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Cheryl's P.O.V:

Olivia just sat there trying to dry her eyes. She looked over towards me signaling she didn't like this.

"Let's talk about what makes you happy about feeling loved with your new mommy. Ms. Mary suggested trying to shift the atmosphere.

Olivia glanced over at me once more and smiled a soft gentle smile. "It's been okay. Everything with her and her family is new to me. But they deal and bare with me trying to adjust."

"Do you ever feel uncomfortable around them or unhappy."

"No-...not really I'm just scared all the time I guess and it makes her frustrated."

Frustrated? I never told her or expressed being frustrated... have I? Because I'm not...

She could feel that me being there was starting to bother Olivia she was resistant to open up.

"Uhm baby girl... I'm gonna go talk to Mr. Mike real fast okay I'll be right outside the door it's okay babe."

"How is she doing?" Mike asked me once I came out.

I sighed. "...uhm, well- she cried..." I said as I sat next to him. "I kinda already knew that it would happen. She's very sensitive." I added.

"Yeah, but what were you guys talking about?" He asked me.

"Well, we talked about how she felt about me and she said that sometimes she makes me frustrated. I think that the reason she said that was because the other night I was kinda sleepy when she told me about there being something under her bed. Maybe I did come off as being frustrated but I never want her to feel like that...at all." I told him.

"Ohh, I see. Well, why did you leave out?" He then asked me.

"I felt like I should have. I didn't want her to hold back what she wanted to say just because I'm sitting there, you know what I mean? This is supposed to be helping her."

"You're right." He said as he touched my leg. "She's gonna be okay, Cheryl. She's got you, me and her parents. However, I feel like when school starts- she's gonna need us even more than she does now." He told me.

"Yeah. I hope that she can adjust well enough because it took her a while to adjust with me. Her being around new children would probably make her nervous."

After about 30 minutes, Olivia and Mary finally came out together. I could see that she was crying after I had left out of there. I guess they talked about something sensitive again. Olivia came over towards me and gave me a hug.

"Cheryl, can I-...talk to you for a moment?" Mary asked me.

"Uh, sure." I said as I broke the hug with Olivia.

"Mike...can you watch her while I..?" I asked as I stood up.

"Yeah." He said as he watched Olivia sit down next to him. She wasn't looking too happy.


"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Olivia said some...really, really sad things. I mean, most of the pain is caused by her moms boyfriend. Then, her Mom adding the verbal abuse didn't help anything at all. I'm trying my best to think of some things that her and I could talk about. I want to get her to that moment in time of where she's finally comfortable with telling me everything."

"Wait...you feel like she's not telling you everything?"

"Yes. It's something that neither you nor myself know about. She's hiding something Cheryl and I'm afraid that it's something that's even more crucial than what's already happened to her. She just doesn't wanna open up about it. I know how to read body languages and I also know when a person is lying. She didn't wanna tell me but I know that it's something because every time I bring something up that has to do with her Mother....she doesn't wanna cooperate." She said to me as she then looked away.

"Well, how can we figure it out?" I asked as I started to worry.

"I got this. Don't worry." She said as she then touched my shoulder. I nodded my head.

I wonder what it is or even if it is anything? She is a professional and she's worked with so many kids whom have been in rough situations. Why won't Olivia tell us? This is making me even more scared because I didn't think that it could get any worse than it already has been.

*On the ride home*

I kept looking in the backseat through the rearview mirror. She was just staring off out the window trying to wipe her tears away. This broke my heart, I needed to know what she was hiding. But that would have to wait. I need her to get over this very emotion experience she had just endured.

Once I pulled into my drive way I saw that Mike's car was here. He really cares for Olivia and I guess that's sort of relieving to know he's taking this seriously.

"Okay baby girl we're home." I said as Olivia got out of the car and started to walk toward the house.

As I was getting out of the car I could see out of the corner of my eye someone walking toward my car. It looked like Norah.

"Hey Cheryl." She said as she stopped me.

"Hey Norah how are you?" I asked very uninterested in this conversation.

"I'm good I'm good. I haven't seen you too much lately how's everything?"

"Oh I've been busy that's all but everything's well too blessed to be stressed you know."

"Oh well that's good. But who are those two sitting on your steps?" She asked as she motion toward Mike and Olivia.

I guess Mike thought that was his invitation to join us which it wasn't, but he walked over and tried to introduce himself.

"Babe who's this?" He asked me. Hold up now I know this nigga didn't just try me and call me babe. I'll handle him in private.

"This is my neighbor Norah. Norah this is..." I was about to say friend but Mike quickly intervened.

"Her husband Mike pleasure to meet you." HUSBAND?! OH HELL NO NOW I KNOW HE BUGGIN.


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