Watch Me!

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

Once I made it to the door, I asked who it was and the answer is what made my heart drop.

I opened the door and just looked at him. Mike.

"Why are you here?" I asked him. He looked at me and walked inside- he looked around and nodded his head.

"I heard." He said as he stopped walking and looked at me.

"You heard what? Also, I didn't invite you in." I said as I stood at the door with it still being wide open.

Just seeing him brought up so many bad memories...heartbreaking memories.

"I heard that you have a child." He added.

"Yes, I do." I confirmed to him.

"I want to help you raise her." He told me as he looked me in my eyes.

"Raise her? Mike, how are you just gonna come back and-..." I said but he cut me off and I suddenly became silent.

"This is our chance, that's why. I know that we are divorced and-...just, I know that. We just never had a chance with a child and I want that chance. No, I'm not saying that I want to get back with you but-....I lost a child too. It wasn't just you." He told me as his eyes started to dwell up with tears.

He's right. He did, as well as I. Why did he have to bring it up because now I was close to crying. I dislike it when my past comes back up and no matter how hard I try to push my lost to the always comes back up. Olivia filled that part of me but I'm still hurt when I think about it. Only because it was apart of me...

"I want to fill in that broken part of my life too. Your Mom told me about her and how you found her. I-...maybe I could help you. Maybe this sounds crazy but....I'm not healed from it and-...I wish that....." he said as he started to cry.

I just stood there I didn't know what to say to him while he was crying. I felt his pain but I really didn't care.

"Cheryl-.... I-... I know I fucked up with you and I'm sorry I really am... but it's not like only you lost someone that was my child too-... my daughter...." the minute he said that I began to cry.

It was true that we both had lost a huge part of us that day but he left, and he hurt me I'll be damned if I let him hurt my daughter.

"Mike plea-..." before I could finish what I wanted to say I heard Olivia's little footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Mommy?" I heard her quiet little voice say as she stood by the stairs.

"Is-... is that her?" Mike asked as he wiped away a few of his tears.

"Mommy who is that? He-...You're the man-.... from the picture in my mommy's room?" She said as she walked over towards me and grabbed my hand. I tried to hide my face and wipe away my tears so she couldn't see I had been crying.

Mike started to walk towards us, and sh was confused. "Hey cutie I'm Mike you-..." He was going to say dad I know it but I stopped him.

"Olivia baby go and get yourself a snack and go watch tv I'll be right there can you do that for me?" I said as I sniffled let her hand go and wiped my tears away.

"Mommy are you crying? What's wrong? IS IT ME?" She asked I could see the worry run across her face.

"No no baby not at all just go mommy will be right there." I said as I forced a smile on my face.

She hesitantly walked away. I watched her walk away before I turned my attention back to Mike whom I was now standing face to face with.

"She's beautiful. How old is she?" He asked as he wiped away the last of his tears and grabbed ahold of my hands.

I quickly snatched away from him. "No Mike no we are not doing this. And I'll be damned if I let you into my child's life." I walked to the front door.

"You can't raise a child without a father Cheryl, you know that and I do." Mike responded. I took a lot of offense when he said that.

"Oh yea? you think so huh... WATCH ME. Now goodbye Mike." I said as I slammed the door shut and walked away. If he thinks I need him? He's got another thing coming....

After I got myself together and made sure that I had wiped my face a little more, I made my way into the living room to check on Olivia.

"Hey, Mommy." She said as she looked over at me and smiled. "You okay?" She asked me in a sweet voice as she then frowned a little bit.

"Of course- I'm just fine. What are you watching?" I asked her as I sat down next to her on the couch.

She shrugged her shoulders and played with her butterfly necklace as she watched TV.

"How about this? Let's go see Grandma?" I said as I stood back up and put my hand out for her to grab. She smiled and took my hand.

"Let's go." I then said as we started to walk out of the living room.


"How would you like...hmm, to make some cookies with me and Mommy?" Ma asked Olivia. Olivia's face lit up and she smiled really big as she then nodded her head 'yes'.

"Alright, Let's wash our hands first. Always remember to do that, baby girl. My Mom Knows how to make the absolute best homemade chocolate chip cookies- im sure you'll like them." I said as I kissed Olivia on her forehead.

"Can you teach me?" Olivia said as started to get excited.

"Of course." Ma said as she then helped Olivia wash her hands.

After she washed her hands, Ma and I washed ours and then we started to get the ingredients out.

"So, we will need some sugar, dough, chocolate chips and-....maybe this will help you become I don't want you to get dirty." Ma said as she stopped talking and ran over to grab something.

"Here you are Olivia, here you are Cheryl and here I go." Ma said as she gave us all aprons to wear.

"Mines is too big." Olivia said as she looked at it.

"Here, let me help you. We can just wrap it around you a little bit more." I said as I tied it and then wrapped it once more around her waist. "Kinda long but...we can get you one that's your size later on." I said as I smiled at her.


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