Hospital Moments ‼️

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

We've been at the hospital for about 2 hours. I was just pacing back and forth because they wanted to calm her down for a little bit before we could see her.

"Cheryl, calm down. Also, sit down. This is not your fault." Sabrina told me. I was crying and pacing at the same time.

"Yes, it is my fault. I-...I let her down. I always let people down....-....I let my husband down. I feel like I let my own baby down and now this. Did you see how she looked when we got her? She was so scared." I said as I wiped my face but I was historical at this point.

"Hey, Hey....stop it! You're the best thing in that baby's life! You didn't let her down. You did save her from all of this, right?" Sabrina said as she grabbed me and shook me a little. I needed that shake.

I nodded my head.

"Okay then, so- that means that you helped her. You saved her from all of her mother's foolishness." She told me. I nodded my head again.

"What did the police do to her Mom and the boyfriend?" I asked her.

"Well....that-....that's complicated. Although, don't worry about that right now. They-....nevermind. Just....let's worry about your baby right now." She told me.

"Excuse me, Cheryl?" A nurse said outloud.

I turned around quickly. "Yes!? It's me. I'm Cheryl." I said as I walked up towards the nurse.

"Olivia is ready to see visitors now. She just finished crying and she kinda...screamed a little bit but I had to explain to her that we needed to look at her rib. It's worse...." she explained to me.

"Did he-....touch her?" I asked.

"That's what she told us. Reportedly the other day. She wants to see you though and I feel as if she really loves you because the entire time she just kept saying "Where is Cheryl?" and so- she's in room 345." She told me.

"Thank you. I'll be back." I said as I turned to look at Arianna and Sabrina.

Once I reached the room, Olivia automatically reached out towards me with her one free hand. Her other arm was still in a cast.

"How are you feeling, baby girl?" I asked her as I gave her a soft hug.

"I don't want to be here." She said as she started to cry.

"No, baby. Don't cry- you've been crying too much already." I told her as I pulled a chair up and sat next to her bed.

"It hurts though." She said as she continued to cry. "You promised me...." she said as she shook her head and touched her side. "You let me go back."

"I know but I had no say, Olivia. She's your Mom and-..." I said but she cut me off.

"She isn't my Mom!" She said as she wiped her face and looked at me. "I don't have one because nobody wants me. Never have." She added. My heart broke at this moment.

"Don't say that. I want you. I do, baby girl. You can come home with me and-....and everything will be alright." I told her as tears started to dwell up in my eyes.

"Do you want to be my Mommy?" She asked me as she looked at me.

"Of course. How about this? Let's make a promise. I promise you that I will never let you go back with her ever again." I said as I put my pinky out.

She softly smiled and wrapped her pinky around mines.

"Okay." She said.

As we sealed our promise to each other we heard a knock on the door followed by two very familiar voices. It was my mother and my father.

"Hey Mrs.Riley. who is that?" Olivia said as looked over towards the two of them as they walked in the room.

"Hi Olivia. This is Mr. Riley my husband and Cheryl's father." Ma explained as she gently went in for a hug and gave Olivia a kiss on her forehead. As they did that I went over to give my dad a hug. It feels like forever since I last saw him and what can I say I'm a daddy's girl all the way.

Olivia slowly looked our way and waved at him. " he nice like you and mommy?" She asked ma as she looked at me and my dad. I began to smile and blush at hearing her call me mommy. I loved hearing it.

"Even nicer..." He said as he walked away from me and over towards ma and Olivia. Looking at them together made me so happy. The people I love the
most are sitting right here in my face.

Just as we were all settling in and trading conversations there was another knock on the door except this time it was Nancy. "Hey Olivia and Cheryl. I hoped I'd never see you too in here again." She said as she smiled at us.

"We can talk outside. I'll be right outside baby girl." I said as Nancy and I stepped outside so we could talk. I know she's gonna wanna know how all of this could've even happened.

"Alright, Cheryl. Explain to me why this little girl is back. Do you know what I had to do in order for you to even take her home with you? This looks bad on me. Please, explain." She said as she looked at me with an upset facial expression.

"Well, See- I cant really fully explain it. Some things I couldn't over come because of her Mom. However, you didn't make a bad decision because I take good care of that baby. I went beyond my power and she had to go back home." I said as I tried my best to explain it all to her.

"Okay. I understand that. I read her log and I know what happened this time- they told it all. Once she starts feeling better, I have a solution. Children Counseling. You and I both know that she needs it- all that she's been through. Therefore, we need to take some actions. Now that I know for sure that this has happened while she was over her Mothers house, we can now take some serious actions. I see that you and Sabrina have hooked up- I've known her for a while. I can hook up with her and we can get everything that we need in order to get this child to stay with you. If...that's what you want?"

"Of course that's what I want. I-...I'll take her. I'd gladly take her." I said in a sure voice. "Nothing would make me happier."


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