It Has To Be Done

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

"Okay, baby girl. What color would you like?" I asked Olivia as she looked at the colors.

"Uhmm, this one? Maybe?" She said as she picked up a light shade of purple. She loves purple a lot, I guess.

"Pretty." I said as I smiled at her. While she and I were getting our nails done, I felt as if right now wouldn't be the best time to bring up her Mom
. I'll tell her after we get back home from getting our nails done. As of right now, I wanted her to enjoy herself and have fun.

Afterwards, we made our way to the car and I felt like- now would be a good time to explain what was about to go down.

"You buckled up, baby girl?" I asked her as I looked back at her. She nodded her head.

"Alright. Let's go. Also, I need to talk to you about something. You might not like it but it has to be done, alright?" I told her.

"What is it?" She asked in a cute and sweet voice.

"Well, your Mommy is gonna meet us somewhere and we are all gonna sit down and talk. She wants to see you." I told her. The car automatically became silent and when I looked in the rearview mirror- I saw that she had tears forming in her eyes.

"Olivia..." I said as I waited for her to finally say something.

" told me that you would never let them take me back. Why would you do this? She's gonna-....want to take me." She said as she wiped her face.

"No, no- I'm not going to let her take you." I told her. I hated when she cried because it always made me feel bad.

"Yes you are. Nobody ever keeps their word with me." She said as she started to cry even more.

"Olivia, I won't. I promise you, baby. Okay? She's just gonna come and talk to you. That's all. I'm keeping my word because one thing about me is- I'll never hurt you, baby girl. I want you to feel comfortable and happy, you got that?" I reassured her. She became silent and I could see on her face that she was very upset about her mom coming.

My heart was beginning to sink. I felt terrible that this was what I do to this but if I wanna keep my babygirl this has to be done.

As we got to the house Sabrina finally called me with the location. Before I answered I looked in the backseat and saw Olivia had stopped crying but she was still upset. Her eyes were puffy and it looked as if she'd just stopped crying.

"Hey Sabrina." I said as I answered the phone. You could hear it in my voice that this was sickening me

"Don't sound like that Cheryl you know that if this wasn't absolutely necessary." She said to me.

"Yea-...yea I know Sabrina. What's she saying?" I asked her as I sighed and continued to look at Olivia who had the worst expression of sadness on her face.

"She agreed that we could meet at a restaurant, and too not bring the boyfriend. I'll text you the address we meet in an hour." She continued on.

I just sighed and agreed, "Yea-... yea what ever I'll see you in an hour."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I wanted to explain it to Olivia but she didn't wanna hear it. She felt as if I'd let her down and I couldn't stand knowing that's how she felt.

I waited for Sabrina to text me the location of this little meet up and we were on our way.

Once we arrived I grabbed Olivia by the hand and knelt down to her.

"Babygirl look at me. I don't like this anymore than you do... but we have to do this I won't let you go.. I'll hold your hand through the entire thing okay." I said to her. She was still silent. I took a deep breath and walked in...


STAR/VOTE 💕 ^ My sis doesn't even give me a choice. How nice 🙃😂 "Okay? Okay." 😑

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