning." I told her. She started to look a little bit embarrassed and looked around at the people who were around us. She just shook her head at me.

I took a deep breath and reached for her hand. "Baby girl there's no need for you to are absolutely perfect. Everything about you. What your mother said was wrong but trust me Olivia there's nothing wrong with you." I said to her.

She was silent as she just switched looks between me and her plate. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey I promise you it's okay to eat, and enjoy yourself. You're smart and beautiful and nothing more or less." I continued on. She finally gave me a teeny smile and reached for her fork as I let go of her hand. I looked over at ma who was giving me a look of satisfaction with how I was handling all of Olivia's insecurities and issues with a gentle hand. I was proud of myself.

We continued to eat and exchange laughter and smiles as we ate. Every so often I would zone out and watch Olivia smile and laugh very little every so often. This child makes me so happy, and has become the light in my life I never knew I needed.

After we finished eating we decided to walk down the street to this cute little movie theater and see what was playing. Olivia was walking in the middle of ma and I holding my hand with the one good hand she had. Everything was going perfectly fine until Olivia just stopped walking. I was confused I looked over at her and she wasn't speaking or moving I got worried.

" girl what's wrong?" I asked her as I looked at her.  She was still silent her eyes flooded with tears, and she began to shake. I think she's having a panic attack.

"Olivia talk to me baby come on what's wrong?" I said as I started to grow concerned. We found a nearby bench and tried to sit down.

"I-...I just wanna go home... p-...please..." She stuttered still in tears. I didn't wanna question her but I still needed to know what was going on.

I noticed she was staring at something or someone in the distance. I tried to find what she was staring at. I finally looked my eyes on a man standing in front of a store.

" look at me." I managed to get out of my mouth. Nervous she rest assured finally looked at me.

" that your mothers boyfriend?" I asked suddenly my blood was on the verge of boiling over.


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