Despite ✨

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

"Cheers girls!" I laughed out as Sabrina Adrianna and I toasted to this much needed day out. If  they knew how to do one thing it's cheering me up.

"Girl see I told you this is what you needed. Tomorrow first thing we're going in that office and I'm gonna help you get your baby girl back." Sabrina said as she smiled at me. I shook my head okay, and continued to listen to Arianna talk about my Two god babies. Suddenly my phone began to ring. It was an unknown number.

"Hello this is Cheryl," I said as I answered and held my finger up toward the girls to signal I was on the phone.

"Mommy... Ch-...Cheryl " I heard a familiar voice say. I knew it was Olivia. You should've seen the rush of worry across my face.

"Olivia?!" I quickly said. I then remembered I gave her that phone so she could call me.

"I wanna go back home with you." she cried. "Mommy beat me yesterday once we got home, and her boyfriend he-... it hurt a lot. My rib hurts more now." she continued. I could feel my heart breaking and my blood boiling.

"They what!?" I asked before I realized I was beginning to shout. I calmed myself and continued to talk to her. "Okay baby girl calm down it's alright. Just tell me the address and I'm coming to get you." I said as I stood up and got my stuff together.

"I-... I don't know it. I'm sorry." she continued to cry. This baby was terrified and I was her only way out.

"Don't be sorry baby it's okay it's not your fault alright. I'm on my way right now you just stay calm, and I'll be there soon." I tried to reassure her. She said okay, and hung up. I was between feelings. I didn't know if I wanted to break down again or beat her mother's ass. All my feelings aside I'm going to get my baby.

"Cheryl... what's going on?" Sabrina asked me as she watched me put my coat on.

"Sabrina I need you to tell me her mother's address, and call the police and tell them to meet us there." I continued as I put my money on the table to pay my part of the bill, and motioned for them to let's go.

"Cheryl by law you know I can't give you this woman's addr-..." She began to say but I cut her off.

"Sabrina I do not give a fuck about anyone's laws right now okay. You and those damn laws are the reason she even had to go back with them. Now either you tell me the address, or I'll make some calls myself and get it. Now let's go." I demanded as I made my way to the car. After that statement Sabrina didn't question me she did as I asked and Arianna just followed behind us.

"Hello? Hey, Marcus listen I need you to go to my office and look up an address for me. I need you to find Marla Heathers it should be in my recent. 9536 Beaver Ridge St. Brooklyn NY? No can you call the police and have them meet us there thanks. Bye" Sabrina said as she finished up her conversation and repeated the address to me again. I took off. Fire in my eyes my mind was on one thing and one thing only. My baby girl.

We pulled up in front of the house, and I wasted no time in popping those heels off, getting out of this car and running to that door. Behind me, I could hear Sabrina and Arianna telling me to calm down and wait for the cops. Na I 'm not waiting on nobody for anything. I got to the door, and it was locked, and I could hear music, and what sounded like someone crying.

I banged on the door a couple times, but no one answered. I grew impatient, something must've came over me because before I knew it I was kicking the door until I broke the lock and it opened. Next thing I knew Marla came running from the back.

"This bitch again. What are you doing in my house? How in the hell did you even know where I live?" she said as she stepped towards me.

"You got three seconds to back the hell up off me. You sorry excuse for a mother, now where's Olivia?" I shouted at her as I pushed past her and walked to the back where I heard crying.

"Get the fuck out of my house. She is my child not yours now go!" she said as she tried to grab ahold of me.

"Bitch so help me I will break both your arms if you do not let me go so I can go get my child, because you giving birth to her doesn't make you her mother," I said as I snatched away from her and went into the room Olivia was in. she followed closely behind me.

I stood at the door and saw that Olivia was crying with her legs up to her face. Man, this was like deja vu all over again. This sight broke my heart but I couldn't let that show. I slowly walked over towards her trying not to alarm her. "Don't you take another step towards my child bitch and I mean it," Marla screamed at me.

"Cheryl? Where are you?" I could hear Arianna and Sabrina calling me. When she heard them say my name she slowly looked up at me, and I could see she'd been crying since yesterday.

"In here. She's hurt." I responded as I continued to walk towards Olivia who was now looking up at me as I walked towards her.

"Ch-... Cheryl?" Olivia asked. She looked and sounded so tired.

"Yea baby it's me. We're going home now okay mommy's here." I said as I lifted Olivia up off the floor. She winced in pain and I apologized and reassured her that this will never happen to her again.

"Put my child down now!" Marla yelled as she tried to take her from me.

"Get the fuck back, I'm taking her home with me where she belongs, whether you like it or not," I responded as Olivia buried her head in me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Cheryl don't. Look you got her now let's go the police will take care of her once the get here alright." Sabrina said as I saw her standing at the door.

"Sabrina you're going to let this bitch take my child out of my house," Marla yelled as she looked over at her.

"Don't you dare. It was a mistake to even let you take her back in the first place, but you'll never see her again after this I promise you that." Sabrina said as we heard the sirens outside.

"Come on baby we're going to take you to the doctor and then we're gonna go home okay," I said as I walked out to the car, and got in the backseat with Olivia, and waited for Sabrina to come back out of the house so we could go to the hospital.

"Arianna can you please go see what's taking her so long I would like to take her to the hospital as soon as possible. She's in pain." I said as I looked at Olivia who looked to be slowly falling asleep.

Arianna got out and went to get Sabrina so we could go. A few minutes later they both came back out so we could go to the hospital. Man, I hated seeing her go through this but the worst of it is over- I hope...


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